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England v Australia - 5th Test (THE DECIDER!)


What a joke.

The Pommies carry on about how good this series is for cricket and blah blah, yet a real good cricket match is being spoilt by the wankers now by not playing.

Great for England, but bad for cricket in general.

ESL - Wire

Timbo said:
What a bunch of gutless cats would rather let the weather win the series for them than do it themselves.

Even Geoffry bloody Boycott is saying that they've taken the soft option.

Hang about the bloody weather saved the Sheila's from the 3rd test, so don't start all this sh*t about soft option crap. End of the day, the Aussie came to the UK bragging about winning the series 5-0 and because things haven't gone there way, they don't like it.

Fairleigh Good!

It has been Australia refusing to play in poor light during this test, when they already knew they needed to score massively and quickly to stand a chance of winning.

After seeing Australia walk when offered the light in their first innings, can you really see a professional batting side wanting to bat in bad light in a game they can afford to draw? Its not going to happen. If the boot were on the other foot, the Australian players would have come out with torches and lanterns.

There is plenty of time tomorrow for Australia to win this. If you keep England shy of 60 overs and have less than 200 to chase, its there.

Plus, there is certainly going to be no rain tomorrow as there is none anywhere near London on the weather scans. You have the chance to do it, the onus is on Australia to bowl England out within enough time to get the required chase in.

And should the unthinkable happen tomorrow, I don't want to read Australian fans on here crying about the weather and the light. If we bat through tomorrow, you lose fair and square. Should Warne, sorry Australia, manage it tomorrow, it will be a fine effort.


Staff member
I wouldn't blame the English for walking off. Its those stupid umpires fault for offering light. We had 2 spinners going at no faster than 90km/h. If you are "harmed" by that you shouldn't be playing test cricket.

Anyway Aus have the miracle workers in McGrath and Warne so they still may yet pull something out of the hat. Aus on this very wicket collasped so it is possible although our middle order is so shakey its not funny.

Tommy Smith

What a bunch of idiots for accusing England of taking the 'soft option'. And you dont think Australia would take this 'soft option' if the situations were reversed? LOL

Just look back to the Aus-Windies ODI at the Gabba when the Windies were set to win and Martyn cried none stop to the umpire about the rain. In the end it worked as Australia's soft choice earned them a draw. They should have played on! In the spirit of the game!

I can understand how this would be so frustrating for you all. But that's cricket. Australia wasted 37 overs the other night and that wasnt the umpires fault.

Bottom line is, situations reversed you'd all be so happy. If England do go on to win the Ashes (still a way off) maybe the questions will be asked on why Australia didnt feel the need to have proper lead up games, why they were saying theyd win 5 nil, why they have no specialist coaches and why the selectors have persisted with certain players and not used MacGill.




I love Aussies. In fact, I've never met an Aussie I haven't liked.

That makes it more surprising for me that there has been so much whinging and schimpfing on here about the weather, umpire decisions, substitute fielders, injuries to McGrath (but not Jones) etc. My apologies to all genuine Aussies, whom I continue to love to bits.


First Grade
This is kinda funny.

The aussies normally get the dodgy calls go their way, and "thats just cricket", the roles are reversed and all of a sudden there is outrage.

The Aussies are entitled to stand their ground unless given out when they get a faint edge, but when England does it, they are "dogs" I think someone called them, or something along those lines.

As for the light thing, good on England for using it. Australia and Ponting in the same situation would have done the same thing.
To blame england for leaving the feild is rediculous. Any Cricket side in this position, of any era would do the same. Imagine if vaughan elected to stay on the feild and England got rolled last night when they could have been off the feild. The whole of England would be fuming.

The question has to be asked of the integrity and knowledge of the umpires.

Why on earth Rudy Keurtson couldn't say what the light reading was is rediculous, and puts him in a position where some may now suspect him of match fixing. (I don't think he is involved in this but he has left himself open to speculation).

The rules certainly need to be reviewed for light after this series.


First Grade
waltzing Meninga said:
To blame england for leaving the feild is rediculous. Any Cricket side in this position, of any era would do the same. Imagine if vaughan elected to stay on the feild and England got rolled last night when they could have been off the feild. The whole of England would be fuming.

The question has to be asked of the integrity and knowledge of the umpires.

Why on earth Rudy Keurtson couldn't say what the light reading was is rediculous, and puts him in a position where some may now suspect him of match fixing. (I don't think he is involved in this but he has left himself open to speculation).

The rules certainly need to be reviewed for light after this series.

The rules are fine, it's all about player safety.


waltzing Meninga said:
To blame england for leaving the feild is rediculous. Any Cricket side in this position, of any era would do the same. Imagine if vaughan elected to stay on the feild and England got rolled last night when they could have been off the feild. The whole of England would be fuming.

The question has to be asked of the integrity and knowledge of the umpires.

Why on earth Rudy Keurtson couldn't say what the light reading was is rediculous, and puts him in a position where some may now suspect him of match fixing. (I don't think he is involved in this but he has left himself open to speculation).

The rules certainly need to be reviewed for light after this series.
If we question the integrity of the umpires then we might as well all pack up, go home and forget all about cricket. We might as well play ping-pong or follow synchronised-swimming. Alternatively, shall we say that all the officials are bent? Do Aussies really believe this?


First Grade
El Diablo said:
there's no risk to safety when two spinners are on

the umps are crook

What about the fielders safety?

As I said in another topic. If the batters don't stand a chance of seeing the ball against pace being bowled from the other end of the wicket, then how the hell is a fielder only a few metres from the bat going to stand a chance if the batter lets rip?

What happens if a bad ball is bowled, the batter lets rip sends it straight back at the bowler who cops it in the head because he couldn't see the ball, or the close in fielder gets it in the chest at pace taking him out of the game?


First Grade
El Diablo said:

The Aussies seemed real concerned for their safety.

Umps f**ked up

Well many people don't seem concerned for their own safety when playing sport and going for the win, doesn't mean the officials shouldn't.

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