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Ennis the menace

1 Eyed TEZZA

This whole Ennis thing has been blown out of proportion.

Sterlo needs to STFU and stop being such a sook.

Either come out and tell the world what was said that was so bad or STFU.

How the f**k did Sterlo sook? Idiot

For those wondering, this is Sterlo's article if it hasnt been posted already.
I like Michael Ennis and rate him very highly as a rugby league player. On the few occasions I have been in his company I have found him to be intelligent, articulate and a deep thinker about the game.

That is why I was dismayed and disappointed with his reported comments following his run-in with Parramatta's Nathan Hindmarsh over the weekend.

After being labelled as "a grub" by the respected Eels veteran, Ennis put his own perspective on the unsavoury assessment by claiming it was "a light spray" and that he'd "been called worse at home".

I'm sure this was an attempt to lighten the situation but I don't believe a mention of the home front was a great way to try and get his point across. I would imagine that his lovely wife would also have every right to believe that it did not paint the most flattering of pictures.

While Hindmarsh maintained a dignified silence on what was the catalyst to the blow-up, Michael erased any doubt that there had in fact had been sledging involved.

I fully understand the use of gamesmanship and the desire to gain an advantage over an opponent by using whatever means necessary. Often that edge may come through the non-physical.

But to what point?

In my opinion, to the point of where certain lines are never crossed.

First and foremost family is completely off-limits. This is followed by race and religion.

I've always believed that questioning an opponent's toughness is even a poorer avenue to explore because every player knows the necessary courage that is involved in crossing the sideline to do battle in the first place.

Funnily enough (excuse the pun) but I've also found that it is actually humour that has provided the most successful approach in really getting under an opponent's skin.

Steve Walters castigating Benny Elias to hurry up to the scrum being set because he had a Test match to get ready for the next weekend is still a classic. A cutting, incisive and clever barb to which Benny could never have come up with a satisfactory response.

Now I have no idea what transpired verbally between Ennis and Hindmarsh last Friday night and to be honest I don't really want to know. I'd prefer to give the benefit of the doubt to all concerned.

I also fully understand the win at all cost mentality and understand where legendary Liverpool F.C. manager Bill Shankly was coming from, when he said "some people think football is a matter of life and death. I assure you it's much more serious than that".

But, again, to what point? In my opinion, to the point to where respect and dignity go out the window.

Michael Ennis should care, deeply care, what Nathan Hindmarsh thinks of him because when he leaves the game that will be his greatest reward and legacy.

It will never be how many Tests or Origins were played or how many Premiership rings have been won because a victory is no victory at all without honour, and that honour comes from the respect of your peers.

They are the harshest markers and therefore the best judges of opponents. They are the people who see the influences, effects and nuances in the unforgiving arena of competition that are missed by the masses.

It is no lie when players say that the most rewarding awards to receive are those voted upon by their fellow professionals.

By implying that he really didn't give two hoots to what Hindmarsh had to say, that he "was entitled to his opinion" and could "say whatever he likes," was not a good reflection on the Canterbury hooker. With the standing that Nathan holds in the game and the way he has carried himself, it seems to me there is also an implication that Michael also wouldn't care what a Darren Lockyer or a Petero Civinoceva would think of him, and that would be a real shame.

Now we, of course, would not be having this conversation if the Parramatta skipper had not turned around and reacted the way that he did, so there must be a burden of blame which he has to carry.

This is something that he acknowledged at the post-match press conference, where he expressed his disappointment at his own shortcoming in allowing himself to succumb to being niggled.

There are times that the hardest thing to do is turn the other cheek, but for the good of the team it is something that just has to be done. As the Eels leader it was particularly important that Nathan put himself above such distraction and the fact that he was unable to do so proved costly both personally and for his teammates.

Let's hope it was a lesson well learnt by all.

As I said, I like Michal Ennis and rate him very highly as a player. However after the weekend I hope that he does what we all need to do at various times, and that is have a good look at where he wants to go and how he is going about getting there.


1 Eyed TEZZA

If anything, Hindmarsh admitted the way he re-acted was wrong, Ennis has tried to justify his grubby behaviour. "I get worse at home". Thats just awesome Michael.


This whole Ennis thing has been blown out of proportion.

Yeah but that is entirely brought about from him having a well deserved reputation of being a grub.

I have no problem with Ennis sledging. I used to love Darren Senter for doing the same thing.

I do have a problem with Ennis getting recognised as a good player and 'built for Origin' due to the above, when he's basically Darren Senter mk II.


Ennis was labelled a grub in 08 and prior when taking a dive was part of his game. He has not been that player since coming to the Dogs.

Sledging is not grubby unless you cross the line - family, racial, religion, etc

Peter Sterling is deflecting the spotlight off Hayne who is known to be a grub for headbutt's, sliding in with the knee's and also Hindmarsh who clearly over reacted.


First Grade
Hindmarsh wouldn't have reacted if it didn't cross the line. That was Sterlo's whole point.
So yeah, he's a grub.


Basically, the only thing anyone can be sure of is that Pedge1971 is some sort of fool for managing to miss Paul Gallen in his team of grubs.


I love how the Doggies fans always bring up Farah v Ennis and always get owned by undeniable facts.

Face it chumps, your hooker sucks. Ennis is a mid rate hooker with the likes of Ballin, Heremaia and Johnny Morris.

Please dont insult Ballin by naming him with them hacks.


If anything, Hindmarsh admitted the way he re-acted was wrong, Ennis has tried to justify his grubby behaviour. "I get worse at home". Thats just awesome Michael.

Your wrong , Ennis said he gets called worse at home when he was told Hindmarsh called him a grub.

Hindmarsh also stated in the press conference nothing was said . If something was said he should come out and say it.

Joe's Magpies

That sort of stuff is just garbage - Souths great Sattler rubbishes Ennis sledging as sign of weakness

Greg Prichard

April 21, 2011

Marching orders . . . Parramatta captain Nathan Hindmarsh is sent off last Friday night as Mick Ennis looks on. Photo: Getty Images

Legendary hard man John Sattler has entered the debate over sledging in the modern game and declared that any player who uses the tactic is showing signs of weakness.
''It has always gone on in the game,'' the former South Sydney captain of the late 1960s and early '70s, said yesterday.
''When I was playing, if someone mouthed off we either told them where to go or ignored it. That sort of stuff is just garbage, really. It's not even worth acknowledging.''
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Sledging, and whether it is fair or foul, has been a hot topic since Canterbury hooker Michael Ennis, a noted niggler, managed to get under Parramatta second-rower Nathan Hindmarsh's skin with something he said during last Friday's game at ANZ Stadium. Hindmarsh turned and started throwing punches at Ennis, and both players were sin-binned.
After the match, Hindmarsh described Ennis as a ''grub'', adding: ''He got under my skin and I retaliated, which I shouldn't have. He's a niggler and he got under my skin. He's good at what he does, put it that way. I'm disappointed that I lost my cool.''
According to sources at the Bulldogs on the night, Ennis had said to Hindmarsh: ''You've been wanting to have a crack for years. If you want to throw one, throw one.'' Hindmarsh refused to confirm or deny what was said, while Ennis suggested it wasn't very dramatic. ''There was nothing in it,'' Ennis said. ''My wife will be sitting at home laughing. That's a light spray.''
Both players have preferred to move on this week, but Sattler said that didn't excuse Ennis.
''I just think that mouthing off should be treated with the contempt it deserves,'' he said. ''I think that if you do it, then you've got problems. If you resort to that, it means you're struggling. I thought it showed signs of weakness when I was playing, and I think it does now as well.
''Hindmarsh was frustrated. He let things get to him, but I reckon it's the way Parramatta are playing that would have made him frustrated, more than anything.''
The incident has also drawn comment from another, more recent, legend of the game in former Parramatta halfback Peter Sterling, who wrote in his column on the NRL.com website yesterday that, while he liked Ennis as a person and rated him highly as a player, he was ''dismayed and disappointed'' with his post-match comments.
''After being labelled 'a grub' by the respected Eels veteran, Ennis put his own perspective on the unsavoury assessment by claiming it was 'a light spray' and that he'd 'been called worse at home','' Sterling wrote.
''I'm sure this was an attempt to lighten the situation, but I don't believe a mention of the home front was a great way to try and get his point across.
''I would imagine that his lovely wife would also have every right to believe that it did not paint the most flattering of pictures.''
Sterling said players were most remembered for how they carried themselves as players, and how much they were respected by their colleagues.
''By implying that he really didn't give two hoots to what Hindmarsh had to say, that he [Hindmarsh] 'was entitled to his opinion' and could 'say whatever he likes', was not a good reflection on the Canterbury hooker,'' Sterling wrote.
''With the standing that Nathan holds in the game and the way he has carried himself, it seems to me there is also an implication that Michael also wouldn't care what a Darren Lockyer or a Petero Civoniceva would think of him, and that would be a real shame.
''Now we, of course, would not be having this conversation if the Parramatta skipper had not turned around and reacted the way that he did, so there must be a burden of blame which he has to carry. Let's hope it was a lesson well learnt by all.''

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/rugby-league/...of-weakness-20110420-1doy0.html#ixzz1K6L9dhDU


If Hindmarsh or any other player has had enough of the grubs mouth and wants to punch seven shades of shit out of him I heartily support them in this endeavour.

Still waiting for the grub to get flogged. And no having that twit Sandow throw a weak punch doesn't count, you'd almost want to see them knock each other out.

Parra Guru

Well Ennis has well and truly trumped Sterlo for a character witness...


FOR a player who is supposedly disliked by his peers, Michael Ennis received a lot of support from NRL types following his run-in with Nathan Hindmarsh.
Labelled a grub for provoking Hindmarsh to throw a couple, Ennis won over two players with his antics, including Titans enforcer Greg Bird. After the spicy encounter, Bird spoke glowingly of Ennis, saying he loves playing with the hooker because he is such a competitor.
He said Ennis was the type of player every team needed.
We agree and still can't work out why the No. 9 copped 10 in the bin for mouthing off at Hindmarsh. Since when was sledging a crime?


Well Ennis has well and truly trumped Sterlo for a character witness...


FOR a player who is supposedly disliked by his peers, Michael Ennis received a lot of support from NRL types following his run-in with Nathan Hindmarsh.
Labelled a grub for provoking Hindmarsh to throw a couple, Ennis won over two players with his antics, including Titans enforcer Greg Bird. After the spicy encounter, Bird spoke glowingly of Ennis, saying he loves playing with the hooker because he is such a competitor.
He said Ennis was the type of player every team needed.
We agree and still can't work out why the No. 9 copped 10 in the bin for mouthing off at Hindmarsh. Since when was sledging a crime?

Haha, Greg Bird.

If sledging was a crime and this was informt of Court of Law Greg Bird would be the last person on earth called for a character reference.

Greg Bird......Pffft.


First Grade
I cant believe this is still being spoken about and every tom, dick and harry wants to come out and have a say, pretty sad really.

Parra Guru

There's not been anything said by the 2 clubs since the press conference. but most of what has been said since has been in support of Hindmarsh.