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new board led by the plumber has taken us all for a ride, they promised the world but have been a total fraud. Sack the board!!!

I bleed blue & gold

First Grade
new board led by the plumber has taken us all for a ride, they promised the world but have been a total fraud. Sack the board!!!



Ok I'm confused. All the instability the club has experienced as you have mentioned such as the merry-go-round of coaches, CEO's etc has been under 3P's watch. Now our CEO (which 3P appointed) is himself fed up with the way the club had been operating and went to the extraordinary step of writing a letter to members expressing this. Like you, the members were fed up with the rank amateurism of the former administration so they voted accordingly at the last Leagues Club election.
Bottom line: The new Board, together with our CEO are want what your petition asks for. They want the club to move forward. Read Ken's recent email which outlines all this.
Conversely we have members of the former Board playing games in the media and manoeuvring Board positions just to get a certain person back on the Board.
If you can't see the difference between these two 'sides' then I think that's the problem.
If you want the club to unify, get behind the bloke whose job it is to run our Club. Support our CEO Ken Edwards.


I don't remember crying foul. If I did please point to where I did.
And by the way, like Sharp and co I have never wavered in my support for Ken Edwards and Ricky Stuart. But it seems that the previous Board now have an issue with the very CEO they appointed according to the Massoud article. There's only one group being devisive currently it would seem.
Anyhoo regardless of your view of the Board it is only fair that all members (including Directors) support our CEO and Head Coach and let them get on with their job. The new Board is very much on record as doing just that. I hope the former Board do likewise.

Oops again

True they are 0-4. Serraos kicking game really isn't what it should be and Sharpie isn't making those yards up the middle. Seriously?
Off field dramas generated by Massoud and Procenko in the Telegraph? They're the only dramas I've seen but as we've also learnt Ken Edwards has quashed all those BS stories by communicating directly to members. Great leadership from our CEO.
I agree with you about Hadley btw. I don't listen to him. But I can't accept that because Hadley said stuff it now justifies what's coming from Massoud and co.
At the end of the day it's pretty simple. As members we should fully support Ken Edwards and Ricky Stuart. That's not political in anyway, it's just common sense.

Oops again again.

born an eel

it appears that a number of posters want to go back to the situation we had where the CEO was untouchable and controlled the board, seems crazy to me.

While I believe that the board should not micro manage the club and CEO, the CEO needs to follow the direction that the board wants to take. There main election promise was for the Eels to stay at home and if this is infact the major falling out, so be it, lets move on to the wishes of the voters.

Gary Gutful

Post Whore
it appears that a number of posters want to go back to the situation we had where the CEO was untouchable and controlled the board, seems crazy to me.

While I believe that the board should not micro manage the club and CEO, the CEO needs to follow the direction that the board wants to take. There main election promise was for the Eels to stay at home and if this is infact the major falling out, so be it, lets move on to the wishes of the voters.

Most successful organisations have a board that provides governance on decision making but does not micro manage. A CEO should be allowed to get on with the day to day running of an organisation but should still be answerable on big issues.

It is all about striking a balance and to me, it seems like the eels have gone from one extreme to the other. People complaining about the current situation should not be interpreted as wanting to "go back to where the CEO was untouchable".


it appears that a number of posters want to go back to the situation we had where the CEO was untouchable and controlled the board, seems crazy to me.

While I believe that the board should not micro manage the club and CEO, the CEO needs to follow the direction that the board wants to take. There main election promise was for the Eels to stay at home and if this is infact the major falling out, so be it, lets move on to the wishes of the voters.

What the club needs is a successful businessmen/women that are well credential to lead to the club professionally into the future not to feed their own egos. Not have a group of mates put together with a catchy political name that just feed promises that members want to hear. This new mob are no different to the other mob or Fitzy's beforehand.

born an eel

a successful business person also needs to understand the wishes of the members. The best short term financial decisions may not be the best for the club in the long term.

Sometimes the heart needs to be behind the decisions with the head closely following otherwise we will be playing out of Perth or in a Western Sydney Panthers team playing out of ANZ.

phantom eel

First Grade
Sounds like it came down to Ken Edward's strategy of shifting the club more and more to ANZ in the future, versus the elected Board's strategy of committing to making Parramatta Stadium a better home?

A CEO is an employee of the Board (not the other way around), and with his ANZ Stadium background if Ken Edwards couldn't bring himself to work to achieve the elected Board's strategy then the only way forward is for the CEO to amicably depart. The Board represents the Members, the Members made their views known, and the employees (including the CEO) need to work to the interests of the members (rather than their own).

I personally agree with the Board's strategy to commit to Parramatta Stadium, improving it and filling it to the point of regular sold out games. It was a strategy which I believe 3P originally spruiked as part of their original election in 2008/2009 but later moved away from? I don't agree with Ken Edwards' apparent desire to move us to Anz Stadium, and so I'm not troubled at all by his amicable departure.


a successful business person also needs to understand the wishes of the members. The best short term financial decisions may not be the best for the club in the long term.

Sometimes the heart needs to be behind the decisions with the head closely following otherwise we will be playing out of Perth or in a Western Sydney Panthers team playing out of ANZ.

But do the members always know best? There was a similar situation up here with the Qld Reds moving from Ballymore to Lang Park a few years ago due to commercial reasons. Your talking about life members who were died in the wool supporters with a fair number had their memberships passed down to them from deceased family members who said that hell would freeze over before they attend matches there. Guess what they go to matches there.

They are now a franchise with a championship behind them with a state of the art training facility. From what I've heard Parra's facilities are amongst the worst in the comp and our mob are trying to rely on govt grants to get one which will be extremely hard to get. Players are attracted to club by facilities have a look at the Titans facility its like the Taj Mahal.

Not to mention from what i've read on twitter only 4 members were in the know of the decision which makes them just as pathetic as people in the past.


Post Whore
But do the members always know best? There was a similar situation up here with the Qld Reds moving from Ballymore to Lang Park a few years ago due to commercial reasons. Your talking about life members who were died in the wool supporters with a fair number had their memberships passed down to them from deceased family members who said that hell would freeze over before they attend matches there. Guess what they go to matches there.

They are now a franchise with a championship behind them with a state of the art training facility. From what I've heard Parra's facilities are amongst the worst in the comp and our mob are trying to rely on govt grants to get one which will be extremely hard to get. Players are attracted to club by facilities have a look at the Titans facility its like the Taj Mahal.

Not to mention from what i've read on twitter only 4 members were in the know of the decision which makes them just as pathetic as people in the past.
Well said mate, apparently Ken trying to turn us into a superpower with 40k members and state of the art facilities is not the parra way. Wallowing at a stadium that is nearly 30 years old and is the smallest in Sydney is the way to go. But at least having 9k crowds means its not hard to get your favourite seat.

At least Sharp will be pushing out those chook raffles and he can always ask for some advice from Fitzy on how we can cram more pokies in the leagues club without it being a health and safety issue.

Welcome back to the 80's parra fans without the success.


Post Whore
You seem to have a strong opinion about the board the Leagues Club Members elected.

Yes I am a Leagues Club Member.
I am just so sick of all the bullshit from both sides, these idiots just can't help themselves. One minute they are all behind Ken Nek Minnit he's gone. And by looking at other avenues for bringing money to the club pushing memberships and playing a some games at ANZ got him shit canned that will do me. By all reports the deal we were getting by the Stadium trust was a disgrace. Sure it is fine wanting to play at Parra Stadium but If we are getting rorted and losing money hand over fist you have to look at other options. And by taking a few games to ANZ didn't we get a much better stadium deal????

Maroubra Eel

Fair enough mate.

I think many people are sick of the stuff that seems to go on at our club.

No side of the politics seems any better than the other.


hindsight is wonderful ..... 2 assistants came out of melbourne - we got the dud one, but who knew he'd be a dud at the time - infact would the other have been a dud too if he didn't have a powerful backer at the club

One went to England and forged a good reputation and one had Wayne Bennett win him a World Cup.

One actually coached a team week in, week out through an entire season, the had NEVER done anything in any grade.......

You think if Maguire was garbage in the UK that Souths would have hired him? Doubtful, he proved himself!

The differences between the 2 boards, Souths are geniuses, ours are a f*cking clueless pack of self obsorbed morons!

It gets better though, because the new ones look like they may bring f*cking Fitzy back, just what we need!!!