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Stagger eel

Staff member
You're a great supporter. One of the best.
I don't understand the silly comment about 0-4 but.

Probably because of had several dimwits come up to me and blame the former board directly for the lack of form on the field... Which I agree is silly comment so I'm glad that people are now understanding how silly it is..


How ironic that a thread with the sole purpose to bring unity to the club ends up with people taking sides and showing the split in supporters views.

Easier to bring the management together than merkin supporters obviously.


I don't remember crying foul. If I did please point to where I did.
And by the way, like Sharp and co I have never wavered in my support for Ken Edwards and Ricky Stuart. But it seems that the previous Board now have an issue with the very CEO they appointed according to the Massoud article. There's only one group being devisive currently it would seem.
Anyhoo regardless of your view of the Board it is only fair that all members (including Directors) support our CEO and Head Coach and let them get on with their job. The new Board is very much on record as doing just that. I hope the former Board do likewise.

If we continue to have a former board and a new board then the divisivness (sp) will remain FFS.
WE HAVE ONE BOARD... and if u missed that, then with all due respect you missed the purpose of the petition totally.

Etu Uaisele

How is it interesting?
At the AGM I chatted about a range of things to a number of directors (new and old) and took away from those conversations that there were certain things that would be done that were not what i believed to be in the best interest of the club. Hence my statement that there exists personal agendas.

It's interesting that after mearly weeks you decide that the new boards worthy of a petition yet the last mob went years dishing out rubbish without reciving your page of toilet paper .


It's interesting that after mearly weeks you decide that the new boards worthy of a petition yet the last mob went years dishing out rubbish without reciving your page of toilet paper .

Wow Etu... such a mature approach to something that doesn't impact you in the slightest, unless you choose to let it.

If you are so concerned about my toilet paper then you can just ignore it buddy. There isn't a prize for posting in every thread here by the way.

And check the addressees of the petition again.... not sure I addressed it exclusively to the LC board (or should I call them the new board so I can continue the division that you and others can't let go of?)

Etu Uaisele

Wow Etu... such a mature approach to something that doesn't impact you in the slightest, unless you choose to let it.

If you are so concerned about my toilet paper then you can just ignore it buddy. There isn't a prize for posting in every thread here by the way.

And check the addressees of the petition again.... not sure I addressed it exclusively to the LC board (or should I call them the new board so I can continue the division that you and others can't let go of?)

Sorry but I find your petition to have a slight political or stench to it .


Sorry but I find your petition to have a slight political or stench to it .

Mate i have reread it a few times now and tbh, i can't see where u think it is political at all.
Simply trying to state the facts as i see them and the desires i have for our club.
If my writing style comes across as political then not much i can do about that. It's how i write and is a commonly used persuasive style.

Etu Uaisele

I wouldn't worry about Etu. Everything he reads probably sounds political to him.

I'm not the one trying to give the media yet another reason to report negitives on our club by rallying up a petition driven by shortfalls of a previous board . All of course based on an opinion one bloke had when he supposedly spoke to the board members at the AGM which he just asks us to believe actually took place . How about you petition Spagnolo to fade away champ so they can concentrate on the job at hand or at least give them 12 months to prove themselves .

Eels Dude

I'm not the one trying to give the media yet another reason to report negitives on our club by rallying up a petition driven by shortfalls of a previous board . All of course based on an opinion one bloke had when he supposedly spoke to the board members at the AGM which he just asks us to believe actually took place . How about you petition Spagnolo to fade away champ so they can concentrate on the job at hand or at least give them 12 months to prove themselves .

I couldn't give a crap about who's in charge and this endless political bullshit that's been going on for months. The majority of people, myself included, just want to see this petty bullshit put behind us so the club can move forward instead of endless infighting and playing the blame game. Posters like yourself who just want to turn this thread into another 'us vs them' rant and argument is just the problem our club has that we can do without. Egos need to be put aside, no matter which party they come from. I'm with emjaycee, just sick of this rubbish.


That's wonderful, we all should now hold hands and sing kumbya my lord and rejoice the change...

By the way, I thought lyn Wallace's kicking game was just as affective and she got crucified for it in some circles... And by the way Steve Sharp said he doesn't believe in 5 year plans he wants instant success, lets see what happens..

Can i hold your hand and sing with you Stags


Probably because of had several dimwits come up to me and blame the former board directly for the lack of form on the field... Which I agree is silly comment so I'm glad that people are now understanding how silly it is..

No offence Stagger but that was poor form of the 0 - 4 comment.

We had a bye you goose!!!

Etu Uaisele

I couldn't give a crap about who's in charge and this endless political bullshit that's been going on for months. The majority of people, myself included, just want to see this petty bullshit put behind us so the club can move forward instead of endless infighting and playing the blame game. Posters like yourself who just want to turn this thread into another 'us vs them' rant and argument is just the problem our club has that we can do without. Egos need to be put aside, no matter which party they come from. I'm with emjaycee, just sick of this rubbish.

You miss the point . Lets give them time to implement their strategies before we lob a petition on them blaming them for the last how many years of garbage . What are you after with your 25 signatures anyway , an apology ? .

What's your next petition MJC , lobby the Liberal Party with a petition in October crucifying them for the carbon tax and illegal immigrants ?


Post Whore
In a thread about putting the agenda's aside and doing what's best for the
Club shame it has gone down this route. But unsurprising .

Etu Uaisele

In a thread about putting the agenda's aside and doing what's best for the
Club shame it has gone down this route. But unsurprising .

Yeah let's all unite together and blame our new board for the past 10 years . Now who got dem pitch forks lets burn dem n****rs ...