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Mate i have reread it a few times now and tbh, i can't see where u think it is political at all.
Simply trying to state the facts as i see them and the desires i have for our club.
If my writing style comes across as political then not much i can do about that. It's how i write and is a commonly used persuasive style.

The point of this thread was a simple one.

Sign the petition to show your support for all to be united. One Team One Dream

Instead 2 individuals who ONLY came to life during footy elections get in here and say the kind of rubbish they do.

Signed Sealed For Me

Etu Uaisele

the point of this thread was a simple one.

Sign the petition to show your support for all to be united. One team one dream

instead 2 individuals who only came to life during footy elections get in here and say the kind of rubbish they do.

Signed sealed for me



I have had some feedback that the petition I wrote is 'political' and that I should give the new board more time. The problem I have is that I didn't write the petition to the new board, because I don't see it as a new board. I wrote it to the current board's of the PLC, the PDRL and the PNL (NRL) and management.

It also appears that comprehension isn't a pre-requisite for being an Eels supporter so I thought I should elaborate on some of the points from the petition to make it clearer.

To the respective Boards, CEO's and management teams of the Parramatta Leagues Club Group, the Parramatta District Rugby League Club and the Parramatta National Rugby League Club,

Maybe I should have addressed it by name to each individual, however the below are
collectively represented by the groups addressed in the petition and for brevity I used the
collective not the individual - sorry.

Addressees are individually named as:
Stephen Sharp (Chairman - PLC)
Roy Spagnolo OAM (Chairmain - PDRL)
Tom Issa
Lawrence Shepherd
Peter Serrao
Robert Sassen
Eric Grothe Snr
Sid Kelly
Eric Grothe Jnr
Ray Price (OAM)
Robert Bentley (CEO - PL Group)
Ken Edwards (CEO - PDRL, PNL)

Since the change to the Board of Directors of the PDRLC in December 2008 and subsequent change to the Board of the PLC in April 2009, there has been a consistent amount of change at both management and board level and as a result an increasing level of instability in the management of the aforementioned clubs. In this time we have seen 4
CEO's, 3 coaches and a number of Football Operations Managers come and go and this has coincided with a level of performance of the NRL football team that has seen us repeatedly endup towards the bottom of the NRL ladder.

Please feel free anybody to correct me if any of this is incorrect, otherwise I will leave it in situ.

In addition, there has been on a consistent basis 'leaks' of club information to sections of the media that is portraying the club in a bad light and potentially impacting
negatively on player recruitment, sponsorship, membership and game day attendance - all
issues that we should be looking to strengthen and not further weaken.

Again, if you believe this above statement is inaccurate and there have not been consistent
leaks of club information, please educate me as I read the papers and have seen this for

Since the most recent elections for the Board of the PLC Group, this position has not improved and with two separate 'factions' controlling aspects of our club, is likely to
worsen with ongoing in-fighting between Directors.

Has there been an improvement? We still have leaks so maybe not. We have 2 distinct
factions (3P and ParraFirst) in the above list of people in control of our club and each
with differing views and ideals, resulting in in-fighting that has been occurring since both
groups started campaining late last year - not at election day in April. Would love to be
corrected on this but again, the evidence is out there in the big wide world for all to see.

From the external view of the members and supporters of this great club, it appears that the current Directors of both Boards are focussed on firstly their own agendas and not the betterment of the club and the members that have elected them.

This paragraph is definitely open to interpretation, depending on how close individuals are
to particular board members or execs. My interpretation is based on conversations that
are/were private between myself and a number of the above-mentioned people. Other people have different views and that's fine - no obligation to sign the petition.

We the undersigned members and supporters of the Parramatta Eels now say ENOUGH!"

We demand that as our elected representatives you focus on working TOGETHER to bring the pride that is missing back to OUR club and OUR team.

This demand is simply a definitive statement that re-inforces the views of the electorate
going into the ballot box and summarising what we believe (my interpretation of course) that the members and supporters want - pride in the club and the NRL team. Again, if you don't support this point, don't sign the petition.

We demand that you immediately STOP THE LEAKS of information and mis-information that are bringing OUR club into disrepute in the press on a regular basis.

If the leaks exist, should they continue? If they don't exist, even better. However we all
know they do and we all know they are coming from one or more of the addressees to this
petition. I have NO definitive knowledge of whom they are coming from, hence the reason tthe above are all recipients of this petition. If someone has irrefutable proof of where the leaks are coming from, please let me know. I will happily address a personal letter to that person but I do need proof, not hearsay.

We demand that you cease the IN-FIGHTING and BACK-STABBING factional behaviour that is splitting OUR club down the middle.

Like it or not, we have 2 factions and therefore we have in-fighting and back-stabbing behaviours evident at present. I personally do not wish to wait until the next PDRL elections in Dec 2015 for there to be a single faction in control of our club (in fact I would rather there be no factions) so this demand is simply a desire for unity. And it is not about unity on the PLC board or the PDRL board separately, but unity between all boards who jointly run our club.

We demand that you immediately REMOVE any personal agendas from the role you play in leading OUR club and that if you are unable to do so, that you REMOVE yourself from OUR club.

If none of the board has a personal agenda to achieve they should have no problems reading this request and ignoring it. If they do, then it is directed to them and as this wasn't a personal petition to any one individual then the recipients can take it however it relates to them. As I mentioned above, I have has conversations with certain of the recipients and I interpreted these conversations to be personal agendas before club objectives.

The Parramatta Eels can and will once again be the "Pride of the West" and a powerhouse in the NRL, however as the concerned members and supporters of this club we need you, the Directors and Managers appointed to achieve this goal to focus on being "ONE TEAM, with ONE GOAL - TOGETHER".

If you don't want this outcome - don't sign the petition - EASY.

Go the EELS.

Maroubra Eel

It's been proven by the two factions on our current board and also previous boards that we will have leaks and disunity.

I don't see that changing. The only way is to have one faction.


With all this rubbish going on, you wouldn't think that we are playing today.

I'm going out there today all be it reluctantly. We are stone motherless last. Ricky Stuart just sent me a text as I write this. I might ask him if he needs a lift. We need to talk.


I have had some feedback that the petition I wrote is 'political' and that I should give the new board more time. The problem I have is that I didn't write the petition to the new board, because I don't see it as a new board. I wrote it to the current board's of the PLC, the PDRL and the PNL (NRL) and management.

It also appears that comprehension isn't a pre-requisite for being an Eels supporter so I thought I should elaborate on some of the points from the petition to make it clearer.

Maybe I should have addressed it by name to each individual, however the below are
collectively represented by the groups addressed in the petition and for brevity I used the
collective not the individual - sorry.

Addressees are individually named as:
Stephen Sharp (Chairman - PLC)
Roy Spagnolo OAM (Chairmain - PDRL)
Tom Issa
Lawrence Shepherd
Peter Serrao
Robert Sassen
Eric Grothe Snr
Sid Kelly
Eric Grothe Jnr
Ray Price (OAM)
Robert Bentley (CEO - PL Group)
Ken Edwards (CEO - PDRL, PNL)

Please feel free anybody to correct me if any of this is incorrect, otherwise I will leave it in situ.

Again, if you believe this above statement is inaccurate and there have not been consistent
leaks of club information, please educate me as I read the papers and have seen this for

Has there been an improvement? We still have leaks so maybe not. We have 2 distinct
factions (3P and ParraFirst) in the above list of people in control of our club and each
with differing views and ideals, resulting in in-fighting that has been occurring since both
groups started campaining late last year - not at election day in April. Would love to be
corrected on this but again, the evidence is out there in the big wide world for all to see.

This paragraph is definitely open to interpretation, depending on how close individuals are
to particular board members or execs. My interpretation is based on conversations that
are/were private between myself and a number of the above-mentioned people. Other people have different views and that's fine - no obligation to sign the petition.

This demand is simply a definitive statement that re-inforces the views of the electorate
going into the ballot box and summarising what we believe (my interpretation of course) that the members and supporters want - pride in the club and the NRL team. Again, if you don't support this point, don't sign the petition.

If the leaks exist, should they continue? If they don't exist, even better. However we all
know they do and we all know they are coming from one or more of the addressees to this
petition. I have NO definitive knowledge of whom they are coming from, hence the reason tthe above are all recipients of this petition. If someone has irrefutable proof of where the leaks are coming from, please let me know. I will happily address a personal letter to that person but I do need proof, not hearsay.

Like it or not, we have 2 factions and therefore we have in-fighting and back-stabbing behaviours evident at present. I personally do not wish to wait until the next PDRL elections in Dec 2015 for there to be a single faction in control of our club (in fact I would rather there be no factions) so this demand is simply a desire for unity. And it is not about unity on the PLC board or the PDRL board separately, but unity between all boards who jointly run our club.

If none of the board has a personal agenda to achieve they should have no problems reading this request and ignoring it. If they do, then it is directed to them and as this wasn't a personal petition to any one individual then the recipients can take it however it relates to them. As I mentioned above, I have has conversations with certain of the recipients and I interpreted these conversations to be personal agendas before club objectives.

If you don't want this outcome - don't sign the petition - EASY.

Go the EELS.

Mate you don't or shouldn't need to explain yourself for something that has good intentions. The idiots who have spoken against the petition I would just ignore. 1 is so far up the ass of Sharp and co he is completely blinded to the fact he is no different to 3P with political bs and other just follows a popular view on TheFilthySpammers with no real idea what he is on about apart from rehashing stuff posted there.

Maroubra Eel

Mate you don't or shouldn't need to explain yourself for something that has good intentions. The idiots who have spoken against the petition I would just ignore. 1 is so far up the ass of Sharp and co he is completely blinded to the fact he is no different to 3P with political bs and other just follows a popular view on TheFilthySpammers with no real idea what he is on about apart from rehashing stuff posted there.

What exactly is Sharp doing that is wrong?


With the permission of the administrators of LU, I have posted a link below to a petition that I have written to the Boards and Management of our club.

I am sick of the fractures in our club and demand that they start working together.

The aim is to get 5000 signatures to this petition so please sign it, share it on Facebook and Twitter and email it to all fellow Eels supporters.

Enough is enough!

Haha, classic meltdown. It reads like a Bring Back Fitzy petition!

Where was this petition while all of this splintering and leaking was occurring under the reign of 3P/Spagnolo over th epast four years?

Fair dinkum gibbering :crazy:


Does it matter ? Starting a petition makes you the centre of attention for a day or so and gives guys like Feltchy someone to follow .

I find it funny how the only way you can seem to argue the point with any post on here is to get personal.
Happy to sit down with you at anytime, any place to discuss my views and to listen to yours.
I live local to Parra and work in Chatswood but happy to travel. PM me your number and we can arrange something.


How is it interesting?
At the AGM I chatted about a range of things to a number of directors (new and old) and took away from those conversations that there were certain things that would be done that were not what i believed to be in the best interest of the club. Hence my statement that there exists personal agendas.
But there always has and always will be personal agendas in any elected entity.

It's interesting you identified personal agendas in pre-2008 criticism of Fitzy and that old Board, are identifying personal agendas now, but were silent on this for the four years of 3P/Spagnolo's reign (despite all of the leaking and power games that were also evident during that time)?

As you've said in another post, intelligence is not a pre-requisite of being an Eels fan - but sadly partisanship appears to be... at least be up front about it, instead of pretending to come across as all neutral! :crazy:


One group being divisive???.... Obviously you haven't heard of a bloke named ray Hadley who went out of his way to discredit anyone involved at the club before the last elections but thankfully we're all hunky dory now according to him despite the new board sitting at 0 and 4 on the score sheet and some minor dramas off the field...

Deathrider. The 0 and 4 comment is just plain silly. I thought you were better than that.

He and his mates have fair dinkum thrown a three month tanty on here imo, since his precious 3P were voted out. I expected more from them as well.... :eek:

Readers, please don't swallow the hype and please see through the bullshit that's posted on here under the cover of "passion" and "neutrality". Work it out for yourselves, rather than trust people here who have agendas.


How ironic that a thread with the sole purpose to bring unity to the club ends up with people taking sides and showing the split in supporters views.
Probably due to the way the thread was started, and the silliness of the wording of the petition and its justification, I suppose? :crazy:


But there always has and always will be personal agendas in any elected entity.

It's interesting you identified personal agendas in pre-2008 criticism of Fitzy and that old Board, are identifying personal agendas now, but were silent on this for the four years of 3P/Spagnolo's reign (despite all of the leaking and power games that were also evident during that time)?

As you've said in another post, intelligence is not a pre-requisite of being an Eels fan - but sadly partisanship appears to be... at least be up front about it, instead of pretending to come across as all neutral! :crazy:

Bart, just so you know (but don't tell anyone), i voted 5-2 to ParraFirst in April.
Ssshhh :crazy:

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