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Mate i have reread it a few times now and tbh, i can't see where u think it is political at all.
Put it down to another case of the Emperor Spagnolo's new clothes then...

If my writing style comes across as political then not much i can do about that. It's how i write and is a commonly used persuasive style.
:lol: Yeah, but no agendas, hey mate? :sarcasm:


Probably due to the way the thread was started, and the silliness of the wording of the petition and its justification, I suppose? :crazy:

Ignore the petition if u don't like it Bart. there isn't a gun to our head mate.
And would love your feedback on which part of the petition are silly...


I'm not the one trying to give the media yet another reason to report negitives on our club by rallying up a petition driven by shortfalls of a previous board . All of course based on an opinion one bloke had when he supposedly spoke to the board members at the AGM which he just asks us to believe actually took place . How about you petition Spagnolo to fade away champ so they can concentrate on the job at hand or at least give them 12 months to prove themselves .
This is actually a very very good point.


Bart, just so you know (but don't tell anyone), i voted 5-2 to ParraFirst in April.
Ssshhh :crazy:
Excellent and thanks for sharing...

So the question stands - why the ruckus now, and not at any point during the past four years when these issues were just as prevalent?

Extremely naive imo, especially given Etu's point (quoted in my last reply) about the petition simply giving the media more ammunition to run with the same divided club line that you supposedly want to overcome.

Most people realised years ago (perhaps at the start of the SPagnolo/3P reign) that personal agendas are sadly part and parcel of any elected representative body - and were during Fitzy's time, 3P's time, and (maybe, but give them a chance) ParraFirst's time (although you have to examine where the current leaks and stories are coming from).

What can we do about it? Let the CEO and coach get on with the job of getting the team/squad to win again, and all of the headlines and reports of fractures will disappear. A petition of this sort simply keeps the festering sore rotting imo.


Ignore the petition if u don't like it Bart. there isn't a gun to our head mate.
And would love your feedback on which part of the petition are silly...
No worries. I did ignore the petition, but I don't like ignoring naivety that causes more damage than it seeks to prevent. And if I was here when it was posted I would have done so at the time, but when reading the thread all in one a day later my responses have been the best I can manage.

The first part of the petition and your justification that was silly is the part where you introduce your private claims and ask people to get behind it:
From the external view of the members and supporters of this great club, it appears that the current Directors of both Boards are focussed on firstly their own agendas and not the betterment of the club and the members that have elected them.
This paragraph is definitely open to interpretation, depending on how close individuals are
to particular board members or execs. My interpretation is based on conversations that
are/were private between myself and a number of the above-mentioned people
. Other people have different views and that's fine - no obligation to sign the petition.

The second silly bit is where you demand the addressees STOP THE LEAKS! It sounds like STOP THE BOATS which most thinking people know is a slogan that can't be achieved without cooperation from people outside of our own government over whom our politicians have no control. Similarly, I highly suspect stopping the leaks involves cooperation from people over whom the club has no remit, no way to enforce this cooperation (eg player managers, ex-staff, ex-Board Members, media etc). Supporting the CEO and Coach to get the winning culture back is the only way to make leaks go away.

It seems to me to be futile to ask people who by their very nature of running for an elected representative office are people who abide by their own personal agendas to put these aside because the election result/s were not clear 7-0 whitewashes. It'd be like asking the Abbott-led coalition to just shout up in opposition for three years because they didn't win the 2010 election, or asking the same for the Robertson-led Labor opposition in NSW - work together you guys! :crazy:

There always have been personal agendas in clubs etc (David Williamson's 1980 play/movie about Carlton comes to mind), even in the Fitzy days and subsequent Spagnolo days. Getting upset about that fact now (after four years of silence when the damage was being done) simply paints you as a puppet of the current destabilisers of the club (despite your recent voting record being the opposite).


So the question stands - why the ruckus now, and not at any point during the past four years when these issues were just as prevalent?

Extremely naive imo, especially given Etu's point (quoted in my last reply) about the petition simply giving the media more ammunition to run with the same divided club line that you supposedly want to overcome.

Most people realised years ago (perhaps at the start of the SPagnolo/3P reign) that personal agendas are sadly part and parcel of any elected representative body - and were during Fitzy's time, 3P's time, and (maybe, but give them a chance) ParraFirst's time (although you have to examine where the current leaks and stories are coming from).

What can we do about it? Let the CEO and coach get on with the job of getting the team/squad to win again, and all of the headlines and reports of fractures will disappear. A petition of this sort simply keeps the festering sore rotting imo.

Why now and not before... Easy.

My "meltdown" as you love to keep referring to u :sarcasm: or my tipping point was the article in the telecrap on Friday.

I believe in both Ken and Ricky we have the right leadership to make the NRL team successful. And I believe in Bentley we have already seen vast improvements in the Leagues Club, including but not limited to its re-embracing as the 'Home of the Eels'.

None of these 3 can or will be successful on their own. They need a team of professionals behind them and they either have or are building these now. At the AGM for the PLC I was given a clear indication by a Director that the Board could now clean out "Spagnolo's stooges" and was even given some names.
That pissed me off at the time and the last straw was on Friday and the attack on Edwards.


Yeah, I caught up on that article before reading your petition.

Spagnolos lot were said to have said excactly the same quote about "clearing out stooges" of what they saw as the previous regime.

Again, why the uprising about this now, and not four years ago when people were howled down on here for their criticism of the direction the club was taking?

And do you admit that a petition like this can (despite intentions) do more harm than good (cf. Etu's point that I quoted)? If the criticism of Edwards sparked you off, then perhaps just write to Spagnolo personally, and tell him to pull his head in?

Etu Uaisele

Mate you don't or shouldn't need to explain yourself for something that has good intentions. The idiots who have spoken against the petition I would just ignore. 1 is so far up the ass of Sharp and co he is completely blinded to the fact he is no different to 3P with political bs and other just follows a popular view on TheFilthySpammers with no real idea what he is on about apart from rehashing stuff posted there.

I find it funny how the only way you can seem to argue the point with any post on here is to get personal.
Happy to sit down with you at anytime, any place to discuss my views and to listen to yours.
I live local to Parra and work in Chatswood but happy to travel. PM me your number and we can arrange something.

Interesting ....


Yeah, I caught up on that article before reading your petition.

Spagnolos lot were said to have said excactly the same quote about "clearing out stooges" of what they saw as the previous regime.

Again, why the uprising about this now, and not four years ago when people were howled down on here for their criticism of the direction the club was taking?

And do you admit that a petition like this can (despite intentions) do more harm than good (cf. Etu's point that I quoted)? If the criticism of Edwards sparked you off, then perhaps just write to Spagnolo personally, and tell him to pull his head in?

Four years ago we were commencing our post DF era, and were all just glad to see a new team on the Board. Despite mistakes and misguided attempts since 3p came in (not the purpose of this discussion) we NOW have a direction for the team under Ken and Ricky and an improved leagues Club. we are not at risk of not existing in 5 years.

IMHO the only things missing are time and unity.
And that is what the petition is about.

I'll happily write or speak to Spagnolo if some one provides proof he is the source of these articles.

Maroubra Eel

I reckon it could be Spagnolo. Apparently he doesn't see eye to eye with the new guys on the board or Ken Edwards.

Etu Uaisele

Four years ago we were commencing our post DF era, and were all just glad to see a new team on the Board. Despite mistakes and misguided attempts since 3p came in (not the purpose of this discussion) we NOW have a direction for the team under Ken and Ricky and an improved leagues Club. we are not at risk of not existing in 5 years.

IMHO the only things missing are time and unity.
And that is what the petition is about.

I'll happily write or speak to Spagnolo if some one provides proof he is the source of these articles.

Well I had a chat with an unnamed source at the AGM which I cant disclose who or what was discussed but it gave me the opinion that Roy might or might not be source of these stories . How's that ?
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Four years ago we were commencing our post DF era, and were all just glad to see a new team on the Board. Despite mistakes and misguided attempts since 3p came in (not the purpose of this discussion) we NOW have a direction for the team under Ken and Ricky and an improved leagues Club. we are not at risk of not existing in 5 years.
You reckon? Ok then... I would say finishing second last, last, and hopefully not last as a result of the "mistakes and misguided attempts since 3p came in" puts our future more at risk than Fitzy's throw away line ever did.

But I agree that under Ken and Ricky we have some direction for the team that has been lacking since the whiteanting of the coach upon teh commencement of the former administration.

IMHO the only things missing are time and unity.
And that is what the petition is about.
That's pretty much a truism though, time is always the only thing missing, and unity is always desired but not always achievable. Again, where were your petitions nad calls for unity during the past four years of the same divisive shit under 3P/Spagnolo?

I'll happily write or speak to Spagnolo if some one provides proof he is the source of these articles.
Yep, thought so. All the leaks during 3P's reign could be put down to Fitzy without proof, and now Spagnolo is in exactly the same situation and the leaks continue, we now need proof... Despite recently changing your vote, like Stagger you haven't stepped back to see the hypocrisy of past and present actions.

Good luck with the petition, but as I said I just think it is frightfully naive, and - despite your intentions - still laced with touches of a personal agenda and potentially damaging.



Well I had a chat with an unnamed source at the AGM which I cant disclose who or what was discussed but it gave me the opinion that Roy might or might not be source of these stories . How's that ?
Sounds like proof to me... :sarcasm:

We're all apparently allowed to post inferences to supposed personal discussions with club figures on here as fact, despite the implications for libel and the previous levels of required proof/links that are occasionally enforced....


Post Whore
Haha, classic meltdown. It reads like a Bring Back Fitzy petition!

Where was this petition while all of this splintering and leaking was occurring under the reign of 3P/Spagnolo over th epast four years?

Fair dinkum gibbering :crazy:
You can always put the petition on Ignore Bart.

Etu Uaisele

Sounds like proof to me... :sarcasm:

We're all apparently allowed to post inferences to supposed personal discussions with club figures on here as fact, despite the implications for libel and the previous levels of required proof/links that are occasionally enforced....

I found it to be quite amusing " the reasoning " of the concerns MJC had after the alleged discussion . I'm sure the board members in question just couldn't wait to get to the AGM to pour out their personal agendas that aren't in the best interests of club to the first nuffie they saw . Yet this somehow doesn't breach any rules on LU .

Lets just say I said I found a quiet dark corner with a 3P member and he told me in person that EGJs famous in the stands tweet was in fact bullshit designed to discredit other candidates , would that be ok ?
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You can always put the petition on Ignore Bart.
Good point ;-). And I have ignored the petition in terms of not signing it, but need to point out that it will cause more damage than than good if the stated intention is the real goal here.

However I don't want to just ignore MJC on here because of the petition... it's just that on certain issues imo he along with Staggs and a few others perhaps seem unable to see or admit how much they appear to have been "played" by contacts made during the days of the previous regime?