The club's consitution does not allow the private owners to simply relocate the club. The ground, colours, etc are under the control of the football club which is controlled by the voting members. The football club and leagues club still hold numbers (3 between them) on the 7 person club board.
Well I did say in my opening post that I didn't think it could happen without a change of ownership. That seemed pretty unlikely but then less than a fortnight later this happened...
Things change. Who knows where the balance of power will be in another year if the Leagues club doesn't get its act together? At the end of the day what will ultimately matter is who ends up controlling the NRL license. If keeping the colours and name alive is made too hard for a private owner then they may be expendable for the right deal. That's not necessarily good for the game or the fans but it's part and parcel of private ownership. Again, American professional sport is replete with examples that illustrate this.
You seem to think the NRL needs to move Manly to Queensland accomodate the Bears.
This suggests you believe that Sydney can't sustain further clubs. It also suggests you understand that the Bears bid taking in a whole swath of Sydney from the North Shore to Gosford will marginalise Manly. You also understand that in terms of revenue for the game another NSW club would be a poor option.
Do you seriously think that an NRL independent commission, whos job is to promote and grow the game of Rugby League AND foster a strong stable national league would persue either pushing Manly out or add another Sydney club?
What I believe and what ideas I'm willing to entertain are two different things. And what I believe is certainly not a fixed dogma, it evolves and changes as I consider new events, new situations and new points of view. But let me say what I currently believe in regards to this whole situation.
I believe that re-admitting the Bears would be good for the game. I believe allowing any existing club to die or be relegated would be bad for the game. I believe that the competition can not keep adding additional franchises ad infinitum with a support base of under 30 million people and that we should seriously question the wisdom of "ever" expanding to 20 teams within the confines of that relatively small base. I believe that the game should not issue an 11th franchise in the corridor between Newcastle and Wollongong while other areas (Perth, Queensland and New Zealand) go without unless there is a guarantee one of those franchises will move.
I believe long term, as the cost of competing keeps increasing and the availability of franchises becomes a premium, that the area between the Harbour Bridge and Newcastle can only support and justify one franchise (not including Newcastle itself). I believe that in the absence of political considerations (such as marginal seats) no sane government minister or civil servant will accept that a major stadium should be developed in a location as inaccessible as Brookvale, especially after the last stadium the government built for us in this region was left without a team and remains under utilised.
I believe that the game needs additional Queensland content for television and that we need to provide that within the life of the next television deal. I believe that the obvious locations to base teams in Queensland with a view to long term growth and sustainability are north and west of Brisbane. And I believe that if the AFL Commission can convince governments to develop stadiums for a "foreign" sport on the Gold Coast and in west Sydney, then Rugby League's own Commission can do the same in a heartland state for a region without an existing facility.
Now consider what I've just written. I haven't said I want the Bears re-admitted as a Central Coast team and I haven't said I want Manly to move to Queensland. I'm happy for teams to determine their own destiny but I'm also happy for the Commission to work to influence those decisions by offering favourable terms and negotiating stadium deals that make relocation an attractive option.
If the current Bears bid is accepted then it'll be great for the old fans of the Bears and it'll be great for fans on the Central Coast. But I have no doubt that it will set off a chain of consequences that will lead to the death or relocation of one or more Sydney teams, and that Manly, surrounded in their northern beaches enclave, will be one of the most affected.
This whole thread has been about considering one possible way this situation could be molded by the Commission such that we end up with both the Bears and the Sea Eagles having long healthy futures as an integral part of the competition. There are other more likely scenarios for sure, but the most likely of those are either that the Bears are brought in and end up causing mortal damage to Manly like St George-Illawarra are doing to Cronulla, or that the Bears are left on the outside. I think either of those outcomes would actually be worse for the game in the long term than an outcome that guarantees the survival of both.
Regardless, I think we can all agree that the futures of Manly, the Bears and a team based on the Central Coast are inexorably intertwined.