Yes the war, which sent player payments through the roof and left most clubs tettering on the edge as soon as the money started getting pulled back. It's no accident that the clubs didn't start falling over until *after* peace had been declared.
You do realise we are discussing the "value" of the Reds to a TV deal in 2012 as opposed to 1995. Arguing about clubs falling over re player payments is actually irrelevant.
But since you mentioned it............
Perth, Adelaide, Hunter and the Gold Coast were axed by the organisations which funded them and supplied board members.
South Queensland went bust before the peace declaration.
The only other side to go bust was the Bears, quite a few years after the peace and entirely due to building a stadium to secure the future that the NRL promised them - and reneged on.
So even when being irrelevant you are wrong!
as I said no frickin idea! The "war" decimated the game in Perth at all levels. Only in the last 4-5 years have we seen the game rebuilding to something like it was pre '97 in WA. The ex president of the Applecross Jets is on our supporters group committee and hearing how the game was torn apart during that period and how we lost clubs and fans is very sad. Still enjoy gloating and rubbing it in Loudtwat, with fans of the game like you who needs enemies?
I never enjoyed any club dying. Unlike you, who bays about it every full moon, I want all clubs to survive and the game to expand everywhere.
But you who have been advocating for everyone elses club to die so yours can come in is the only one here who gloats. Here you are now having a go at Manly and telling is all why they must die.
We all know you are a hypocritical f*ckwit who hates that Sydney clubs can survive when yours didnt, but I cant work out wether it;s because you are a whinging pom, because you have the typical Sydney jealousy, or because you are just a tool.