I have learned lots of things today.
- People in Dallas travel by crow
- Bobmar wants 2 teams in Australia
- A population with enough people willing to pay money to support a new football team by attending games, buying merchandise and watching TV have less to do with rugby league clubs than the flght path of crows in Texas.
F*ck me Quidgey if you are not the dumbest f*ck ever to nut out how to post on a forum.
I know you have a vast knowledge of Sydney having never lived closer than 2000kms away, and think Gosford is the next suburb to Kogarah and Penrith. It may surprise you to know that Sydney is a city that is bisected by a number of natural barriers of steep rugged terrain, some are waterways, some are mountains. That is why:
- It took the British government and their military a quarter of a century to work out how to get out by land
- The only ever incidence of an extinct prehistoric species discovered still living was in 1994 - 100km from the Harbour Bridge
- Last week a bushwalker died in rugged terrain after cutting his leg. It took 24hrs for police and ambulances to get to him. Police described the location as one of the most remote in the state. They had to use train, boat and an arduous mountain climb to get to him. That was halfway between Sydney and Gosford.
Also think of this - Quidgey and similar simpletons who think like him never stoppedto wonder why - in the 40th anniversary of the comp expanding outside NSW,
- The comp has been won only 9 times by non NSW clubs,
- Only 3 non NSW have won the comp,
- All 3 have cheated at some stage to do it
- The only non Sydney side to win the comp and never cheat was Newcastle.
9 times outside, 29 times inside. That terribly poor pitiful Sydney-Newcastle corridor full of it's dying teams - how do they survive and win all those comps
And look, there is another million in here unrepresented!!!!!!
I wonder what he crows in Dallas have to say -or sqwark - about that!
Quidgey - you obviously have never lived in a place that has experienced tribalism. The entire North Shore wants the Bears back. They do not want to support Manly. The entire Central Coast wants the Bears back too.
As for Flipkat - maybe you and your missus would move to where people are. Three are people in Birdsville who struggle with the concept of having 2 teams within a marathon crows flight of each other too.
When you mental capacity increases to enale you to understand the concept of lots people having lots of money who want a club in their area, you might finally understand how f*cking stupid your arguments are!