As much as the Democrats and Republicans are both beholden to corporate interests, you can't equate Trump & Biden when it comes to their approach on Covid.
One's a scientifically illiterate egotist, famous for saying it'll "magically go away" & withheld protective equipment stockpiles from states that don't support him, the other is talking about it as a serious threat that needs huge federal resources thrown at it.
Big difference in that policy area.
They're not just 'beholden to corporate interests', both parties are out and out corrupt and in bed with all sorts of interests.
In real terms it didn't really matter what the president and/or federal government did in response to Covid, as the majority of meaningful measures that could prevent/contain Covid impacted on states' rights, and if the POTUS did declare a state of emergency and overrule state legislature
everybody (Democratic and Republican governors, the media, political commentators, etc) would have declared it fascist/communist/authoritarian/racist/etc/pick your poison, which BTW is
exactly what happened when Trump spoke about closing the boarders to China early on.
In other words in this case the office of the president in particular was damned if they did and damned if they didn't, and it wouldn't have mattered whom was the POTUS at the time they would have been f**ked politically as a result.
And I have a news flash for you, Biden is just as scientifically illiterate and egotistical as Trump and most of the other American presidents and world leaders in general. Every political party/actor around the world, not least the Democrats or Republicans, denies science when it's inconvenient, they just aren't abrasive loudmouths like Trump with a hostile media all too willing to portray him in the worst light possible (to the point of openly lying about him often), so it's easier for partisans to pretend that isn't the case.
Anyway I'm not here to talk about politics, so I won't anymore.