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Fans get their game back

El Diablo

Post Whore
Geoff Dixon's name keeps getting mentioned a bit in articles but i don't know how he could do it seeing he is organising the Soccer world cup bid


First Grade
Quayle? :? He's accomplished a great deal since leaving the NSWRL but the stench of him and Arko running the ARL like a fiefdom for their old Sydney club mates and being part of the process that saw the game split must have anyone associated with Queensland football uneasy.

Katie Page, Webcke and Coates are all excellent choices.

During Quayle's reign the so-called Sydney game expanded to:

Brisbane 1988

Newcastle 1988

Gold Coast 1988

Perth 1995

Nth Qld 1995

Auckland 1995

Brisbane #2 1995

hardly Sydney centric.


John Quayle would be tantamount to saying John Ribot would be a good choice for the board.

f**k me dead, whats next Arthur Tunstall.

We as a game need to move on and get away from going back to cronism and putting the needs of certain clubs above the needs of the game.


This is spot on I reckon. Especially the parts about being truely independant and also the value of opening up new markets ie. Perth.

How ironic, league might get the independent commission it deserves

December 3, 2009
To those outside tight-knit rugby league circles, the paradox was as striking as John Daly's new trousers. The chief executives of the 16 NRL clubs emerged from a conference proclaiming they opposed the expansion of the competition yet, in the next breath, professed their support for the formation of an independent commission.
It's an example of the game's old-school governance in which self-interest and survival instincts regularly obscure long-term vision. Then an apparent willingness to hand power to a body that would, if properly constituted, make it difficult for clubs to have a strong influence on such wide-reaching strategic decisions as expansion or contraction.
Which makes you wonder if the NRL clubs fully grasp the ramifications of handing total control to an impartial commission, or whether they are confident the commission would be so heavily loaded with vested interests, club puppets and myopic cheerleaders that it will not have the strength nor the inclination to make difficult and unpopular decisions - the only kind that usually lead to meaningful change.
The concept of a rugby league commission is in its honeymoon period. Until its powers are established and its chairs are filled, it is whatever you want it to be - the supplier of more money for clubs from the improved rights deals and sponsorships it will negotiate; of higher wages for players; of better facilities or timeslots for fans and, for the true believers, a Stalingrad-style defence against the invading AFL forces and soccer's growing popularity.
Apart from a few miffed blazers from the game's alphabet soup - ARL, NRL, NSWRL, QRL - who fear their own territory will be annexed, no one seems to have considered they might be the loser. Or, at the very least, that their lives might be made less comfortable by independent scrutiny.
While any comparisons between the codes is fingernails-down-the-blackboard to NRL diehards, the successful AFL commission should provide some idea what NRL clubs are in for - assuming the NRL version contains the type of hard-headed businessman who sometimes erred on the side of brutality when modernising the once fiercely tribal VFL.
The NRL clubs justify their opposition to expansion on the basis they need time to get their houses in order. If they are not forced to do that under the threat of merger or relocation as struggling VFL/AFL clubs were - the NRL has already experienced some natural attrition - at the very least a truly independent rugby league commission would impose strict financial criteria forcing some existing clubs to improve management and revenue streams.
But the supposition of NRL clubs seems to be that a commission would, by unravelling the game's current structure and deals, produce a hidden pot of gold. Somewhat perversely, league banks on the fact that its governance has been so badly compromised and it has been short-changed so significantly on television rights particularly, it has forgone hundreds of millions of dollars.
While opening up the game to genuine competition might improve the NRL's rights deals, it was largely through expansion and value-adding that the AFL has reached the point where it might garner $1 billion from its next five-year TV-rights deal. If the AFL's free-to-air ratings in Sydney and Brisbane still look sickly beside those for the NRL, the impression of a vibrant, growing national competition with successful franchises in five capital cities is powerful.
For the NRL, the Storm has been successful on the field but neglected and the relatively small markets of Adelaide and Perth are in the too-hard basket. Yet the game would merely preach to the converted by starting expansion franchises in heartland areas such as Central Coast and Brisbane. Where can the value be added?
It is just one issue upon which the game needs a clear vision. One provided by a commission without blinkers.


John Quayle would be tantamount to saying John Ribot would be a good choice for the board.

f**k me dead, whats next Arthur Tunstall.

We as a game need to move on and get away from going back to cronism and putting the needs of certain clubs above the needs of the game.

big difference - under Quayle the game went forward in leaps and bounds.... whereas Ribot tried to kill the game.


big difference - under Quayle the game went forward in leaps and bounds.... whereas Ribot tried to kill the game.

The expanded under his watch, but the pandering to certain clubs has still not been forgotten by lots of League fans.

The guy is divisive and not considered to be "independant" by a large number of the games supporters.

Its time to move on, not appoint old dinosaurs.

Our game deserves better.


First Grade
John Quayle would be tantamount to saying John Ribot would be a good choice for the board.

f**k me dead, whats next Arthur Tunstall.

We as a game need to move on and get away from going back to cronism and putting the needs of certain clubs above the needs of the game.

Quayle is one of the best sports administrators this country has ever produced.. he went straight from the ARL after being involved in the greatest expansion the game ever saw to being heavily involved with the Sydney Olympics... He did such a great job there that the Greeks head hunted him and put him in a senior admin position for the Athens Olympics.


First Grade
The expanded under his watch, but the pandering to certain clubs has still not been forgotten by lots of League fans.

The guy is divisive and not considered to be "independant" by a large number of the games supporters.

Its time to move on, not appoint old dinosaurs.

Our game deserves better.

Maybe you ought to research what the guy has done before making ill informed and ignorant comments.. I think Webcke if anything would be a step backwards.. A drug cheat who was happy to be covered up.


Yea and wasn't that expansion a great success...

The adminsitration of the game was a running joke under Quayle.

Green Machine

First Grade
Expanding to bring in 4 teams in at once was plain lunacy. John Quayle mentioned on plenty of occasions that the business plans of the teams like the Cowboys, Reds and Crusher were too good to knock back. With hindsight, you wouldn’t say that now. Any future expansion should have a business plan that resembles what the Titians put together.
That said, I think John Quayle would be an excellent member of the new commission


Maybe you ought to research what the guy has done before making ill informed and ignorant comments.. I think Webcke if anything would be a step backwards.. A drug cheat who was happy to be covered up.

How old is Canon now anyway about 100?? Ive done my research on Canon I lived through most of his reign as boss of the Manly RL, sorry I mean NSWRL.

Im not advocating for Webcke, I don't really have an opinion on him other than as a footballer, because he hasn't done anything in that realm.

Oh and using the Olympic movement as a qualification that someone must be a good sports adminstrator is not really a persuasive argument (i.e. corrupt, riddled with cronyism, money in paper bags, drug cover ups and country politics all in one neat package)

We need to move forward as a game not backwards.
I remember a story on Steve Price wanting to go into administration, I reckon he would be a handy addition to the commission when he retires.

Ziggy the God

First Grade
People putting the boot into Quayle, but are happy to put up Webcke?

Yeah, he may be a good guy, but just because he is a prop forward that can string two sentences together, does not warrant a seat on the New Commission.


Doesn't mean he shouldn't either.

At least Webcke has a clean slate. Advocating rehashing a used up fossil who was utter sh*te is nothing short of stupidity.


I'm not advocating him, I have no idea whether he would be any good, affiliations or not. But I know for certain Quayle would be sh*t.

El Diablo

Post Whore
Commission must nurture grassroots - QRL
December 7, 2009

THE Queensland Rugby League has denied the organisation is an obstacle to the formation of an independent commission but insists grassroots development must be at the centre of any new structure for the game.

Managing director Ross Livermore said the QRL won't stand in the way of a new governing body, but wants to make sure all levels of the code are looked after when the ARL and News Limited hand over control.

''The QRL supports the establishment of an independent body. We're not holding up the process,'' Livermore said. ''But at some stage you've got to get down to the nitty-gritty of discussions, and the QRL has got its views on what a structure should look like. The process of selecting members of a commission would have to be transparent, and grassroots development of the game would need to continue to be a priority.''

Livermore isn't expecting a draft of a proposed agreement between the ARL and News Limited to form an independent commission to be tabled at tomorrow's ARL annual general meeting in Brisbane.

He said he didn't think negotiations on a commission were as far down the track as some people were making out, adding: ''My understanding is that there is a lot more to be discussed.''

There has been speculation an agreement to form a commission could be finalised before Christmas, although that seems an unlikely proposition now. Livermore said he wasn't aware of the details of discussions between powerbrokers from the ARL and News.

''Hopefully, we'll find out a bit more about where things are at on Tuesday, because we don't know anything about it at this stage,'' he said.

''The QRL hasn't had any document tabled in front of them, and the ARL hasn't had any document tabled. I know Colin Love has had some discussions with them [News], but I'm not aware of it going any further than that.

''We will have to wait and see what comes out of Tuesday's meeting, but I spoke to Colin last week and I'm not expecting any draft proposal to be tabled there. It's not clear, for instance, what News would want in return for exiting from the game.

''Boards have got to be briefed on developments in a matter like this, but at this stage there is nothing in writing to be considered by the ARL, the QRL or the NSWRL.''

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