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Fans get their game back


This is the single best day in RL History since Dally Messenger first pulled on a Kiwi jersey.

News LTD will leave our game! I'm f*cking dancing in the streets!

The game is back in charge of it self - not bent over with pants down waiting to be buggered by the next bean counter from New York who wouldn't know a Cumberland Throw from a Liverpool Kiss. No more crap like double tries, or talking DOWN TV rights, etc.

Now Gallop, a talented yet hamstrung administrator, can serve the game, not some MBA from Harvard who thinks Beetson is what Aussies put on hamburgers. And with Love, similarly hamstrung by lack of finances and real power, we have a chance at blending the old League hard head admin with the legal business savvy admin that we had with Arko and Quayle - but this time without the club bias.

As for Ribot - Waldrons job is to find a number of suckers to take on a big loss making venture. I imagine the phrase "mentally inept" in the Macquarie Dictionary is accompanied by his pic.

Going alone without the NSWRL or QRL removes the raft of basel;ess excuses for paranoia from up north (by removing the NSWRL), and removes the vast mental void that has held the game back from leaping into the 21st century (by removing the QRL).

The clubs controllingthe game - clever. Spread the power over a virtual parliament so that no one club can wield supreme influence (eg Brisbane demanding an exclusivity clause), and the Sydney clubs, being the majority, can fight back against the paranoia that floods in from AFL/Union/QLD, and start promoting what this city and it's clubs bring to the code.

2 clubs in 2013? Brisbane II gets enough time to get off it's arse and get organised. CC Bears will be early faves, and rightly so, but the might of a well coordinated SEQ bid will consign it to fight out with Perth IMHO. It should win unless Perth does something startling to warrant a top flight club (not a dig Perth Red, just waiting for some real movement from over there - and you suddenly have an extra year to do it.)

This is a great day. Anyone against it is against RL. Halleluyah!!!!!!!!!
I love your work Loudstrat!!!!!!!!!


Whats changed? I would love a Cronulla fans to explain how they are any better placed than they were last year, if anything you are further behind the 8 ball this year, finished last, so memberships will be hard to obtain from an already small membership base, no major sponsor, over reliance on crowds to make ends meet compared to other clubs. Already spending the least of all clubs on and off the field, so further cost cutting just can't be done.

How are you better?

*actually memberships have increased*

we are getting closer to getting a new major sponsor

there is also the amount of crap that the new board [who actually know how to run a business with the finance knowledge of one of our board members who has a history in international finance, who works in the upper levels of the ANZ bank and the business knowledge of the rest] have discovered about the happenings with the old board, fresh faces are being brought in and the old boys club has since been given the arse [long over due!]

so much money has been wasted when that money could have easily been saved and put to better use and the new board is going over every single thing to turn the ship around

there is also the development when/if it gets up

there is also the fact that all the skeletons in the cupboard are now out, our player development is slowly getting back on track after Chris Anderson raped it and we are building a team, a team that unlike previous years has potential and lots of it

to top it off, a massive amount of effort is being put in to re-connect with the shire, thats why we split with the adelaide deal, to put more focus into the shire

i cant praise the new administration of the sharks enough with what they are doing to help rejuvenate the club


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
The two new teams at the current pace will most likely be the Bears and Reds, although CQ could overtake the Reds bid if the backwards steps I've heard about take too much hold.

Perth Red

Post Whore
Hopefully this news will give the WARL and Reds bid team some much needed enthusiasm. Plans are still going ahead for our SG ball team next year and the WA Reds academy has started so from a jnr development it is all good. We need big crowds at our two NRL games this year and ideally we need to get some companies committing, although a very hard task given we are so far away and the vibes from the East to date have been hardly supportive. Getting Ch9 to show the game on a Sunday afternoon again would be another big step forward.

The stadium upgrades will have happened by 2013 so i am not sure what more we can do really beyond selling out any games that are played here and making all the right noises in the media. I'd love to see some WA background NRL players coming out and bigging up our bid when they get a chance.


The worrying part for me is News Ltd getting first and last rights at Media rights. That little part there is enough to f**k the whole thing up good and proper. Do not think for one second that they'll be giving up the cushy deal they got so far. Say goodbye to 3/4ths of Foxtel subscriptions in NSW/QLD if that happens, and we all know Foxtel won't let that go down.

Dogs Of War

*actually memberships have increased*

What you beat last years in 4 weeks? Somehow I doubt that this early.
we are getting closer to getting a new major sponsor

I haven't read anything that suggests you are. You may be talkign to people, but I am sure they are offering amounts which won't bring Cronulla the finances they need to make it work.

there is also the amount of crap that the new board [who actually know how to run a business with the finance knowledge of one of our board members who has a history in international finance, who works in the upper levels of the ANZ bank and the business knowledge of the rest] have discovered about the happenings with the old board, fresh faces are being brought in and the old boys club has since been given the arse [long over due!]

so much money has been wasted when that money could have easily been saved and put to better use and the new board is going over every single thing to turn the ship around

Their is nothing to suggest they can turn it around. These things take time, and everything has already been cut to the bone. Having the right people is a start, but you won't know if they are the right people until a year from now.

there is also the development when/if it gets up

If it all kicked off today, it would be a good 5 years before you see any money out of it. Even when it comes on tap it will only deliver $5mil a year, which is a lot, but I suspect it will all be too late.

there is also the fact that all the skeletons in the cupboard are now out, our player development is slowly getting back on track after Chris Anderson raped it and we are building a team, a team that unlike previous years has potential and lots of it

The Chris Anderson story? He inherited a club which had an average age of approx 28. He tried to bring youth in, when supporters weren't happy with the hard decisions he had to make, you guys punted him before he could see the fruits of his labour realised. Their is a lot more to that story that meets the eye.

to top it off, a massive amount of effort is being put in to re-connect with the shire, thats why we split with the adelaide deal, to put more focus into the shire

i cant praise the new administration of the sharks enough with what they are doing to help rejuvenate the club

Like what is being done? I see the Jersey novelty, but what else? Are there advertising blitz's in the shire? I can't see how your club could afford to do that considering they have cut back everything.

I think you have to face the reality, unless the club goes well this season on the field and that major sponsor signs up for the full amount you need, it may be the last, as I don't see the other clubs bailing you out this time.


First Grade
The worrying part for me is News Ltd getting first and last rights at Media rights. That little part there is enough to f**k the whole thing up good and proper. Do not think for one second that they'll be giving up the cushy deal they got so far. Say goodbye to 3/4ths of Foxtel subscriptions in NSW/QLD if that happens, and we all know Foxtel won't let that go down.

All it means they have the right to match what anyone else offers.

Dogs Of War

The worrying part for me is News Ltd getting first and last rights at Media rights. That little part there is enough to f**k the whole thing up good and proper. Do not think for one second that they'll be giving up the cushy deal they got so far. Say goodbye to 3/4ths of Foxtel subscriptions in NSW/QLD if that happens, and we all know Foxtel won't let that go down.

That might work in our favour, I'm sure Kerry Stokes will make sure that Channel 9 pay through the nose. News Ltd can't have first/last rights because they aren't allowed to bid on it. It has to be Channel 9 bidding for the whole rights, and with News Ltd in their corner coming to the party to pony up with what the remainder.


Agree, lets not make South East Qld like the Sydney area with too many teams.

Agree. Punt the Broncos. :roll:

Too many teams per.....what? People? Townsville, Canberra and Newy are already more saturated in that regard than Sydney. Or are you a map dotter? Need a team in Birdsville, another one at Hermansburg Mission, another one at the Giles Meteorological station.

Nerd, we are pissing off News Ltd, therefore losing inane and rediculous thinking such as yours!

El Diablo

Post Whore

Ghosts of Super League finally laid to rest as clubs have their voices heard
November 30, 2009

THE ARL and News Limited - the two protagonists in the Super League war who formed the NRL as part of a peace deal - are set to exit the game together, with a non-profit independent commission to take over the running of the code.

Under the proposed new structure for the game, the ARL will cease to exist as grassroots development and lower-tier competitions will be run by the state bodies.

The move is a significant first step in reducing the number of RLs running the game by the new administration, which some anticipate will save $16 million in annual payments to News Ltd and the ARL and double the $140m revenue currently generated by the NRL because the media company won't be sitting on both sides of the table during negotiations.

It is the continual conflicts of interest, which last season even extended to Bruno Cullen - the chief executive of the News Ltd-owned Brisbane Broncos - threatening to sue the Rupert Murdoch-owned Daily Telegraph over a story that claimed one of the club's star players had a drugs problem that was being covered up, that has finally persuaded the media company it has no place running a sporting competition.

News Ltd can still be involved through its 50 per cent stake in Premier Media Group, which owns Fox Sports and negotiated the first and last right of refusal on any pay-television deal until 2022 as part of the Super League peace agreement, but will relinquish its three seats on the NRL partnership committee and any other administrative positions.

The other three positions, held by ARL appointees, will also be made redundant as the eight independent commissioners will be chosen by the 16 premiership clubs.

ARL chairman Colin Love is set to be the inaugural chairman of the independent commission.

As a result of the changes, there is no need for the ARL to exist and next month's annual general meeting is likely to be its last.

The new body will be a non-profit organisation charged with making decisions in the best interests of the game as a whole.

The revenue, of which more than 95 per cent is generated from State of Origin, Test matches and the NRL premiership, will then be allocated to the 16 clubs and to the game's various state and regional bodies on a case-by-case basis after funding applications are considered by the independent commission.

It is hoped the new body will be able to negotiate more income from the next television rights deal in 2013 and that money will be shared around.

An increase in the annual grant paid to clubs from $3m to $4.1m to match the salary cap is also envisaged.

With those goals in place, there will not be any expansion in the number of teams in the premiership unless it is guaranteed that doing so would generate more television income than a 16-team competition.

State of Origin, Test matches - beginning with the 2013 World Cup - and premiership games are set to be offered separately to broadcasters in a bid to increase the overall value of the code.

Aside from receiving increased grants due to the game generating more revenue, the 16 NRL clubs support the independent commission as they will have far greater influence in the running of the code through their involvement in the appointment of the commissioners.

At present, the clubs can vote 16-0 on an issue but the NRL partnership committee - comprising of three News Ltd and three ARL directors - makes the final decision and could go against the wishes of the clubs.

El Diablo

Post Whore

Independent body not all good News for avaricious code
November 30, 2009


Wild dreams of pots of gold from broadcast rights fees are underpinning a push from certain elements of rugby league for an independent commission to run the code.

While having the one body pushing the code in a cohesive direction can only be good for the game, there are some dangers in allowing the current cash cow - News Limited - to walk away. And the key one is money.

Many people in the game believe the NRL has previously been stymied in television contract negotiations by News Limited's half-ownership and the conflicts of interest in securing pay television rights fees from Fox Sports, part-owned by News Limited. But it could be argued that the game's second-largest revenue raiser - major naming rights sponsor and internet rights holder Telstra - is most involved in the code because of its part ownership of Foxtel, alongside News Limited.

The NRL might have boosted its television rights fees in the last negotiations - but not as much as its fierce rival, the AFL. And that had more to do with posturing from media moguls than any commonsense analysis of return on investment or the reach into key commercial markets. In essence, the pay television deals had nought to do with the differences between the code's contracts - but the free-to-air rights did.

Significantly, all of the rights for the NRL - sponsorship, broadcast, radio, internet and new media - are up for renewal at the end of 2012. This was done deliberately by NRL executives to try to extract a premium from a telco or media company which might pay more to buy a whole product, and which could then subcontract out bits and pieces.

Yet within the NRL there are subcommittees already working hard against that principle, preparing to split the game further than it already is - auctioning the State of Origin, or Monday Night Football, or Test matches into separate parcels. The theory is that perhaps the sum of the pieces will be greater than the whole, but this, too, is a gamble.

Will a company that has only a small piece of the game leverage harder to promote it?

Insiders say having everything available at the one time simply allows any negotiations to be maximised as various combinations can be put forward.

The global financial crisis has caused a shift in the fortunes of media outlets such as Channel Nine, which has a first and last right of refusal for the free-to-air NRL broadcast rights. If Channel Seven and Ten successfully bid for the AFL rights - which critically expire a year before the NRL's - then the number of bidders for rugby league might be restricted. But of course the NRL has a great product which repeatedly draws in the ratings - a magnetic lure for television stations, even ones that are struggling.

Let's hope that the blazer-wearing types that end up overseeing the game are business savvy, because the rainbow is a slippery slope indeed. Maybe the question should be posed: If the game is so robust, why is News Limited running out the door?

El Diablo

Post Whore

Jobs for the boys fear haunts commission ideal

Dean Ritchie | November 29, 2009 11:00pm

SOUTH Sydney chief executive Shane Richardson last night described rugby league's independent commission as "the biggest step forward in 100 years of the game".

"Everyone has to put their egos away – this has got to happen," Richardson stressed.

In what shapes as a history-making administration shake-up, the commission is expected to be implemented early next year by current NRL stakeholders, News Ltd and the Australian Rugby League.

The Courier-Mail understands all stakeholders in the game have agreed in principle to a commission. The only fear though among clubs is whether too many "jobs for the boys" will be handed out to veteran officials as a sweetener for their support.

ARL and News Ltd will nominate the inaugural commission with the 16 clubs to then select the commissioners.

Officials were ducking for cover yesterday, reluctant to discuss the matter publicly for fear of jeopardising any potential deal.

The commission will however be discussed at an NRL partnership meeting today.

"It will be the biggest step forward in 100 years of rugby league. It's crucial," Richardson said. "The biggest advantage AFL has over us is their commission – they have one voice.

"It is vital at this stage that the clubs do everything they can to support this.

"It would be a huge backward step (if it failed). All the stakeholders recognise how important this is.

"Everyone has to out their egos away – and their attitudes – because it's got to happen."

League sources fear "nepotism" may sneak into negotiations and that long-time officials will be included in the revised game.

Asked about this, all Cronulla CEO Richard Fisk said was: "Everyone is aware we can move forward with one united body but the key will be in the detail and to ensure we have good, fresh and positives ideas brought to our game."

There was speculation yesterday former Super League CEO John Ribot was part of a consortium to buy the Melbourne Storm, currently funded by News Ltd, in the revamped game.

But Ribot, also a QRL director, said: "I don't want to be involved. I won't be involved.

"We (QRL) want an independent commission but no one wants to meet with us.

"I wish people would step up to the plate and tell us all about it. We don't know how it's all going to happen if no one wants to have a meeting. It is very unusual."

One player manager said: "I'll believe it (a commission) when I see it."

The man behind the commission, Gold Coast boss Michael Searle, said he hoped for an announcement by Christmas "if all the stars align".


Money was the driving force behind super league. No doubt about it.

ARL nepotism was what allowed it to gather support.

This development had to be done, it also has to be done correctly. The revisionsists morons on here may have you believe the old ARL was some golden era, the truth was it was a pile of unprofessional, manure that drove away players, clubs, fans and even refs.

I can only hope history will not repeat. The less dumb f**k dinosaurs involved in the games administration the better.


Interesting that the earlier News piece floated expansion as an ongoing option but the Fairfax piece pours cold water on the idea.

An announcement before Christmas is mandatory. Sounds like there's a lot of work still to be done, even if the kites are being flown in tight formation.


In defence of the Sydney clubs in their argument about siphoning money to the Storm, it has been made clear that the NRL has no fighting fund, or any cash at all, if one or more of the existing clubs goes broke. I can see why clubs would be arking up about the Storm being given preferential treatment over, say, the Knights or Roosters. If it comes down to a choice between one or the other, as it may do, the Sydney clubs are within their rights to want to survive.

Knew you would say that...thats why u posted this link on big footy.


Why did u HAVE to?
I don't understand. Were you trying to keep the story away from BigFooty? Someone would have posted it eventually. I just wanted to see what the anti-RL trolls on BF would say to some positive news like this. Turns out they ignored it entirely and went on squabbling amongst themselves. Oh well. :)


First Grade
Gotta feel the love from the SMH eh. Even on arguably our best day, they pull out something negative.

I must say though this is what I expect from News after they leave. Watch out next season. It will be a controversy galore.

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