yosh - the thing with the auto picks is that you can have 10 up there.. but they will only work for your next draft pick. i've had heaps of autos queued up several times and ill usually get one of the first few, but then the next round will roll around and not use the autos again. it is most annoying.
Oh I see... Thats not good... Far out okay, I'll check back again in around 1 hr or so hopefully my go is up!!!
I think I have close to the best forward pack in the NRL going on here!!!
8. Jeff Lima
9. Cam Smith
10. Stevie the Price is right
11. Simon 'Man up' Mannering
12. Chris 'new hieghts' Heington
14. Frank 'cant think of anything' Pritchard
and Ben Cross on the bench so far pretty happy acutally... I wanted Josh Perry but someone took him alrdy angry angry!!!