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Farah or Buderus?

Farah or Buderus

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Tommy Smith

chinorocks said:
He would have scored 8 trys and set up 8 more, kicked 16 from 16 despite the burden of not being a recognised goalkicker, and made 78 tackles in 80 minutes....or so the hype would lead me to believe.
Better yet, he would have parted the Kiwi defenders ala Moses parting the seas.

Mr. Fahrenheit

buderus is the best hooker in th world atm, but this forum has forgotten about the talents of 2 hookers from england, keiron cunningham and his understudy, who are very close to buderus, as is farah


no.2_lukeburt said:
buderus is the best hooker in th world atm, but this forum has forgotten about the talents of 2 hookers from england, keiron cunningham and his understudy, who are very close to buderus, as is farah

We haven't forgotten. We just don't care. If there so good they will carve us up in the tri nations, or better yet come play in the NRL. Until then we'll debate Bedsy vs Farah thank you very much.


Buderus is better atm. though I believe Farah will be better in the long run, he is still very young and learning.


The performance of Buderus has surely put an end to this debate on who is the best hooker in the game today....


Live Update Team
Agreed. All you had to do was watch the game last night to realise that Buderus would get more votes as far as fans wanting him to play for their club (other than the Knights of course). He was absolutely outstanding.


my opinion is that buderus performs in a great team that goes forward he has had andrew johns making him look good for years like just about every other newcastle player . Geez he got mark hughes a rep start !! . Farah is the most important player for the tigers he creates the most opportunities and get the roll forward you dont notice buderus until the game is 30-10 and he starts cutting the up in the last 1/4 . He is overated when no johns or nsw- aus pack behind him . He must be worried when johnsy retires i would johns even made CRAIGIE look good enough said??


I hope after last night that Buderus does play 80 minutes in his future rep outings. He carved up in that second half, but traditionally that is when he is taken off and replaced. It really does null his effectiveness in rep games, when other players are tiring that is when he comes into his own!

People who said he was down on form in the Tri Nations last year, I reckon that's why he wasn't as good. Hopefully the coaches pay him the respect he deserves and leave him on there for the full 80, coz I reckon we'll see more performances like last night if they do!


First Grade
Last night Buderus had one of the best games of his career, and is the best hooker in the game, that's the reason he is my favorite player.
He had deserved every accolade he has reviced inculding the Dally M.
Farah is a great player and does have a better kicking game, but as people have said it's because Johns is there and he doesn't need to kick it, but he does a good job of it when needed.
Buderus has excerllent vision and create's opportunities for his team mates, I think saying that Johns makes him looks good is one of the stupidiest things I've ever heard, Buderus has done great things for Newcastle when Johns was out. He has won plently of games, the Bronco's game in 2004 comes to mind when he got them into extra time with an indvidual try like last nights.

Farah will be known also as one of the great players, but at the moment he is not better than Buderus.


~bedsy~ said:
Last night Buderus had one of the best games of his career, and is the best hooker in the game, that's the reason he is my favorite player.
He had deserved every accolade he has reviced inculding the Dally M.
Farah is a great player and does have a better kicking game, but as people have said it's because Johns is there and he doesn't need to kick it, but he does a good job of it when needed.
Buderus has excerllent vision and create's opportunities for his team mates, I think saying that Johns makes him looks good is one of the stupidiest things I've ever heard, Buderus has done great things for Newcastle when Johns was out. He has won plently of games, the Bronco's game in 2004 comes to mind when he got them into extra time with an indvidual try like last nights.

Farah will be known also as one of the great players, but at the moment he is not better than Buderus.

That is a nice unbiased post.

I tend to agree and am sure Farah will have his day in the Sun.


I'd say that Farah probably has a few more skills to his game, including an excellent short kicking game. And if he can remain relatively injury free and play in a successful team through out his career then he has every chance of establishing him self as one of the best hookers of recent times.

But this is only his second year and Buderus is still performing at the top representative level and has been for many years. Farah has yet to prove himself at state or international level. (He'll get this chance soon if he keeps performing)

If I was putting together a team that was going to play for my life tomorrow Buderus would be hooker.

If I was putting together a team that I wanted to perform for the next 3 to 4 years and had to abide by the contraints of the salary cap Farah would be the hooker.


First Grade
~bedsy~ said:
Last night Buderus had one of the best games of his career, and is the best hooker in the game, that's the reason he is my favorite player.
He had deserved every accolade he has reviced inculding the Dally M.
Farah is a great player and does have a better kicking game, but as people have said it's because Johns is there and he doesn't need to kick it, but he does a good job of it when needed.
Buderus has excerllent vision and create's opportunities for his team mates, I think saying that Johns makes him looks good is one of the stupidiest things I've ever heard, Buderus has done great things for Newcastle when Johns was out. He has won plently of games, the Bronco's game in 2004 comes to mind when he got them into extra time with an indvidual try like last nights.

Farah will be known also as one of the great players, but at the moment he is not better than Buderus.

HAHAHAHA out of a good 20 ppl at the local rsl not one picked bedsey as MOM...typical of his career, never done anything worth immortal mention, only given accolades when a clear winner cannot be picked. I will not deny he takes opportunities presented to him, like any other top grader would. Observing this thread has only reinforced my belief the knights supportsers are more influenced by the media than any other club supporters. Anyone who believes buderus is more talented and skillfull than farah has rocks in their head. Buderus' career has been constructed and shaped by ch9 into something which it is not...greatness. I do not doubt at a time he has been one of the best hookers going around yet the fact he was named MOM on fri nite when it was clear that it was an all round team perfomance was more than predictable. (Knowing we were gna roll the kiwis in a solid all round team performance he made me a lot of money at 13-1) It is non debatable Farah is more skillful than him ( if any1 is free from bias it is a saints supporter... considering the bs game late last yr LOL) as stated by myself earlier the link between buderus and johns has progressed Buderus much further than his own skills would have taken him. A peron worthy of NSW captaincy should b able to have some impact of his own team, without johns buderus is a puppet...neigh muppet!


First Grade
Buderas Is Brilliant. You Can Guarantee If A Line Break Is Made He Will Be At Dummy Half And He Will Scoot And Take Another 20m Off The Team.

Always There In Support. Good Defender.

I Wish I Could Play Like Him.

simon says

First Grade
Buderus is class....no doubts,but I reckon Farah is an absolute gun.

IMO he is the chief weapon of the tigers and the most skilful hooker I have seen since Benny Elias.

Should be most interesting to see how they match up against eachother this weekend.


First Grade
Simon I Will Agree Farah Is Class. Either One Would Happily Be In My Team, But There Is Something About Buderas. When Saints Play Him I Hateit When He Is On The Field.

He Owns The Ruck Area Like No Other Hooker
stats on Farah (from 5 games)

5 try assists
3 line break assists
139 tackles
6 miss tackles
2 line breaks
0 trys

now buderus (from 9 games)
1 try assist
2 line break assists
271 tackes
7 line breaks
5 trys

now judgeing by those stats they are completely different players Farah is more a player too set up tries while buderus likes too score them Buderus is def better for now

i dunno how many miss tackles buderus has but 6 miss tackles in 5 games for Farah is amazing

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