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Farah or Ennis II


First Grade
Eniis learnt in Origin 1 this year what Farah learnt in Origin 1 last year. That when your forward pack gets slapped silly you go nowhere fast. At least Michael didn't have to deal with Campese and Wallace in the halves, although Lyon at 5/8 was almost as bad.

The forward pack is where we lose these games and none of the selectors ever seem to recognise that fact. Incumbancy applies to Bellamy, Fulton & Daleys favourite players it seems


"Robbie Farah on 12 DM points and how many points is Ennis on? He's not even listed. Here are some stats between the two Farah 795 run meters Ennis 235 meters, Farah 413 tackles Ennis 252 Tackles, Farah 4 Line breaks Ennis 1 Line Break. Going by the stats it's disgusting that Ennis is picked in front of Farah. Why is Ennis picked? Answer from our illustrious selectors in particular Laurie Daley is that Ennis is "built for origin." Can someone from the NSWRL define how a player is "built for origin?" Farah has beaten Ennis in every facet of the game this year yet he can't get picked for NSW. Am I the only one who is starting to think there is a conspiracy against Robbie Farah because he's not friendly with the media?"

This came from a Telegraph. Not sure if its true I couldn't be bothered finding out.

However I know last year these sats were similar, Farah has it all over him.

Ennis is so overated its not funny...he looks like a footballer, thats about it.
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I'm over asking questions and debating on these forums, the huge Ennis fans have absolutely no clue about footy and couldn't provide a half decent argument if their lives dependent on it.

Their intelligence in regards to Farah and Ennis' ability is as big a myth as the player himself.


Neither Ennis or Farah has been in particularly good form this year. Last year they were both playing well, Farah just that much better.

If Farah had been playing well this year he'd have a case and something to whinge about. Neither has put their hand up.

As far as I'm concerned neither of them are "built for Origin" and aren't big game players either. The difference Craig Wing made when he came on in the games he played last year was instant and huge. He totally turned the matches with his direction and smart play. He knew when to do things and what to do.

Neither Farah nor Ennis has done that in any finals match or rep match I've seen them in. They don't have that extra gear as far as I'm concerned.


Neither Ennis or Farah has been in particularly good form this year. Last year they were both playing well, Farah just that much better.

If Farah had been playing well this year he'd have a case and something to whinge about. Neither has put their hand up.

As far as I'm concerned neither of them are "built for Origin" and aren't big game players either. The difference Craig Wing made when he came on in the games he played last year was instant and huge. He totally turned the matches with his direction and smart play. He knew when to do things and what to do.

Neither Farah nor Ennis has done that in any finals match or rep match I've seen them in. They don't have that extra gear as far as I'm concerned.

Farah has won a premiership...and played a huge part in it as well.


Ennis is a media darling. Good to see him in the paper today quoting on behalf of the State of Origin team. That is arrogance of the highest order for someone who is not even selected

Oh if Doggies supporters love him so much, care to explain the rumour regarding Ennis and Penrith
Tiger are Pro, honestly do you think Farah is a better hooker than Cam Smith?

Posts like this annoy me.

I've said on many occasions that I think Smith is not only the best hooker, but by far the best player in the league regardless of position.

Another thing, is that I'm not overly pro-Farah, yes, I'm slightly biased towards him because he's an excellent player and one of the premier players of the comp, however I'm definitely anti-forheadlesspastic. I've named Priddis at hooker for my origin teams because I feel he, with Farah on the bench gives NSW the best chance at winning. Ennis isn't in my top 3 hookers for NSW, let alone the top 8 in the comp for mine. He's just extremely overrated, a bad defender, stagnating in attack and just doesn't deserve to be playing origin, let alone CvC, let alone 80 mins for his club.


ok i wud like to way in on dis debate

1st of all i m a mad tiger fan i luv da mitey tigers! but lets be serious here. ennis is built 4 origin he is a origin playa and farah is not n never will b. he duz a gr8 job for us at da tigers but ya ok. let us rememba farah givin da ball to qld near our own line.

2ndly ennis is a gr8 defenda nd leader i personaly fink he is DA BEST in dis part of da game. he is realy tuff n does amazing things in da origin arena, but if i wood always choose farah for da tigers.

sorry farah ilu tho


First Grade
:lol: Around budget time every year funding cuts lead to at least one spabo leaking through the cracks and onto the internet.

This year it's a Dogs fan who thinks he is a Tigers fan and gets errect at the mention of Daniel Fitzhenry


First Grade
Hooker is not NSW's problem.

Your biggest problem has been in the halves.

Whether Farah or Ennis is the 3rd best hooker in NRL after Smith and Luke is a pointless debate.


:lol: Around budget time every year funding cuts lead to at least one spabo leaking through the cracks and onto the internet.

This year it's a Dogs fan who thinks he is a Tigers fan and gets errect at the mention of Daniel Fitzhenry

1 who or wat is a spabo
3 i am female n luv fitz

luk u r obviously in sum denial but woteva its just an onion

ty 4 reading my post i am sure u feel brighter