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Farah vs Ennis

Farah vs Ennis

  • Robbie Farah cos he got skill

    Votes: 101 64.3%
  • Michael Ennis cos hes a grub

    Votes: 56 35.7%

  • Total voters


Not a Moderator
if nsw needs to pick a grubb, pick gallen for christs sake..

personally i think if any grubb is chosen and they do something stupid qld will just use it to their advantage and fire up more.. it has happened in the past 3 seasons with mason and gallen trash talking yet qld do the talking with the 3-0 series


If NSW want to have a genuine chance in the series they should pick Farah. They picked Buderus the last 3 series and he failed to even lay on 1 try. All this toughness and origin suited players is a load of crap. We are up against the likes of Slater, Lockyer, Thurston, Prince, Smith, Hodges and Inglis. These guys are not tough players, they are bloody skillful players that can score and create tries. You know, make a difference on the scorebaord??

Robbie Farah would have the most try assists, more 40/20's, more line breaks, more forced drop outs then any other hooker over the past 4 seasons. He has won a Premiership and racked up a ton off Dally M points in a team that doesn't win 50% of the time. He is a very classy player that could ignite NSW. He has a left foot kicking game that can go up against Smith.

The Mind real does boggle that Ennis (no disrespect a solid player) could be picked at 9 ahead of Farah. Do people actually watch games? Farah on form is mesmerising. Do pick Ennis, or Dean Young or Gidley at hooker would be a pathetic joke. And another series where NSw would lack genuine creative players in key positions.


Johns Magic

Neither of them are as good as Buderus, but I'd have to go with Farah, even though he's a little bitch whose game isn't suited to Origin.


Thurston isn't the best halfback in the country, Prince is. I'll bet if you look at his stats they are pretty impressive also, good players stats generally are. How anyone can consider ennis more dangerous is beyond me, i dont understand what Farah is supposed to do to prove he is a superior player. He attacks and defends better, which is pretty much the whole game. Picking a player because they trash talk is the stupidest thing i have ever heard, but i almost hope it happens so people see what a ridiculous decision picking ennis would be. Also, i think cowboy's supporters opinions here need to be ignored, for some reason they hate the Tigers, cant imagine why....

what happens if cronk has the best stats?or sandow or someone else?does that mean theyre better then prince and thurston because the stats show that?

i could use your same argument against you..i hope they pick farah to see what a ridiculous decision it will be lol your making it out as if ennis is rubbish and farah is awesome..to me theyre both awesome players but from a qlders perspective id rather u guys choose farah cos i feel he's less dangerous

and the ennis being a former bronco could be influencing my decision because i saw how dangerous he was for us..he ripped teams apart when we needed him to

Mr Saab

I hope Robbie has a great game, cause the tigers have really pushed for his inclusion the past few yrs. Sure, one game doesnt make a career (look at Lockyers test debut) but still...


have u read the stat thread.. more tackles, more dummy half runs, more line breaks, more try assists, more 40/20s

all you have said ennis does better is his 'toughness' .. and i would have thought the more decent kickers the better..
Ennis perhaps is better at striking a partnership with his halves?

Kimmorley/Ennis is the best 7/9 combo in the game at the moment. Stats don't tell you the whole story. Ennis is a competitor that doesn't employ chip kicks 10m out from his own line while holding a 4 point lead.


He has won a Premiership

Now, there's a convincing argument. I guess every player who's ever won a premiership should be coming into contention right now, then? Even the ones who have since retired?

farah is a SMARTER player then ennis, he also has more variety and skills of a halfback

Guess you missed '07, then. Because it was then that Ennis and Hodges dragged the Broncos into the top eight by themselves.

And Ennis was playing half-back at the time then, too.

Ennis would be the better selection. His presence, unlike Farrah's, would concern me. Farrah is percieved to be a better player because the media says he is. Were he the world-conquering ubermensch the Sydney media make him (and Marshall) out to be, the Tigers would be far better performers.

And before you give me the tired old malarky about "playing behind a beaten pack," a rep-class Hooker's job is to make sure his pack gets on top, and if they can't, to shift the ball to different attacking options.

Which team is going better again? I forget. Tigers or Bulldogs, it all gets so confusing...


Farah is ahead of Ennis in all areas. This crap that Ennis is "tougher" only comes about because he is a niggling player and a grub. Somehow that is going to win us an Origin series. Its not.

We need to score points. NSW lost the last three series because they couldn't score points. They'd get into QLDs 20 time and time again, yet come up with nothing.

Farah is the best attacking hooker in NSW. He has more tries, more line breaks, more try assists, more meters, more tackle busts, more kicking metres, makes more tackles, misses less tackles and kicked more 40/20's than Ennis.

In saying that, Ennis may be ideal for the bench as he can play in the halves and the backrow as well. He is not a bad player at all, he's quite a good player, he's just not as good as Farah.
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Guess you missed '07, then. Because it was then that Ennis and Hodges dragged the Broncos into the top eight by themselves.

you mean the year farah came second in the dally m race by point, despite missing games due to a back injury at the end of the season? and was then on stand by for smith in the australian team? how did ennis fair in the dally m's?

Mr Saab

you mean the year farah came second in the dally m race by point, despite missing games due to a back injury at the end of the season? and was then on stand by for smith in the australian team? how did ennis fair in the dally m's?

Dont use Dally Ms as an argument. Thats like using Ivan Milat as a character witness


Farah> Dean Young> De Gois> Priddis> Corey Hughes> Ennis

Lol @ people saying Ennis is better than Farah


Not a Moderator
lol above is pretty accurate.. besides corey hughes lol

and to the knights fan.. cameron smith was way better then buderus (past 2 years anyway). farah's attack was better the buderus' also. although buderus' defence was impeccable so guess that kind of makes up for it


While the other blokes could be argued to be better then Ennis, Corey Huges isn't even worthy of a first grade position IMO. Michael Ennis is a good player though.

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