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Federal govt. withdraws $10m Centenary funding


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
taipan said:
I hope you are not including the State Labor govt of NSW.The health system is stuffed up big time.You are not related to Reba?
For the last 20 years hospitals have struggled and govts of both Labor and Libs have been in power Federally.
I'll believe it when I see it.

To be fair the health system was failing before Reba became Minister... it's not directly her fault, but she isn't doing a great job yet of correcting the mistakes.

As for this issue and Mr Rudd... it's a pity for RL but there are far more important things to put that money towards. Regardless, it was Howard's fault. That's been done to death by a few people taming the ignorant fools who just want a stab at Kevin's credibility.

There is more to life than footy.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Whoa, back up.

We're talking about a one off $10m commitment to a sport already with plenty of money in it, well established with well maintained facilities in metropolitan and major regional areas of the most populated state.

The AFL (however fairy-esque it might be, skirts and ball-grabbing aside) in NT is clearly an ailing prospect, they aren't well-established, their grounds are mostly dirt and infrastructure in the NT isn't there like it is here.

In summary you're comparing a funding agreement with a well-established organisation to a grass-roots funding agreement that will help build a sport in marginalised and poorly established areas.

Regardless of your opinion of the AFL, surely you see that?


Not a good sign at all. Our boy Kevin is a AFL man. During the run up to the election I saw him on tv saying that politics is unpredictable and anything can happen just like it does in the 4th quarter at the Gabba.

yeah, he will bring down the NRL with hes policies.
Just like HOward did to the AFL .FFS

El Diablo

Post Whore
Timmah said:
Whoa, back up.

We're talking about a one off $10m commitment to a sport already with plenty of money in it, well established with well maintained facilities in metropolitan and major regional areas of the most populated state.

The AFL (however fairy-esque it might be, skirts and ball-grabbing aside) in NT is clearly an ailing prospect, they aren't well-established, their grounds are mostly dirt and infrastructure in the NT isn't there like it is here.

In summary you're comparing a funding agreement with a well-established organisation to a grass-roots funding agreement that will help build a sport in marginalised and poorly established areas.

Regardless of your opinion of the AFL, surely you see that?


AFL has more money it than RL. did you not see how much they got for their TV rights?

yet you think it's fine to spend money on that when they already have more money

good one


First Grade
Timmah said:
Whoa, back up.

We're talking about a one off $10m commitment to a sport already with plenty of money in it, well established with well maintained facilities in metropolitan and major regional areas of the most populated state.

The AFL (however fairy-esque it might be, skirts and ball-grabbing aside) in NT is clearly an ailing prospect, they aren't well-established, their grounds are mostly dirt and infrastructure in the NT isn't there like it is here.

In summary you're comparing a funding agreement with a well-established organisation to a grass-roots funding agreement that will help build a sport in marginalised and poorly established areas.

Regardless of your opinion of the AFL, surely you see that?

AFLNT, which is part of the AFL Commission, is a very well funded organisation. This view that the money given to RL was only going to the NRL is very misguided, a significant proportion was going to grass roots iniatives to help support the volunteers of the game, who often are a neglected part, despite the huge hours they do for little to no support.

League has come out badly in the change of governments, not only did it miss out on a significant amount of offered funding (close to $23 million), it has now missed out on money which was meant to be 'in the bank'.

AFL and 'Football' seem to have been sparred these cuts... Its a bit harsh to support some sports and neglect others...


I read an article yesterday that said AusAid were paying to send 2 AFL teams to Dubai to play an exhibition match.

It's on my work computer - I'll try to remember to look for it tomorrow.

Incidentally, the government is slashing funding left, right and centre at the moment.


I didn't vote rudd.

After 11 years of our economy booming, lowest unemployement rate, low (but rising) interest rates, i get people telling me they voted Rudd cause "they felt like a change"

If anything, it will all get worse.


There are some seriously politically misguided people on this forum. What do you think the majority of Australians care about? Further interest rate rises, or a rugby league hall of fame?

Dogs Of War

Slippers said:
There are some seriously politically misguided people on this forum. What do you think the majority of Australians care about? Further interest rate rises, or a rugby league hall of fame?

Do you want to explain how cutting govt spending on a rugby league hall of fame will affect interest rates?

There are many instances which will cause inflation by the goverment spending, this is not one of them.


Slippers said:
There are some seriously politically misguided people on this forum. What do you think the majority of Australians care about? Further interest rate rises, or a rugby league hall of fame?

Are you seriously suggesting that the RL grant, or other grants of its type, would have been inflationary?!

The inflationary situation, which has led to the interest rate rises, has had far more to do with the strong labour market (labour competition) and, may would argue, with tax cuts for mid- to high-income earners, which the Rudd government has committed to retain (although there is an argument that given the strong budget surplus, the inflationary influence of the tax cuts should be limited).

A piddling $10 mill grant from the Rudd Gov'ts reported target budget surplus of $18 billion couldn't possibly be seen as fiscally irresponsible and could never lead to a tightening monetary policy.

The Government has made a decision to scoop up money, seemingly to fund a number of policies that it has up its sleeve, and to demonstrate politically that it can deliver a strong budget surplus (something that many voters are wary of from the Hawke / Keating years and state labour governments).

Renegging on previous government grant commitments has nothing to do with interest rates.


Dogs Of War said:
There are many instances which will cause inflation by the goverment spending, this is not one of them.

Oh really?

The fact is there are only four ways you can avoid or ameliorate the inflationary pressures facing us today:

1- Increase capacity - this was Howard and Costello's greatest failing. So much prosperity yet so little spent on vital infrastructure.

2- Decrease government spending - reduces aggregate demand.

3- Restrict wages growth - a la the accords. Very undesirable.

4- Raise interest rates - again, reducing aggregate demand. This is what was done in the early 90s. Remeber the recession we had to have?

Any and all spending by government will contribute to aggregate demand. So if you think that a hall of fame is going to icrease the capacity of the economy then I think it's fine that you think it should stay. Otherwise get your collective heads out of your arses and look at the bigger picture. There's another $30bn in cuts coming.


mikeob said:
Not a good sign at all. Our boy Kevin is a AFL man. During the run up to the election I saw him on tv saying that politics is unpredictable and anything can happen just like it does in the 4th quarter at the Gabba.

No he is a more AIS and OLYMPICS man so there is only one code that will actually see an increase of money and it ain't AFL.

Green Machine

First Grade
yakstorm said:
League has come out badly in the change of governments, not only did it miss out on a significant amount of offered funding (close to $23 million), it has now missed out on money which was meant to be 'in the bank'.

Is that so? Didn’t Federal Labor commit to stadium upgrades at Leichhardt Oval, Campbelltown Stadium, Penrith Stadium and Energy Australia Stadium?
I’m amazed that the ARL/NRL would allow John Howard to launch an election promise in prime time on National Grand Final day. I’m amazed that during the election campaign that the ARL/NRL would not have got assurances from Labor that they would commit to the Liberals election promise to the ARL. I find it totally amazing that the NRL would allow themselves to be aligned to one political party prior to a Federal Election. Especially a party that was going to lose that election


Chachi said:
Thank Christ some of you lot aren't running the economy. You're probably the same people who whinge about interest rates going up and wonder why the f**k they do!

Howard and his cronies were throwing money out the window left right and centre to buy their way back into Government. The amount of ridiculous sh*t the coalition were going to fund was an absolute disgrace.

It's a shame for the NRL, but good policy by Labor.

Of course if the Libs had donme it it would have been poor thinking.
Even WayneSwan admitted,in a round about way that the economy they inherited was strong,although overheated.So much for the run down crapola.
If Rudd was genuine about reducing inflation,he would cancel the promised tax cuts for starters.If he was genuine about the environment he would have canned the paper mill in Tassie.
The Howard govt is not the only one to blame.How about us ,how about State govts.

Ever heard about overspending by the public credit card levels at an all time high,1million new cars sold last year(many I guess on credit),ever heard about the strength of the aussie dollar making imports cheaper(ask Gerry harvey and others why sales of huge Plasmas and LCDS are booming)ever heard of an economy with low unemployment and booming resource industry where labourers can earn $70,000 plus ,or mortgage lenders who have sprung up everywhere.Have a look at the development on the Gold Coast,this whilst good for jobs and the economy aids in a minor way the inflationary spiral.

The workers at Mitsubishi who were given the flick(due to b...all buying the 380 locally produced car) have been offered jobs in SA (where the state Labor govt claims there are plenty of jobs available and by the Qld Labor gov(where the state govt claims there are plenty of jobs available).The economy run down ????
The cross city tunnel in sydney a huge waste of money,the T card debacle and the desal plant all State govt intiatives in the hundreds of miilions of dollars all add to the inflationary cycle overall.

You don't have demand unless you have ability to pay,and you don't have that ability unless the economy provides the cash and credit.

Iwould be canning a couple of the defence purchases for starters.Whilst oil prices remain high inflationary pressures will still remain,regardless of whom is in power.We are so dependent on the greasy stuff.
We are a small country of 21 million,to save heaps on duplication,get rid of state govts and justhave Federal and local councils.

By all means cut back on grants to sport,but its pretty ordinary when the the centenary year celebrations have already started,not down the line.


First Grade
gregstar said:
as long as the money is spent on a good cause.

i understand a fund for aids-ridden, aboriginal, lesbian artists with disabilities is being established.

i love politicians.

I heard he was passing legislation so the above mentioned people could marry their purple coloured cats...


This strikes me as a short sighted anti sport decission.

Are now not to fund celebrations of other historical events?

Auztralia Day?

New Years?

What do you think is more worthy - the billions of dollars spent on fireworks for a drunken crowd on New Years or 10 million on a one off recognision of volunteers and players.

This is knee jurk decission making.

Green Machine

First Grade
taipan said:
Of course if the Libs had donme it it would have been poor thinking.
Even WayneSwan admitted,in a round about way that the economy they inherited was strong,although overheated.So much for the run down crapola.
If Rudd was genuine about reducing inflation,he would cancel the promised tax cuts for starters.
Geez Taipan, Rudd would be game man to cancel the tax cuts. Remember how the Liberals went off for 15 years after Keating put the tax cuts into super
If he was genuine about the environment he would have canned the paper mill in Tassie.
The Howard govt is not the only one to blame.How about us ,how about State govts.

Ever heard about overspending by the public credit card levels at an all time high,1million new cars sold last year(many I guess on credit),ever heard about the strength of the aussie dollar making imports cheaper(ask Gerry harvey and others why sales of huge Plasmas and LCDS are booming)ever heard of an economy with low unemployment and booming resource industry where labourers can earn $70,000 plus ,or mortgage lenders who have sprung up everywhere.Have a look at the development on the Gold Coast,this whilst good for jobs and the economy aids in a minor way the inflationary spiral.

The workers at Mitsubishi who were given the flick(due to b...all buying the 380 locally produced car) have been offered jobs in SA (where the state Labor govt claims there are plenty of jobs available and by the Qld Labor gov(where the state govt claims there are plenty of jobs available).The economy run down ????
The cross city tunnel in sydney a huge waste of money,the T card debacle and the desal plant all State govt intiatives in the hundreds of miilions of dollars all add to the inflationary cycle overall.

You don't have demand unless you have ability to pay,and you don't have that ability unless the economy provides the cash and credit.

Iwould be canning a couple of the defence purchases for starters.Whilst oil prices remain high inflationary pressures will still remain,regardless of whom is in power.We are so dependent on the greasy stuff.
We are a small country of 21 million,to save heaps on duplication,get rid of state govts and justhave Federal and local councils.

By all means cut back on grants to sport,but its pretty ordinary when the the centenary year celebrations have already started,not down the line.
I agree. I reckon the contract for the upgrade of those dud frigates would be a good starting point


Another thing, I really don't have any sympathy for anyone who bases their business plans and finance decisions on unlegislated pork-barrelling in an election year by a government 10 points behind in the polls. Just plain stupid on behalf of QRU and ARL.

As to the contracts, I would like to see them get out of the $16billion contract Brendan Nelson negotiated with Andrew Peacock for the sale of sub-standard fighter jets (that the air force don't think we need). That was criminal.