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Federal govt. withdraws $10m Centenary funding


Anyone who bags the Libs for the last decade of good times by you and I..yes YOU and I is either a f**king idiot, or too young to have lived through hawke and keating with their recession we had to have and 18 percent...THATS RIGHT LITTLE KIDDIES 18 percent! Interest rates.

Labor have always been a party that hand out to the minority groups, the Unions and all teh othr whinging whining leftie arsewipes.

You dont see the pricks canning the millions into some bullsh*t Arty Farty Arts school or program. Who the f**k needs artists in reality anyway. you want to be an artist? go and wait tables earn the dosh and buy your own effing paints.

Krudd has shown he is all talk. Time will show he is no action. the idiot vote will one day wake up. Ill buy my time for now and watch you all implode as time eats you up under Krudd and Treasurer Goose.


LeagueLegend said:
Yeah, full of promises little Johnny but no money to be seen, now he's taken his lovely pension for life after Australia told him to "F" off.
10 billion surpluss. When keating left we were 90 billion in teh red, with not much to show for it. The country didnt tell him to F off you goose. Teh first timers that did it for teh sake of a change without really knowing teh bullsh*t you get under a labour government and the idiot vote got krudd in, as did teh Green preferences. So many of teh idiot vote voted Greens because and I quote " Labor is as bad as liberal and i want to protest so ill vote Greens!" the dumbasses said proudly without even understanding that a Green vote goes to the Labour bludgers.

Go on Unionists...start putting your hands out for more!!! Go on Unionists you were gagged for a decade, couldnt hold thsi country to ransom, and now you ll be back f**king the lives of teh real workers with yor scabtactics. Arsewipes.

I hate Labor. For what they stand for, for what they proven over 40 years ive been around, and for their support of an archaic boys cluib that claims to protect workers, as long as workers pay for teh privlidge of being out of work because some fat redneck says you cant turnm up today, I didnt get my Tea Money...f**k off scab. i work when i want, for as long as i want and for none but myself. I negotiate ,y terms with my boss because IM GOOD ENOUGH. i dont need a boys club to protect me from my own inefficient and pathetic existence under the false mask of "workers rights". take your labor propaganda and f**k off dumbasses.

You dumb prick will learn teh hard way when 1991 is repeated on your arses. im cashed up and looking forward to watching your dreams fade away. ill probably be the benefactor of your losses and your miseries, and Im f**king loving it.

Serves you right for voting these Cnuts in. You dumbasses are about to learn what it is to be screwed by labor.


melon.... said:
You dont see the pricks canning the millions into some bullsh*t Arty Farty Arts school or program. Who the f**k needs artists in reality anyway. you want to be an artist? go and wait tables earn the dosh and buy your own effing paints.

Nice intelligent post there melonhead.

How about we turn that into...

Who the f**k needs halls of fame in reality anyway. you want to have a hall of fame? go and sell your product properly, earn the dosh and buy your own effing hall of fame.


melon.... said:
Anyone who bags the Libs for the last decade of good times by you and I..yes YOU and I is either a f**king idiot, or too young to have lived through hawke and keating with their recession we had to have and 18 percent...THATS RIGHT LITTLE KIDDIES 18 percent! Interest rates.

If you've hit the big 4-0 you will remember the 1981 recession, howards deficits as treasurer and 23 percent interest rates....THATS RIGHT LITTLE KIDDIES 23 per... ahh forget it.


Slackboy72 said:
Nice intelligent post there melonhead.

How about we turn that into...

Who the f**k needs halls of fame in reality anyway. you want to have a hall of fame? go and sell your product properly, earn the dosh and buy your own effing hall of fame.
Exactly you dumbass twerp. Do you really know how muc hthe NRL counts in its coffers. f**k dude, you neive twerps should be told from someone that knows...yes me. Enough to build 10 Hall of Fame bullsh*t caravans for simple suburban twats like yourself so you can stand in front of a Norm Provan statue and wave your f**king stupid red and white flag. genius.


23% were for 90 day credit loans, not actual interest rates.

But the ALP always ignore that difference.....


Slackboy72 said:
If you've hit the big 4-0 you will remember the 1981 recession, howards deficits as treasurer and 23 percent interest rates....THATS RIGHT LITTLE KIDDIES 23 per... ahh forget it.
LOLOLOLOL!!!! You idiot!! Predictable fool!!! Teh difference is the 81 interest rates were due to teh state of the world inflationary pressures and their effect on credit ratings....much like the recession we are about to have. i dont blame teh current or past governments for teh upcoming rises. But the 91 18 rates were due to LIBERALS DECISION MAKING AND SPENDING POLICIES!!! Something that Swann was questioned during the election campaign and something he couldnt answer. Dont believe me,....go back and watch teh video footage of election night. CH7s footage of Swarmy Swann strutting about before he was hammered with that question and fact and got owned.

There's a difference genius. Something you simpleton labor freaks that swallow every inch of Rudds propaganda dildo cant help.


melon.... said:
Krudd has shown he is all talk. Time will show he is no action. the idiot vote will one day wake up. Ill buy my time for now and watch you all implode as time eats you up under Krudd and Treasurer Goose.


Here's melon:

"The Federal Government should be pouring many more millions into essential infrastructure like the rugby league hall of fame."

"Labor governments are so sh*thouse at managing finances and the economy, I can't believe interest rates and inflation are going up. The ALP have always just spent money and done nothing else and we're all worse off in the long run."

So tell me, my schizophrenic friend, what are they to do? Inject millions into rugby league, or portray economic conservatism? There's no pleasing some types, it seems.

fish eel

lockyno1 said:
No money..um the economy was booming under Howard, unemployment lowest they have ever been, and interest rates low (only took a Labor Govt. 2 months before that increased didn't it!). Howard gave a lot of funding for all sports. Smart becuase Australian's are sports mad in general. Yet Rudd now decides to cut funding to pay for his stupid computer scheme!

You are aware, arent you, that interest rates started trending upwards under Howard? They rose prior to and during the election campaign.

You are also aware, aren't you, that under Howard, the rate of underlying inflation had reached a 16 year high as Johnny was spending left right centre trying to desperatley buy his way back into government.


I really like where this thread is going. melon is the sort of angry tool that makes internet forums the special places they are.


Post Whore
fish eel said:
You are aware, arent you, that interest rates started trending upwards under Howard? They rose prior to and during the election campaign.

You are also aware, aren't you, that under Howard, the rate of underlying inflation had reached a 16 year high as Johnny was spending left right centre trying to desperatley buy his way back into government.

Yes and Rudd promised more affordable homes..that was one of his election promises..howard may have been spending, but I'd rather a PM who will spend on our national passions (sport) rather than a education policy that gives every bludger a computer. Waste of time. Rudd's reign will be a failure!


fish eel said:
You are aware, arent you, that interest rates started trending upwards under Howard? They rose prior to and during the election campaign.

You are also aware, aren't you, that under Howard, the rate of underlying inflation had reached a 16 year high as Johnny was spending left right centre trying to desperatley buy his way back into government.
You are aware that under Liberal the interest rates were also at THEIR LOWESt FOR 40 years!!!?? Why do you twats avoid the whole picture of truth. Brain dead suckers.

My bet is you dont even understand what caused the interest rate rises in 81, in 91, in 2006 and now.


lockyno1 said:
Yes and Rudd promised more affordable homes..that was one of his election promises..howard may have been spending, but I'd rather a PM who will spend on our national passions (sport) rather than a education policy that gives every bludger a computer. Waste of time. Rudd's reign will be a failure!
Onya Locky!!! Howard made a mistake promising to keep Interest rates down...he couldnt keep that as rates were out of his control and due to world economic status anyway. The same for Krudd. How can he promise cheaper housing? he cant control the market. he doesnt control teh rates either.

What dumbasses to believe Krudd!!!


Slackboy72 said:
I really like where this thread is going. melon is the sort of angry tool that makes internet forums the special places they are.
Slackboy, there are pills to relieve the slackness. Failing that you can get someone that can get hard to give it to her whilst you watch.

There is that better?

fish eel

melon.... said:
You are aware that under Liberal the interest rates were also at THEIR LOWESt FOR 40 years!!!?? Why do you twats avoid the whole picture of truth. Brain dead suckers.

My bet is you dont even understand what caused the interest rate rises in 81, in 91, in 2006 and now.

Thats the problems you torys have. 81, 91. Living in the past.


miccle said:

Here's melon:

"The Federal Government should be pouring many more millions into essential infrastructure like the rugby league hall of fame."

"Labor governments are so sh*thouse at managing finances and the economy, I can't believe interest rates and inflation are going up. The ALP have always just spent money and done nothing else and we're all worse off in the long run."

So tell me, my schizophrenic friend, what are they to do? Inject millions into rugby league, or portray economic conservatism? There's no pleasing some types, it seems.
Put it this way dopey.....would you rather pretend you are economically conservative by saving 10 million, when you are about to release 30 billion dollars in tax cuts at a time that woudl make inflation rise another percent and rates soar? Do ou even have a notion of scalability here? Economies of scale. They can spend 10 mill or not I dont really care frankly. When they spend 30 billion though to give to you so you can have your increased rates give it straight to the banks, come and see me then and talk about schizophrenia. Is it any wonder teh banks laugh at Swannand Krudd? They probably laugh at suckers like you too. Ill be there. to buy your house when you lose it.


fish eel said:
Thats the problems you torys have. 81, 91. Living in the past.
So go back to every Labor post and watch them compare Today with liberal's past. Whats teh difference my one eyed freak?

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