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Federal govt. withdraws $10m Centenary funding


Thats right, its all Howards fault! :sarcasm:

Its Howards fault that aussies are spending too much.

Its all Howards fault that the Labor run state governments have screwed over our health systems, underpaid our police, spent no money on infrastructure

I could go on


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Or you could just, you know, go on and blame a govt. that's been in power for all of what, two months? :lol:


Honestly, I can see no point getting pissed at politicians about this issue.

If the NRL and ARL administrations weren't filled with absolute halfwits, the game would be bringing in multi-millions more than it does every year.

A product like RL simply shouldn't need an injection of cash from the Government. But, courtesy of Gallop & Co.'s balls of jelly around the likes of News Ltd and Channel Nine, it's going to make an impact. Pathetic "businessmen".


First Grade
Slippers said:
There are some seriously politically misguided people on this forum.

Because they have different political affiliations than you? Just admit it, right?


No they are misguided because they think it's the governments job to set up halls of fame instead of worrying about essential public services and the economic wellbeing of the nation.


First Grade
Slackboy72 said:
No they are misguided because they think it's the governments job to set up halls of fame instead of worrying about essential public services and the economic wellbeing of the nation.

If that's exactly what they'd been doing at state and federal then fair enough.

They haven't.

If they're going to waste money on things (and you know they will), then why not waste $10 million on a RL HOF?


hrundi99 said:
Because they have different political affiliations than you? Just admit it, right?

No, because people on here are practically burning effigies of him because he cut funding to rugby league.. sure 10 mill isn't massive in the greater scheme of things, but it all adds up.

These wise guys of course blame Labor (for inheriting the consequences of the previous governments spending spree) when interest rates go up. So the government is cutting certain expenditures to try and make a large number of voters happy. In the process the hall of fame won't be built and our game is surely doomed. It's lose lose really isn't it?


Chachi said:
Thank Christ some of you lot aren't running the economy. You're probably the same people who whinge about interest rates going up and wonder why the f**k they do!

Howard and his cronies were throwing money out the window left right and centre to buy their way back into Government. The amount of ridiculous sh*t the coalition were going to fund was an absolute disgrace.

It's a shame for the NRL, but good policy by Labor.

Finally some sense.

To the uninitiated, our inflation is currently at very dangerous levels thus the fiscally responsible thing to do is decrease govt spending to lessen the chance of the RBA increasing interest rates further.

The Conservatives were going to fund the ARU $25m for a frikken academy! Talk about looking after your mates and pork barrelling. In the current economic climate, Labor would be irresponsible to fund such programs, even if it means League missing out on $10m.

BTW...Tax cuts or funding of independent sporting bodies such as the ARL, ARU and FFA? What would you choose?



dubby said:
Thats right, its all Howards fault! :sarcasm:

Its Howards fault that aussies are spending too much.

Its all Howards fault that the Labor run state governments have screwed over our health systems, underpaid our police, spent no money on infrastructure

I could go on

By massively decreasing funding to aged care health services (a Federal funding issue), the aged have had to go to Emergency waiting rooms at public hospitals for even minor health problems. Hence, a massive strain on resources in this area.

Funding of infrastructure is extremely interdependent in most situations.



Revenue raising is a federal responsibility.
Doling it out to states (mostly with specific purpose grants) is also a federal responsibility.
Screwing NSW and VIC out of GST revenue for the sake of buying votes in TAS, WA, SA and QLD was Peter Costello's responsibility.
If you want to know why money wasn't being spent on hospital beds ask him.

Red Bear

personally i dont vote for candidates based on their positions on sport, i prefer to worry about more important social issues such as health and education.
This does seem like a rather measly amount tho with it just 10 million dollars


I voted for him and I'm disappointed by this decision, particularly as it was a promise made by Howard before the election campaign started.

However I appreciate that the new government needs to make cuts, and it's not surprising that they are occurring in areas (such as sport) in which Howard & Co over-focused.

Red Bear

And for the record, i dont like Kevin Rudd either, he's a smarmy right wing twerp. But he's a better option that Howard


Slackboy72 said:
No they are misguided because they think it's the governments job to set up halls of fame instead of worrying about essential public services and the economic wellbeing of the nation.

Misguided? As in an opposing view? democracy tends to do that.
I don't think anyone here with an opposite view to yours ,has suggested essential services should take a back seat to a $10m grant .
The $10m involved is for an event which has already started 2008,not for the future.
If the Libs hadn't offered to do it,no one would have known or cared,and just got on with celebrating the anniversary.
If I were the Fed govt,I would do a complete audit of the states finances,starting with NSW.Of course they can't and won't.The razor gang would have a ball.


Post Whore
See what happens when you vote for Labor..and people thought Howard was bad. Well at least Howard kept our national sports funded FFS. Rudd is hopeless, and showing it already!


lockyno1 said:
Well at least Howard kept our national sports funded FFS.

Yeah, full of promises little Johnny but no money to be seen, now he's taken his lovely pension for life after Australia told him to "F" off.


Post Whore
LeagueLegend said:
Yeah, full of promises little Johnny but no money to be seen, now he's taken his lovely pension for life after Australia told him to "F" off.

No money..um the economy was booming under Howard, unemployment lowest they have ever been, and interest rates low (only took a Labor Govt. 2 months before that increased didn't it!). Howard gave a lot of funding for all sports. Smart becuase Australian's are sports mad in general. Yet Rudd now decides to cut funding to pay for his stupid computer scheme!

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