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Finch cops guilty plea


Its always good to see someone that has some clarity....thank you Miami.

That is exactly what I was saying earlier and for the record I don't mind the Broncos :D
Miamiasaurus said:
I as much as anyone have a 'sporting hate' towards the Roosters, I am certain this can be said for most Rooster fans when discussing the Broncos, but I respect what they bring to this competition though will not tolerate any nonsense from a 'hanger on' in Gould. Just getting this clear.

I ask members questioning the Roosters plan of attack here in trying to have the charge downgraded, "What would your club being doing if in this position ?".

Don't know the answer ? They would attempting the same thing.

He cops the guilty plea with the Roosters fully aware they lose him for the prelim final, but with footage not shown on channel 9 that may help in the downgrading, they challenge the grading. I say fair enough, I would expect the same of the Bronco's if it was Lockyer, Hunt or Tate.

On a side note...even though Shifcofske is rumoured to be going into bat for his former teammate, I would not be overly confident this will have any significance in the decision made by the panel.

Keep this in mind when reviewing the charge at your own leisure (from NRL.com);

A player is guilty of misconduct if he:-
…..(d) uses any dangerous throw when effecting a tackle

If, in any tackle of, or contact with, an opponent that player is so lifted that he is placed in a position where it is likely that the first part of his body to make contact with the ground will be his head or neck(“the dangerous position”), then that tackle or contact will be deemed to be a dangerous throw unless, with the exercise of reasonable care, the dangerous position could not have been avoided

If Brett gets a downgrade he plays in both games.


PB said:
Colonel Eel said:
Finch cops guilty plea
September 14, 2004

Meanwhile Bulldogs captain Steve Price has pleaded not guilty to striking North Queensland's Glenn Morrison and will fight the charge tomorrow night in a bid to play in Sunday's sudden-death semi-final against Melbourne at Aussie Stadium.


How can he plead not guilty!?!

Did his forearm hit Morrison in the head? Yes of course it did. Whether it was retaliation or not, he did it, so how can he plead not guilty......

Define 'Striking' ...under the laws of Rugby League!

Make no mistake - this is akin to a legal proceeding - and just as delicate in regards to definition, and absolute proof of therein...

There is also a thing called precedent...which given the stuff which has flown under the readar, and been let off in the past - this all added to the mitigating circumstances, and his prior record....shouldsee him an EXCELLENT chance of - rightfully - getting off under the system!

Since WHEN have things been as black & white as you suggest pal???...NEVER - that's when!...there are a MULTITUDE of shades of grey in there....and given some of the utter SCUMBAGS that have got off under this system - if ANY player in the game now deserves to enjoy the full benefits of this system....then it's Steven Price!


Southern Rooster said:
Miamiasaurus said:
I as much as anyone have a 'sporting hate' towards the Roosters, I am certain this can be said for most Rooster fans when discussing the Broncos, but I respect what they bring to this competition though will not tolerate any nonsense from a 'hanger on' in Gould. Just getting this clear.

I ask members questioning the Roosters plan of attack here in trying to have the charge downgraded, "What would your club being doing if in this position ?".

Don't know the answer ? They would attempting the same thing.

He cops the guilty plea with the Roosters fully aware they lose him for the prelim final, but with footage not shown on channel 9 that may help in the downgrading, they challenge the grading. I say fair enough, I would expect the same of the Bronco's if it was Lockyer, Hunt or Tate.

On a side note...even though Shifcofske is rumoured to be going into bat for his former teammate, I would not be overly confident this will have any significance in the decision made by the panel.

Keep this in mind when reviewing the charge at your own leisure (from NRL.com);

A player is guilty of misconduct if he:-
…..(d) uses any dangerous throw when effecting a tackle

If, in any tackle of, or contact with, an opponent that player is so lifted that he is placed in a position where it is likely that the first part of his body to make contact with the ground will be his head or neck(“the dangerous position”), then that tackle or contact will be deemed to be a dangerous throw unless, with the exercise of reasonable care, the dangerous position could not have been avoided

If Brett gets a downgrade he plays in both games.

I don't pretend to try and understand the judiciary rules, carry over points etc. but reading this from the Roosters press release your right it seems:

However, the club today released a statement in which it said it was disputing the grading of the charge and would present evidence in an attempt to have it reduced to a grade one offence.

"A downgrade on the charge, coupled with the early plea will result in 93 demerit points, providing the opportunity for Brett to take his place with the Roosters in Sunday week's preliminary final," the statement said.

"The club will have no further comment to pass on the above issue until the judiciary hearing is complete."

Cheers southernrooster.


melon.... said:
To bet your left nut now you imbecile, would effectively mean you would lose both balls in one foul swoop!!! Then again, it would take away any chance of you reproducing and adding more FARKWITS LIKE YOU INTO THIS ALREADY SCREWED WORLD!!!

Oh please any Gods that may exist out there - please Let Melon's stake on the result of last year's GF have been HIS nuts!.....AMEN!



Dog-E said:
melon.... said:
To bet your left nut now you imbecile, would effectively mean you would lose both balls in one foul swoop!!! Then again, it would take away any chance of you reproducing and adding more FARKWITS LIKE YOU INTO THIS ALREADY SCREWED WORLD!!!

Oh please any Gods that may exist out there - please Let Melon's stake on the result of last year's GF have been HIS nuts!.....AMEN!

So you reckon Pricey didnt Strike Morrison? ARE YOU BLIND!!???


If Schifcofske were to provide testimony to the judiciary it should be ignored. The reason: testimony from a victim in support of a player so far this year has been ignored. If the judiciary took this testimony any differently, it would be a farce.


melon.... said:
:lol: So you reckon Pricey didnt Strike Morrison? ARE YOU BLIND!!???

Never said that ANYWHERE il castrato!!...Never even ALLUDED to it!

Now for thiose of you that remember the tune - SING ALONG!!.....

"Hitler - has only got ONE ball!!...Melon - has got none at all!! La la! la la la la la! La la la la la - la la la - LA LAAAAAAA!!!!!



Southern Rooster said:
Miamiasaurus said:
I as much as anyone have a 'sporting hate' towards the Roosters, I am certain this can be said for most Rooster fans when discussing the Broncos, but I respect what they bring to this competition though will not tolerate any nonsense from a 'hanger on' in Gould. Just getting this clear.

I ask members questioning the Roosters plan of attack here in trying to have the charge downgraded, "What would your club being doing if in this position ?".

Don't know the answer ? They would attempting the same thing.

He cops the guilty plea with the Roosters fully aware they lose him for the prelim final, but with footage not shown on channel 9 that may help in the downgrading, they challenge the grading. I say fair enough, I would expect the same of the Bronco's if it was Lockyer, Hunt or Tate.

On a side note...even though Shifcofske is rumoured to be going into bat for his former teammate, I would not be overly confident this will have any significance in the decision made by the panel.

Keep this in mind when reviewing the charge at your own leisure (from NRL.com);

A player is guilty of misconduct if he:-
…..(d) uses any dangerous throw when effecting a tackle

If, in any tackle of, or contact with, an opponent that player is so lifted that he is placed in a position where it is likely that the first part of his body to make contact with the ground will be his head or neck(“the dangerous position”), then that tackle or contact will be deemed to be a dangerous throw unless, with the exercise of reasonable care, the dangerous position could not have been avoided

If Brett gets a downgrade he plays in both games.


and that would be a injustice.


The thing is all that Shifcofske is going to be able to say is "that he believes there was no malice in the tackle". At the end of the day, that means didly squat. There are plenty of dangerous throws, and high tackles that are made with "no malice"! It's called carelessness.

You only have to look at Simon Woolford's high tackle last week for an example of that.


nqboy said:
I'm still pissed off Ricketson escaped justice.

Ricketson has done more wrongs than Morley, yet he always escapes suspension.

I reckon 4 High tackles 3 headslams this year, and the same amount last year, Im sure almost all went undetected.

Someone loves him out there.

Roberts perhaps ? :lol: :lol:


PB said:
The thing is all that Shifcofske is going to be able to say is "that he believes there was no malice in the tackle". At the end of the day, that means didly squat. There are plenty of dangerous throws, and high tackles that are made with "no malice"! It's called carelessness.

You only have to look at Simon Woolford's high tackle last week for an example of that.

Look at the FITLER Dangerous throw.. What 2 weeks ago. He got nothing, and ben Ross copped 8 weeks.


Finch was worse than Ross and Fitler and got 2. He has no case to appeal. Judge was lenient due to daddy already.


yeh Clinton.S says Finch didnt do it Maliciously it was a hard hitting tackle either he hit pretty softly, he was extremly aware and appoligetic about the hole inside from when it happened and didnt mean it..... it should be only worth grade one and one game...


Stgillaman said:
PB said:
The thing is all that Shifcofske is going to be able to say is "that he believes there was no malice in the tackle". At the end of the day, that means didly squat. There are plenty of dangerous throws, and high tackles that are made with "no malice"! It's called carelessness.

You only have to look at Simon Woolford's high tackle last week for an example of that.

Look at the FITLER Dangerous throw.. What 2 weeks ago. He got nothing, and ben Ross copped 8 weeks.


Finch was worse than Ross and Fitler and got 2. He has no case to appeal. Judge was lenient due to daddy already.

i love it when youre like this....Yove got nothing to look forward to being mad Tuesday and all that, and your struggling and clutching at everything that zooms past you.



Yes its just hilarious to read isn't it Melon???

Imagine if Ben Ross had played against St George last week????

Its all pathetic...all the people complaining today about what the Roosters are doing would expect nothing less from their Clubs if they were in the same position....I'll be around to remind them all next year....I've got a great memory.

I reckon its time the Rooster fans stepped aside and let the fools continue by themselves :shock: :D 8)


Corbin said:
yeh Clinton.S says Finch didnt do it Maliciously it was a hard hitting tackle either he hit pretty softly, he was extremly aware and appoligetic about the hole inside from when it happened and didnt mean it..... it should be only worth grade one and one game...

all of that dribble you just leveled means jack crap.....

"I didnt mean to be doing 75 in a 60 zone".

Plenty of players have flung blokes over, and maybe they didn't mean it, but it is carless and they pay the penalty.

95% of high tackles are not deliberate, but it means balls all!

You think Tyron Smith and Jason Croker were maliciously trying to break heads open on the weekend? Of course not, but i bet the roosters don't put there hand up to help out the raiders... ubless there is something in it for them......


Hmmm - Careful attaching yourself to Melon there Roostar Girl...you may share team allegiances...but tread with caution, when agreeing wholeheartedly with what Melon says.....If it becomes a habit - it'll only end in tears, I can assure you!

Just a friendly, general LU warning! ;-)