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First Grade Knights v Sharks


IMO with Vuna to centre. It could be McManus to centre and Vuna to wing?

Or does Smith just really need a reliable centre in McManus these days?

Vuna and Uate could be a problem on both wings.


Smith should go and work as a screenwriter for M. Night Shamalyan with all the plot twists that we get every week.


Smith's more in the comedy genre than mystery.

The whole thing's laughable.

I can't see what your issue is. Sometimes there are late shuffles due to injury; sometimes selection decisions are made in the latter part of the week; other times Smith is just trying to keep inexperienced or new combinations under wraps. It's usually pretty obvious after the changes are announced what the thinking has been. And when it has been genuine cloak-and-dagger tactics they've mostly been useful. Smith changed the halves in round one and Dureau's kicking was the highlight of our game. He kept Sau's debut veiled and the kid had a ripper. Last week he tried a radical ploy and we got a win with a hooker-fullback and four backrowers against the odds. At the end of the day, it's the coaches job to give his players any little extra edge he can, however important or trivial it turns out to be.

A much bigger enigma is what you're actually trying to get at. First you complain about all the late changes affecting punters, then recently you've been suggesting it's a load of fluff and acccusing Smith of being a show pony with it. Maybe to see some real attention-queen behaviour you need to take a peek in the mirror? :p


I can't see what your issue is.

I'd like to think that maybe someday a coach is good enough to name a team that's good enough to go out there and win a game of football. Upfront and honest.

Simple as that. Is that to make to expect? A team is good enough to go out and be coached to win a game of footy fair and square? :lol:

A team that's named Tuesday 1 to 17, whatever it may be, deemed good enough to go out and win a game of football without the deception and mystery involved week in week out. Let's not lose sight that Brian Smith is not the only one who does this. Hasler, Stuart and others are tainted by the same brush.

I understand players have injury clouds. If there is doubt over a player - be upfront about it. " Player X has a sprained ankle - he is only 50/50 ". Of course there is always injuries to contend with - but is it too much to ask teams to be more open and honest about them? There's times when players are clearly playing or not playing all week and nothing's done about it. If a player has an injury, it should be made public, and they should be listed as " in doubt ". This happens only SOMETIMES.

Last night is a good example. Matt Orford was not playing all week. In fact his injury was kept secret all week. Why?

In an interview during the game, Orford admitted to being injured against the Sharks the previous week, and the coaching staff decided to give him a game off to " see how the team went without their regular half "... Do you think Hasler decided this on game day? Of course not.

The system sucks. Forget the punters. What about blokes like you and me who might throw in $10 or something at the start of the year to have a bit of a crack at an office tipping competition? Does it not frustrate you in anyway?

It sure takes the fun out of any free fantasy football competitions you might be in as well.

No one can tell me the system as it stands by the NRL is not completely flawed and a bunch of garbage.

Why can't a team in 2008 be named upfront, go out and win a game of football without the deceptive drama?

Honestly, the constant smoke and mirrors treatment, and the constant disregard to be honest with fans about team line ups is slowly turning me off the game. My interest levels in RL is slowly fading. This type of thing, and a few things happening on the field and officiating, is just making me apathetic to it all - and I never thought I'd see the day that would happen.

Uate has been playing all week. It's been kept from everyone. Sure to protect him a bit from the media pressure, but surely the coach has heard of such a thing as slapping a "media ban" on Uate to do the same thing? After all, other players have been named to make their debut and had a media ban placed.

Are you really naive enough to think the Sharks don't already know what the Knights plans are?

I can't understand why other fans aren't more p*ssed off about it actually, and I really don't get how some of you here have an issue with me being so outspoken about it, and can't understand where I'm coming from. Is it just because of my username?

Just how much effect do you really think being deceptive about your team line up has on the outcome of a football game?

Surely in the end, the 17 who play on the day has direct input into the result of a game of footy, and not the bullsh*t that occurs in the lead up to it.


My office tipping comp was $50. You work at Maccas or something?

Mine was more than $10 DMC, but I just used a simple low number as an example so the locals here could understand. ;-) In hindsight I wish it was only $10, because I'm sure as hell not going to see a cent of what I put in this year. :lol:
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I'd like to think that maybe someday a coach is good enough to name a team that's good enough to go out there and win a game of football. Upfront and honest.

Simple as that. Is that to make to expect? A team is good enough to go out and be coached to win a game of footy fair and square? :lol:

A team that's named Tuesday 1 to 17, whatever it may be, deemed good enough to go out and win a game of football without the deception and mystery involved week in week out. Let's not lose sight that Brian Smith is not the only one who does this. Hasler, Stuart and others are tainted by the same brush.

Come on, it's not up to the coaches. Their job is to do whatever it takes to win. You can't expect some of them to do one thing, and let the others have an advantage (whether it's slight, significant or even just a perceived advantage). I don't agree that the system needs changing, but if for the sake of argument I were to concede the point, it would have to be done by putting regulations in place. In principle, this is no different to the way the game rules have evolved over the years to discourage negative tactics--limited tackles, 5 to 10 metres and so forth.

Anyway, I doubt that there would be any pragmatic way of holding teams to a Tuesday line-up. That's very early. Coaches are still assessing injuries among their own troops and beginning to formulate their plans regarding the upcoming opposition. I could possibly imagine something like the 1 hour before the match regulation that's now in place being extended to, say, 24 hours.

I understand players have injury clouds. If there is doubt over a player - be upfront about it. " Player X has a sprained ankle - he is only 50/50 ". Of course there is always injuries to contend with - but is it too much to ask teams to be more open and honest about them?

Unless there's concrete rule, then yeah it is too much to ask of the clubs. Fans are much more concerned about winning than this stuff. That's the pressure on the coaches and administrators, so you can hardly blame them for it being their priority. As for bringing in any kinds of regulations about this stuff, I think that trying to police it would be enormously problematic.

The system sucks. Forget the punters. What about blokes like you and me who might throw in $10 or something at the start of the year to have a bit of a crack at an office tipping competition? Does it not frustrate you in anyway?

I don't find it frustrating, but some fans might. (Well, I know of at least one!) But even if some were to use that term I don't think that it's ultimately leeching much, if any, enjoyment from the game for 99% of fans. If anything it seems to create a tremendous amount of discussion and anticipation during the week.

the constant smoke and mirrors treatment, and the constant disregard to be honest with fans about team line ups is slowly turning me off the game.

I'd be surprised if there were many fans, even if they agreed with you in principle, would care about it to this extent. I mean I think most of us just like watching footy. For team line-up changes to annoy you to such an extent that you say they're "slowly turning me off the game" I find pretty hard to comprehend.


BG good post.

Just a note for your last quote response however. I think you took it out of context a bit, as I said " My interest levels in RL is slowly fading. This type of thing, and a few things happening on the field and officiating, is just making me apathetic to it all - and I never thought I'd see the day that would happen. "...

It's a combination of things really, but yeah, coaches naming fake line ups intentionally is very annoying - at least to me.