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FnF on hold for Royal Wedding

Wedding or Footy

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


You lot are part of the colonies.

You will respect and adhere to our every whim.

You had your chance at republicanism and you blew it. Now you will enjoy yourselves.

At least Di and Charlie had the decency to s**t it up and compete in traffic light grand prix to make their marriage interesting.

Hopefully these 2 follow in their footsteps


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Grill Team just spoke to Crawley on Triple M Sydney - confirming they will "definitely be going to the footy at 8:30pm".

Sgt. Kabukiman

GEN is a shitty channel full of shitty shows for vagina-owners, the wedding is a shitty show for vagina-owners - wouldn't it be a perfect fit?


This. It's absolutely fascinating to see events like this. Both from a modern perspective, what it means for Australia, the traditions involved in the wedding, and the hundreds of other nuances and quirks that play a role in Australian life. If I could vote in that poll, I would vote for the first option. It's spot on. It's culturally significant and the Royals do influence this country far more than the NRL. Open you wallet and check out the currency. Look at the flag. Look at how our parliament is structured. Look at the judicial system (e.g. the Crown v such and such or the reference to the Crown in legislation). You could name a thousand things. Put it this way. Do you think people in the Western and Southern states give a shit about the NRL? Besides, did anyone seriously think the football would be on over the wedding? Love my football but it's incredibly naive to even think that we had a chance.

Nonsense....the Royals haven't influenced this country in any meaningful way for decades

Spanner in the works

First Grade
Nonsense....the Royals haven't influenced this country in any meaningful way for decades

So, so wrong. Just because you don't like the Royal family doesn't mean they don't influence this country in meaningful ways. That influence may be declining, but we are still a constitutional monarchy and part of the Commonwealth, and the Queen is still our Head of State. Our judicial system still references the Crown frequently, our currency still has the Queen's face on it and th Australian Constitution Act still makes clear references to the Commonwealth, the Crown and the Queen. To say they don't influence this country is wrong. Until we become a republic then you are just going to have to live with it. The end.


So where do we draw the line? If Harry gets married, is the world going to care? What about Andrew and Fergie's kids? More??

And what is driving the fascination? So Kate is going to become a princess. It is not as if this is a fairy tale where some witch is going to appear in a puff of smoke and curse her and Will has to fight a dragon and awaken her with a kiss. They're just going to bugger off to the royal box at Ascot!

And no, that wasn't a euphemism...


Bad enough when the inbred married some bloke form Denmark back in 2004. The front page of the Newcastle Herald should have had a shot of Knights players after their remarkable Golden Point victory over the Broncos in Brisbane. Our first win over the Broncos in Brisbane. BUT NOOO!!


Give it a few days old chaps...and this wedding will be a mere memory for the ones that don't give a flying fig...

But if anyone does watch it...it will draw you in.

A bit of harmless diversion,nothing wrong with that is there?


First Grade
So, so wrong. Just because you don't like the Royal family doesn't mean they don't influence this country in meaningful ways. That influence may be declining, but we are still a constitutional monarchy and part of the Commonwealth, and the Queen is still our Head of State. Our judicial system still references the Crown frequently, our currency still has the Queen's face on it and th Australian Constitution Act still makes clear references to the Commonwealth, the Crown and the Queen. To say they don't influence this country is wrong. Until we become a republic then you are just going to have to live with it. The end.
Is that the best you can come up with? References on constitutional documents written 110 years ago and a system of government formed at the same time? It proves they were influential in 1900 but is not the greatest indication of their influence today. Regarding the coins and so on, again I don't think influence is the right word. Try "presence". The only real influence they have had in decades was wielded this week when they threatened to pull the braodcast rights from the ABC for their Chaser plans. Humourless old tarts from the old dart

Jimmy Smooth

Absolute joke. Would consider boycotting the coverage but that would mean i would still miss both games of footy. Could do the radio but would still miss one.


Is that the best you can come up with? References on constitutional documents written 110 years ago and a system of government formed at the same time? It proves they were influential in 1900 but is not the greatest indication of their influence today. Regarding the coins and so on, again I don't think influence is the right word. Try "presence". The only real influence they have had in decades was wielded this week when they threatened to pull the braodcast rights from the ABC for their Chaser plans. Humourless old tarts from the old dart
The constitution may have been written a long time ago but it does have a bit of influence these days...being the supreme law of the land and that kinda thing.

As for the ABC Chaser issue. That had nothing to do with the royals. It was the Associated Press who have banned anyone from using the live feed for satire. The royals have probably never heard of the Chaser.

Spanner in the works

First Grade
Is that the best you can come up with? References on constitutional documents written 110 years ago and a system of government formed at the same time? It proves they were influential in 1900 but is not the greatest indication of their influence today. Regarding the coins and so on, again I don't think influence is the right word. Try "presence". The only real influence they have had in decades was wielded this week when they threatened to pull the braodcast rights from the ABC for their Chaser plans. Humourless old tarts from the old dart


It is the supreme law of the country after all. The Royal family may not have used it's powers in a long time, but it can do so at any time it so wishes. Given that, if the Royal family wants to influence the functioning of this country, it can do so at any time it wishes. Don't ever forget that as long as we are part of the Commonwealth, and the Queen is our head of state, they can do as they please when they please. They might not use it, but they can use it. Sounds like a nuclear arsenal actually. It might not get used but it's influence AND presence dictates much of what is done.


First Grade
The constitution may have been written a long time ago but it does have a bit of influence these days...being the supreme law of the land and that kinda thing.
I'm pleased that a genius disagrees with me. Kinda vindicating. The constitution is the supreme law of the land because it works and we like it. Not because the Royal Family tells us to. Their influence ceased shortly after it was introduced


why does every FTA channel have to show the Wedding? wouldn't ABC plus one commercial network be enough?

And to top it off, the wedding is being shown on Nine AND Gem from 7.00-8.30. Memo channel nine: Show it on Gem only from 7.00 and leave Nine for LIVE football at 7.30.

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