If it was young Flanagan?Culture clash for the kid
Probably went home wondering WTF he did wrong.
On Speculation, word is Gallen gave Shaun a spray in front of teammates about looking after his body,after pulling out of the Canberra game, Shaun responded with a classy game V Tigers.
Intersting segment on 360 following Brad Arthur pre, during and post game.
Would like to see a Kearny version.
Sure... but if true pretty damning that a rookie is the one stating the incredibly obvious... Coach and Captain should be leading this - I suspect neither are... need a new coach, and stronger leadership on the park (not blaming Roger, but needs to be more here)
Oh you know that's followed with "it's just a matter of faith"View attachment 32978
"Hey Stephen! We've been wandering this God forsaken desert for 3 years..... I dont think this is the way to the promised land.......
How old is he and does he have heart or lung conditions or diabetes?This team has no points in it and the Coronavirus could save Kearney’s job
Lol their cricket combined IQ would approach normalKearney will be saved
Kearney-ball he’s ahead of the restI cant work it out...I centre playing on the wing and defending in the centres. A winger playing i the centres and defending where...well where ever he is: and neither adding to the game to help the warriors.
One of the worlds bst full backs and three serviceable spine members ....that is our attack for how many sets in in the opp 20......no points.
Kudos me for one of the two tips I got correct this week
Touchie see Broncos foot on line before scoring.This cracked me up, a Warriors critic on Facebook calling us a bunch of muppets:
View attachment 36813
OK, given, we are rubbish but...what would we've done if we could've repeated 1995? I'd guess we'd have gotten our substitutes right in that game v Wests!