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First Grade
Am I alone in thinking that Wiki has been no better than average over the last few weeks?

He didn't seem to fire up much for the Warriors game even...


I have no idea what happened today.
It was the most painful match i have sat through in a long time. I was considering leaving the pub 20mins into the 2nd half out of disgust.
I actually thought Wiki had his best game since coming back from suspension a month ago. He had 18 hit-ups and tried very hard. But yeah, on a whole he has been rather average as of late... compared to normal anyway.


First Grade
His metres-per-hitup were ordinary though.

18 hitups 138 metres 7.7 m/hu

Compare that to Weyman...

15 hitups 169 metres 11.3 m/hu


Most of the team has looked f**king lazy for the last few weeks. There is no urgency.

Thank god for Weyman, now get Carney and Rothers in the side ASAP so we can start building for next year instead of f**king around with players who are not going to take us anywhere, just because there is a tiny undeserved chance we might fluke something this year.

Raider Ultra

Just a few comments. The reason we lost this game was down to attitude. There is no way Manly are better than us skill wise. I don't think I've ever seen a team in any sport that consistently loses when they are strong favourites to win. Obviously the players think by turning up they'll win the game. I won't lay the blame squarely at Elliott's feet, these are proffesional (haha) athletes that should be able to motivate themselves without having to be motivated by someone else. In saying that, Elliott should have identified this as a problem earlier in the season. Saying sh*t after the game about how the preparation wasn't ideal, well Matty, if the preparation wasn't ideal you're not doing your f*cking job. The fact you identify this repeatedly yet the same problem still emerges is greatly concerning.


First Grade
Edwahu said:
Most of the team has looked f**king lazy for the last few weeks. There is no urgency.

Thank god for Weyman, now get Carney and Rothers in the side ASAP so we can start building for next year instead of f**king around with players who are not going to take us anywhere, just because there is a tiny undeserved chance we might fluke something this year.



Just a few comments. The reason we lost this game was down to attitude. There is no way Manly are better than us skill wise. I don't think I've ever seen a team in any sport that consistently loses when they are strong favourites to win. Obviously the players think by turning up they'll win the game. I won't lay the blame squarely at Elliott's feet, these are proffesional (haha) athletes that should be able to motivate themselves without having to be motivated by someone else. In saying that, Elliott should have identified this as a problem earlier in the season. Saying sh*t after the game about how the preparation wasn't ideal, well Matty, if the preparation wasn't ideal you're not doing your f*cking job. The fact you identify this repeatedly yet the same problem still emerges is greatly concerning.

Totally agree mate. They are supposed to be professional athletes. Yes, they train however in reality they are paid huge money to perform for a little over an hour on the weekend. There should be no excuses for motivation or mindset. All I ask from these players is to give 100% effort and get basic fundementals correct that some have been doing on a daily basis for close to 25 years. The majority of people out there have to work 40 hours a week and are required to perform for the entire duration.

What pisses me off Ultra is that blokes like yourself give up a Sunday to travel 4 hours each way, get soaked, and spend your money to watch people so unprofessional that they can't get themselves ready for something they have had all week to prepare for!!!!!!

Yes there has to be a winner and a loser. However when players can't get themselves to a point where they are able to focus for 80 minutes a week and then go and embarass themselves it is ridiculous.

Raider Ultra

Also, wanted to congratulate all the Raiders fans that turned up today. The numbers of Raiders fans at the game, not just with the SGB, was outstanding.


Mogg. If I hear one more person go on about how good he is, this, that and the others I will go insane. He is now in the same catergory as McLinden and Preston Campbell where he does a few good things with the footy but his defence is so disgraceful that people forget this side of his game.
- Dear oh dear, I think that's way way off. For one, Mogg is nowhere near McLinden or Preston in attack. Two, his defence is his strong point! Today he might have been off, but normally he's just about impossible to get past.
- Can everyone get off McLinden's back? Not only should he not be dropped, but either he or Schif should be the Raiders captain.
- Today's performance had nothing to do with us "not turning up". That's a term people use to cover two things: bad defence, and bad ball-handling.


I wouldn't want Ricky anyway. Let's get Timmy Sheens back. I mean that. Tell him to bring Brian Hider with him as well. That was when we had structure and gameplans.


On the contrary, kris man

- Bad defence and bad ball handling are concomitants of (ie symptoms of) a team that has "not turned up" to play.


Mogg. If I hear one more person go on about how good he is, this, that and the others I will go insane. He is now in the same catergory as McLinden and Preston Campbell where he does a few good things with the footy but his defence is so disgraceful that people forget this side of his game.

- Dear oh dear, I think that's way way off. For one, Mogg is nowhere near McLinden or Preston in attack. Two, his defence is his strong point! Today he might have been off, but normally he's just about impossible to get past.
I wasn't saying that Mogg is as good in attack as the other two. The point is that those other 2 players cost their team tries every week, usually more than they score or create. If Mogg's defence is his strong point we are all in trouble. He rushes up and in so if it is a good read then he gets the player before they have a chance to do anything. If he misreads it, which is all too common lately - not just today, then he leaves Smithy with 2-3 players running at him. He is dead set costing us a couple of tries a game I reckon. Strong Point? Perhaps getting on the outside of his man with a fend comes to mind.

Walt Flanigan

Adam Mogg is in Big League every week as one of the top 1 on 1 defenders in the league, so he can't be that bad. In saying that I did happen to see that ordinary miss tackle on Menzies which led to the second try. In attack though, he does some tremendous work, all 5 of Smith's tries were off draw and passes from Mogg and Graham and Monaghan were on the end of some earlier in the season. I think he has been one of the better players this season.


First Grade
woodgers said:
Mogg. If I hear one more person go on about how good he is, this, that and the others I will go insane. He is now in the same catergory as McLinden and Preston Campbell where he does a few good things with the footy but his defence is so disgraceful that people forget this side of his game.

- Dear oh dear, I think that's way way off. For one, Mogg is nowhere near McLinden or Preston in attack. Two, his defence is his strong point! Today he might have been off, but normally he's just about impossible to get past.
I wasn't saying that Mogg is as good in attack as the other two. The point is that those other 2 players cost their team tries every week, usually more than they score or create. If Mogg's defence is his strong point we are all in trouble. He rushes up and in so if it is a good read then he gets the player before they have a chance to do anything. If he misreads it, which is all too common lately - not just today, then he leaves Smithy with 2-3 players running at him. He is dead set costing us a couple of tries a game I reckon. Strong Point? Perhaps getting on the outside of his man with a fend comes to mind.

Totally agree woodgers. I think Mogg has been bloody good for 4-6 weeks before yesterday, but his effort yesterday was the same old 'up and in' rubbish he was dishing up in the early stages of the season. He kept letting Smithy get stranded and the amount of overlaps that got generated was ridiculous.

The fact we got belted out wide by hacks like Torrens and Hicks speaks for itself.


First Grade
Raider Ultra said:
Just a few comments. The reason we lost this game was down to attitude. There is no way Manly are better than us skill wise. I don't think I've ever seen a team in any sport that consistently loses when they are strong favourites to win. Obviously the players think by turning up they'll win the game. I won't lay the blame squarely at Elliott's feet, these are proffesional (haha) athletes that should be able to motivate themselves without having to be motivated by someone else. In saying that, Elliott should have identified this as a problem earlier in the season. Saying sh*t after the game about how the preparation wasn't ideal, well Matty, if the preparation wasn't ideal you're not doing your f*cking job. The fact you identify this repeatedly yet the same problem still emerges is greatly concerning.

I agree... this is very disturbing. The players are the ones playing, but it is the job of the coaching staff to get their teams mentally prepared to win games like this. It isn't happening.

Good comments too Woodgers on the main problems, though the comments on Mogg might be a bit harsh. He has been one of our best players the last month; his tackling has been very effective in snuffing out opposition attack, but today it went all wrong and his approach can be risky.


I'm not really gonna add to what has already been said, because I agree with most of it. (particularly with Bay56, which worries me a great deal...)

But I was sitting in the Ken Arthurson stand yesterday and could see the SGB from there. I can't explain how sorry i felt for you guys out there getting fu**in soaked and watching that particular performance. I feel like personally apologising to the lot of you because none of us deserved what we got.