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First Grade
Not for a minute presuming that I can speak on behalf of the rest of the guys that were standing in the rain yesterday arvo, but I think the number of us that stayed out when the vast majority of the crowd were hot-stepping it under cover (I'm sure I heard a shrill voice saying "I'm melting, I'm melting") shows the level of commitment that we all hold. The same thing last year at Brookvale - the heavens opened, and the SGB were left cheering on the team. This year however, there wasn't really anything to cheer.


your team's effort has damaged the dream of all norths supporters to give manly the spoon!
shame raiders shame


I haven't watched the game as I had an inkling of what was coming. I went to the Zig Zag railway instead because I was extremely confident the team who had everything to play for would throw it all away in a fit of utter stupidity....and they did.

I switched on 2LT at about 4.35 yesterday afternoon and I didn't even curse when I heard the score becuase it was never in any doubt. Hadley then started going on about how management are fed up with McLinden and his terrible kicking game. He said they were in the box next to him and had their face in their hands every time he touched the ball and continued to kick on the second tackle.

The lack of urgency points to a major rift between the players and management, especially the ones departing who since signing elsewhere have tarnished their status as "legendary" Raiders stalwarts. They are nothing of the sort, they are money hungry mercenaries who danced merrily to our tune while ever we were paying their wage. They know nothing of loyalty, and if they did it would come through in their performances and leadership, both of which have been greatly lacking since they decided to move on.

My only suggestion is to make some sort of mass protest and send it to management to show how disgusted the fans feel with every facet of the club at present. I truly feel sorry for those fans who travelled from Canberra to be dished up with the rubbish they were treated to yesterday. IMO, there should be a heartfelt apology from the players and the coach to the fans for what was clearly an unacceptable performance.

The word professional should never be associated with our club!


Raider Ultra said:
Just a few comments. The reason we lost this game was down to attitude. There is no way Manly are better than us skill wise.
Actually according to the ladder Manly are .015 pts per match more skillful than you.
Defence, well thats another story :oops:


Maybe half the boys didn't want their hairstyles messed up by the rain.....Uh hem... MACCA....


First Grade
LEGEND ... I am in total support of your last post.

Unfortunately not a hell of a lot is going to be done to rectify the situation in the near future.

Therefore loyal supporters such as yourself will have to grin and bear it for a few more years.

The board will eventually react .... once supporters start voting with their feet, which I am sure they have already started doing.

The main beneficiary out of all this will be the Bumbies, who must be absolutely kacking themselves.


How many Raiders fans wold frequent this forum regularly? Personally I would estimate around 100 but that is 100 loyal die hard fans the club can ill afford to lose and if we potest as one voice, then we may be heard. Individual complaints and protests will be dismissed as a minority who are dissatisfied but if you get all the Raiders fans in this forum to form one collective voice, then we may get a little further.


First Grade
legend said:
How many Raiders fans wold frequent this forum regularly? Personally I would estimate around 100 but that is 100 loyal die hard fans the club can ill afford to lose and if we potest as one voice, then we may be heard. Individual complaints and protests will be dismissed as a minority who are dissatisfied but if you get all the Raiders fans in this forum to form one collective voice, then we may get a little further.

Ditto ... I have been saying this for some time but certain people on this forum thought I was being too negative ... ha ... the result of my "negativity" was the exhibition by the team on the weekend.


You start a taskforce of Raiders fans that are serious about getting change. You do it professionally. You get people like Phil Small, Bevan Hannan, Kevin O'Neal and Peter Chapman who have a bit of influence in the media or the public to assist the taskforce if they agree that the club is on the slide. Then you come up with strategies on how exactly to get the message across or action taken.

Not that I have been thinking about this for the past couple of weeks. No not me. Ok it may have crossed my mind.

Bay and Legend. This above is what I put in the 'We need sucess now' thread. Thoughts.


I'm not sure about Peter Chapman. He works for the Newcastle NSL club now I think althugh he would probably have a few negative things to say about the Raiders.

I'm open to any constructive suggestions on how to approach management with our thoughts on the current predicament the club finds itself in and the lack of professionalism currently on display.
legend said:
because I was extremely confident the team who had everything to play for would throw it all away in a fit of utter stupidity....and they did.

I felt the same way once I saw the Dragons had lost. I knew that with 6th place up for grabs, the mighty* raiders would come to the fore and totally out-sh!t manly, and they did a very good job of it.

McLinden is down on his form at the moment. Normally he has a 3-4 week cycle of playing bad, then winning a game all on his own. Since the Bronco's he hasn't done much. Nothing against him, because he is a very talented player, but it must be nice to have a real half back running the show for most teams.

Wiki was quiet again, perhaps after some of his super-human performances in recent history has given us fans a reason to have high expectations. The only shining moment from him was the hit on Soloman.

The less said about that game the better, except weyman. He's a forward I love watching hit the ball up.

*may not be all that mighty at the moment


- I strongly disagree to the idea that we lost the game due to a lack of urgency, or a poor attitude. Every single time a team loses a game they were expected to win, the loss is attributed to the team "not turning up". It's really silly. I think, in this case, it's much more to do with a number of our players being out of form at the same time: Mogg, McLinden and Monaghan are a few examples. Also, I think we have too many "workhorses"(another term i don't like, because it places quantity above quality) and not enough impact players, gamebreakers, or just players who stand out among the rest (and standing out due to big hair does not count...)


First Grade
On WIN TV New tonight:

The coverage showed a team meeting held outside, prior to training - a break from the usual inside match review process. The coach said there were no great "heart to hearts"... just... "an explanation of some of the realities we face as a group". He said the team can find the challenges overwhelming as a group or they can face up to them and aim to do something special.

The club is facing some big injury problems with Mogg, Woolford and Monaghan all identified as having injuries, while Hodgson has puctured a lung. He was released from a Sydney hospital this morning.


First Grade
Greeneyed ... you forgot to mention the vision showing the team playing softball.


First Grade
Bay56.... if they could take softball bats onto the field it might help them in defence :lol: