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fulton says - "you are a coward brohman"

Sea_Eagles_Rock said:
Considering the case was settled well over 20 years ago, Brohman has absolutely no right to 'embarass' Boyd's wife on a public radio station, and certainly no right to defame a player over an incident that has been settled in a national paper. Part of settlement is supposed to indicate that you have been fairly compensated for the damages you have sustained. That is why it is called 'settlement'...

What Boyd did was wrong. Even back then.

I'm a bit old fashioned too. It should have stayed on the field.

Is Kane planing to sue for his injury?

Difference there is that Boyd was found guilty of, and had admitted to, intentionally elbowing Brohman.

I'm pretty sure that the hit on Kane wasn't intentional


dontmakemeangry said:
There has to be an unwritten rule in rugby league doesn't there? That rule being DON"T SUE!
Look at the respect players who have sued have lost over the years because of their civil actions.
Brohman, the late great Steve Rogers, Jarrod McCracken....Brohman wouldn't be where he is today without that incident happening so get over it you fat heap, it was f**king 23 years ago, you got paid, are still getting paid, and yet you still bag the man who has given you your ride into the media.

Absolute rubbish. That incident cost him a Test jersey and had nothing to do with with his time in the media now.

Boyd deserved everything that came his way. I have never seen a worse elbow than that and you will never see a worse eye gouge than the one he did on Billy Johnstone two games back from his suspension. Boyd was a thug and if ever a player was going to be sued for on-field junk it was him.

Well done Darryl, now please stop playing the fool and leave that gutter show.


Seems to me like Brohman is more concerned how people percieve him, more so than Boyd...and considering what Boyd did, and what Darryl did...well brohmans just come out of this looking like a whinging bitch.

Tom Shines

First Grade
Sea_Eagles_Rock said:
Considering the case was settled well over 20 years ago, Brohman has absolutely no right to 'embarass' Boyd's wife on a public radio station...
Well I'll hardly say she was embarrassed by Brohman. Besides, she was the one making the call — surely she was aware of what was going to happen?

The Big Marn is 100% in the right here. Shame on Fulton for going in to bat for a cheap thug like Les Boyd.
Fulton was the most overrated coach of all time. A chequebook coach that struggled to win 1 comp (despite being given the funds to buy 10). Of course he `coached Australia' (everyone conveniently forgets my mother could coach Australia and they'd beat everyone. Bob Fulton typifies everything that is dirty, grimey and filthy about the club he is synonimous with.

Boyd was and is a grub. Throwing cheap shots ain't big and it ain't tough yet Fulton feels the need to go into bat for that creature. But then Fulton has always lived in his ivory tower immune from criticism but as coach and a selector i'd rate him on a par with Jones, Shine, Hilditch and Ghosn


Jatz Crackers said:
Well, as evidenced on here constantly, you seem to be quite the expert on cheap shots.


Notice the gimp hasn't even returned to the Manly vs Tigers match day thread after his broken record like posts about the '6 pocket theory' was well used by his own team...


I thought this topic was about demonstrating what a worthless douche Fulton was?

I am sure you can discuss themanonthehill more thoroughly in TFC, you know where it is supposed to be discussed
Hahah. Bozo is just getting a massive dressing down on Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy.
`Nor will we be playing this out in the media'
Hahhah. Think the old draught horse has bolted on that one Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

Snoop Shark

First Grade
Sea_Eagles_Rock said:
Considering the case was settled well over 20 years ago, Brohman has absolutely no right to 'embarass' Boyd's wife on a public radio station, and certainly no right to defame a player over an incident that has been settled in a national paper. Part of settlement is supposed to indicate that you have been fairly compensated for the damages you have sustained. That is why it is called 'settlement'...

What Boyd did was wrong. Even back then.

I'm a bit old fashioned too. It should have stayed on the field.

Is Kane planing to sue for his injury?

She called the radio station so thats her problem is she looks like a goose!


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
With the big mahn here. Definitely. Boyd was a cheap thug. Not sure why it had to be raised again tbh, but at the end of the day, it was not Bozo's place to amplify it even more.

Question only remains is - is this a 'GB ratings stunt?


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Snoop Shark said:
She called the radio station so thats her problem is she looks like a goose!

Absolutely 100% spot on.


being in the uk i knew nothing about the boyd/brohman thing but from what i can gather les boyd wrote something in the courier-mail in brisbane to kick this off and brohman replied to it in a sydney paper??? had it been quiet between the 2 before it kicked off in the papers??


First Grade
This thread might need some moderation, considering who we're talking about here.

I think Brohman was well within his rights to do what he did, and to follow through with what he believed in and jeopardise all that rugby league "tough" crap that was around at the time actually shows that he has the courage to follow through with what he believed in. The Mighty Panther made a good point regarding the intentional nature of the elbow which was a big part of the legal action as well.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Continuous Brawl Team
July 16 2007
RADIO station 2GB's ratings-winning Continuous Call rugby league team was dramatically split yesterday after Bob Fulton labelled fellow member Darryl Brohman a "coward".

Brohman stormed out of the commentary box at Parramatta Stadium - where the Eels were playing Souths - in anger and has demanded 2GB management give him unconditional support.

The drama came after Brohman's provocative column in The Sunday Telegraph, where he called Les Boyd "despicable" and an "embarrassment to rugby league".

Read Brohman's column here.

The comments come 24 years after Boyd illegally smashed Brohman's jaw in a State of Origin match in Brisbane - an incident recently revisited when the frosty pair were on stage at a function.

Brohman was visibly shattered at Fulton's comments, the former Australian and Manly coach later apologising.

The two engaged in one of the most bitter exchanges on talkback radio in years after Boyd's wife Judy rang on air to defend her husband.

What happened next stunned listeners, with Fulton calling Brohman a "coward", prompting the station's talkback lines to light up.

Though frequently at odds on air, the exchange was unmistakably serious.

Continuous Call chief caller Ray Hadley was not on air yesterday because of illness.

Andrew Moore and Steve "Blocker" Roach kept the show going amid the turmoil.

"I'm disgusted with him," Brohman told The Daily Telegraph last night.

"Judy Boyd called to defend her husband and that's fair enough.

"He (Fulton) jumped in and he didn't have to. I expect an apology. I'm disgusted.

"I'm working on the sideline (at Parramatta Stadium). I won't sit next to him in the box. I don't get paid enough to cop that sort of comment.

"He called me a coward. I didn't deserve that."

Brohman would not comment on whether he would remain with 2GB.

Fulton last night explained his comments before flying interstate on holidays. He will not be part of the Continuous Call next weekend.

Fulton, a rugby league Immortal, is still upset Brohman took legal action against Boyd in 1983.

"He (Brohman) asked Judy Boyd on air how could she be proud of her husband," Fulton said.

"Judy explained that Les has got children and grandchildren.

"I was involved with Les in 1983 when coaching Manly.

"I probably got more involved than I should have. He extracted the word coward from me.

"I have geed-up with Darryl for 2½ years and in that time have often called him a coward."

Fulton said Boyd had well and truly served his suspension.

"I don't condone what Les did but he's done his time - that was a 12-month suspension," Fulton said.

"I must say in hindsight - and given the seriousness of the issue and how he felt about it - I shouldn't have used the word coward. I apologised on air.

"I was talking more about Darryl taking legal action against Les. I'm from the old school and in that era, what happened on the field stayed there. People from that era would appreciate that.

"If it was me I wouldn't have taken legal action.

"If he's (Brohman) taken offence to being called a coward, then I apologise to him if that makes him happy."

Brohman's manager Steve Gillis will this week seek talks with station management over the drama.

"Darryl is bitterly upset and extremely disappointed in the comments made," Gillis said last night.

"He has asked me to take the matter up with 2GB management.

"We will sit down and work out what course of action to take after that. I understand the vast majority of talkback callers have supported Darryl."

Boyd's mobile telephone was switched off yesterday afternoon.

In his column, Brohman wrote: "I just hope that as you grow older you might have some regrets."



LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
This is Brohman's column which was written in response to something mentioned by Les Boyd last week:

Brohman settles score with Boyd
AS you know, I'm normally the big, fat jolly fellow who writes entertaining and humorous stuff.

But today the gloves are off and it's time to stand up for myself.

Last week, Les Boyd claimed that before State of Origin I in 1983, Australian selectors Ernie Hammerton, Les "Chicka'' Cowie and Peter McLean told Les he could do whatever was required to make sure no Queenslanders were in the Australian side.

With this in mind, Les unleashed hell on Queensland.

Unfortunately for me, I was on the end of an elbow to the head that broke my jaw.

Les, the lovable larrikin with a killer sense of humour, said: "I still maintain my elbow on Brohman was not deliberate. If I wanted to do it on purpose, I would have gone for Gene Miles or Wally Lewis. Brohman was a better asset for us on the field than off it.''

Of course it wasn't deliberate, Les. That is the way we were taught to tackle: you must run in with your elbow cocked at the head of an opponent. That should stop 'em, shouldn't it, Les?

I will concede that Gene and Wally were infinitely better players than me and if I was to accidentally take someone out with foul tactics (something 99 per cent of footballers would never consider), it would have been Geno or Wally on the end of my elbow.

Another really good point, Les.

When Les was asked last week to describe a meeting between the two of us before Origin III this year, he said: "I think he was s----ing himself. No doubt he's embarrassed by what happened. I admit what I did was not right but I apologised to the bloke during the game and again after the game. But he took it to the courts and sued me. That's life.''

I appreciate that you apologised, Les, that was big of you.

Now, let's start with the truth.

Firstly, I was not s----ing myself when I met Les and Johnny Peard at the airport before Origin III. I walked up to both and shook their hands.

Peardy and I are old mates. He was my coach at Penrith in 1983 when the elbow incident occurred and he encouraged me to take legal action (something I'm sure Les isn't aware of).

Les shook my hand but refused to look me in the eye. I have seen Les about half a dozen times since the incident and he has refused to look at me or have a conversation with me.

I have been quite willing to have a chat but he is not interested, so I have decided not to waste my time any more.

Secondly, he apologised to me once, late in the first half when I was in the Queensland dressing room having a shower. My father was checking on my condition when Les walked into the room.

He had been sin-binned for yet another indiscretion and decided to venture into what he thought was a vacant Queensland room.

Les said something along the lines of, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that to you''. My father told him to piss off, and he left.

The thing that really annoys me about all this rubbish is that he thinks I am embarrassed by what happened. What planet are you living on, Les?

Not only did you break my jaw with an elbow to the head, in your second game back from a 12-month suspension you eye-gouged Billy Johnstone at Brookvale Oval and were suspended for a further 15 months.

Add to that a myriad of other suspensions and it is painfully clear that the person who should be embarrassed is you.

Not only have you embarrassed yourself and your family, Les,you are an embarrassment to rugby league. You changed the game forever with your despicable on-field behaviour.

I just hope that as you grow older you might have some regrets and admit that what you did on the field is not the way football is supposed to be played.

It's a tough game for tough men, but fortunately the thugs have been weeded out. And guess what, Les - the game is better for it.



I can't believe Fulton is a NSW selector with that attitude. It's 2007 you farkwit.

Perhaps Bozo (an apt name, really) best belongs in a museum along with the likes of George Piggins. I'm sure they'll be able to chew over old times, Fulton talking about how great it was back in the old days when you could elbow someones face off, and Piggins about how Souffs were the pride of the league and the game wasn't a business.



being in the uk i knew nothing about the boyd/brohman thing but from what i can gather les boyd wrote something in the courier-mail in brisbane to kick this off and brohman replied to it in a sydney paper??? had it been quiet between the 2 before it kicked off in the papers??

so it started with les saying something in a brissy paper?
does anyone have a link?


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Jatz Crackers said:
The dispute should never have involved one or others family.

Judy made the call to 2GB, not the other way around, correct?

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