ARLC Commission chairman Peter V’landys has used one of the most emotional and memorable days in the game’s history to declare the code is on a mission to return footy to Sydney’s suburban grounds.
V’landys said the code was working on a strategic plan that would ensure every Sydney club would avoid ever having to take games away from their local area and largest supporter base in the suburbs.
“It’s all about tribalism, it’s all about your suburb and it’s all about your team,’’ V’landys told 2GB.
“At Henson Park, it shows why you need suburban grounds.
“They (fans) want to be able to walk to their facility, they want to be tribal and we’re not going to give up until we’ve got all teams playing out of suburban grounds in Sydney.
“I was very proud to walk into Bankwest last week at Parramatta, it’s such a great facility, it’s got the latest technology, you’re close to the action, you’re well looked after, but that’s just one club — you need to do it for all.
“You need to do it for Manly, you need to do it for the Tigers and the Bulldogs, you need to do for the Panthers and that’s going to be one of the main objectives of the Commission, to get these suburban grounds (updated) and go back to the good old days of tribalism.”
The rest just talks about Tommy.
It doesn't tell you much but sounds like the idea of 4 mini Bankwests has even been shot down. Are they looking at upgrades to all the stadiums instead.