Gallop, former News lackey, in my opinion commited the biggest blunder of his tenure by signing away the television rights for much, much less than what they are worth in 2006. His old mates at News got a golden goose for next to nothing and the game has generated plenty of income for them via Foxtel subscriptions. I reckon he gave plenty of "consideration" to Channel Nine's "loyalty" and involvement with the game as well. They continue to treat the sport like shit.
This cannot happen again. They key term here is "independent". David Gallop has loyalty to News. If we want the independent commission to work there needs to be someone without old ties. Isn't that why have waited so long to get this off the ground, because there's too much conflict of interest and hesitation on behalf of all parties involved in getting the IC set up.
Find a proper sporting administrator, not a lawyer, to run the game. I would love to see the commission go on a fact finding mission to the US and come back armed with a short list of candidates who have been involved with the sporting leagues and their respective teams over there.