I think his family will be a big factor in this.
I concur Tm, the parents are the big fish.
Our CEO had the smarts to meet with the parents in the last lot of negotiations and he'll do it again.
Shane looks like someone who is genuinely concerned for the lad and will put across a great sales pitch, he'll get it done.
My missus always reminds me how good my judgement is (oh Lord it's hard to be humble.......) and if I had an interview with both Richo and Gould regarding my son's future, I'd tell Gould to keep walking. To me he looks like a big guy who always gets what he wants with those shifty eyes.
If Galvin leaves us in 2 years he most likely starts all over again.
If the nucleus of our side stays together then I agree with Tiger05, we could win the title.
You've all heard the saying, when your on a good thing, stick to it.
We'll 2 wins from 3 to start the season with some real promising signs that we will get better means a top 8 beckons.
A team can take a year or two to strike up combos. Galvin has played with a few lads when he came through pathways so he's got a headstart.
Every ½-⅝ needs a good dummy half. Enter DaSilva, a very close friend of Galvin who know each other's game very well.
In 2005 Tim Sheens told a journo that he is building the team for a 2006 assault. They gelled so well that Christmas came early.
If we keep our present side together we could win a premiership within 2-3 years.
If he goes and his new team fails or are rebuilding, he may miss out on a ring altogether.
It makes more sense to stay with a team at the end of a rebuild to win a ring then move on or stay, there will be more and more options available.
If the WT fail, Galvin would still get snapped up in a heartbeat.
½ - ⅝ careers are generally a bit longer, especially good ones, he has time on his side.
Luai knew that if the Tigers fail he'll still be ok financially but he has premiership rings and rep jerseys already. His future is all wrapped up tight.
Luai has Penrith to thank for keeping all his mates and a good coach all under the same roof.
So there you go Lauchy, there's the recipe for success. It only took ½ a page but I eventually got there.