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Game of Thrones II


Edmure - Am I the only one who is genuinely confused here? We have a scene where he is tied to a post and Jamie is saying he doesn't value his life and the only thing he values is Cersei etc, then Edmure enforces the Tully army to stand down? One would have thought after being captive by the Freys for so long and then basically being told he has no respect by his current captors that honor would take over instead of handing Riverun over? Did he do this for his life? Is there more to it? Surely!

Jaime tells him that he will send him his son via a trebuchet. The show kept this part in. Jaime also told him that if he does not submit, Jaime will kill every last Tully as well, and then pull the castle down stone by stone and divert the river to flow over the foundations. Obliterating all Tully's and any evidence that there home ever existed.

Why did they leave this bit out?


But yeah, I don't think we're gonna see Stoneheart, Benny.

Looks that way. Doesn't look like Cleganebowl will happen either. Totally shit.

Other than that, solid episode. I actually really liked the Arya part - she picked up all her assassin skills, killed the Waif and is now heading home. She's gunna do some awesome stuff methinks.

Agree with the sentiments re: Blackfysh. He escapes in the booked, I really hope there is more to it and that he got away, but if a Lannister reported him dead, hard to see that he's alive. Unless next season they merge his story with that of LSH? Bit far fetched.

Kings Landing is still boring as f**k.

Missandei getting tipsy was a highlight. If she were president, she'd be called Babe-raham Lincoln.

Anywho, filler episode. Designed to give us another week of anticipation before we all lose our f**king minds next week with Bastardbowl. Ramsey's smug f**king face in the preview is absolute gold.


Blackfish dying off screen, WTF.

Facelessmen and Riverrun stories a waste.

Danny coming back off screen, just walking on... Budget cuts?

At least the Brotherhood haven't gone bad.


The first 15 minutes were promising but after that the episode went to shit.

At the end of the day this episode was all about Arya and the pay off with her feud with the waif. It ended in the most boring way possible with an off screen fight and Arya getting the chocolates. It’s not the producers fault that there were a number of fan theories out there about dual identities etc. so the outcome is fine, however Arya must be the dumbest world class assassin ever to let her guard down the week before like she did. Additionally, the reason the waif was able to stab Arya was to use a mask, given she is also a world class assassin (allegedly), the fact that she didn’t think to use another disguise is dumfounding.


Staff member
The thing that is really annoying to me, which Reddit is basically melting down over, is why did they have to make Arya's stab wounds so obviously severe? It was a giant knife and she got her several times deep in the gut. You could have accomplished the same thing with a slash that just grazed her.

What happened to her would likely be fatal if it happened outside an emergency room in a first world country. But the actress sews her up and she's doing parkour like a day later.

It annoyed me, because having her stabbed like that was completely unnecessary to the plot and took me out of it a bit.

And it still doesn't explain why Arya was throwing money around and just chilling in broad daylight while legendary assassins who could be literally anyone are chasing her.


The thing that is really annoying to me, which Reddit is basically melting down over, is why did they have to make Arya's stab wounds so obviously severe? It was a giant knife and she got her several times deep in the gut. You could have accomplished the same thing with a slash that just grazed her.

What happened to her would likely be fatal if it happened outside an emergency room in a first world country. But the actress sews her up and she's doing parkour like a day later.

It annoyed me, because having her stabbed like that was completely unnecessary to the plot and took me out of it a bit.

And it still doesn't explain why Arya was throwing money around and just chilling in broad daylight while legendary assassins who could be literally anyone are chasing her.

Gives hope that Rob Stark's wife & heir are still alive.


Starks are dumb is why Arya was so reckless. Agree on the stab wounds though, unnecessary. They got where they needed to go with it in the end.

I wouldn't say that Dany arrived off screen due to budget cuts when they spent $100mill on the season, more likely saving every penny for the bastard bowl and more shots of Mereen getting f**ked up (and boats getting f**ked up by dragons).

Blackfish's demise made sense, but sucked that it was off screen.


Staff member
The thing that is really annoying to me, which Reddit is basically melting down over, is why did they have to make Arya's stab wounds so obviously severe? It was a giant knife and she got her several times deep in the gut. You could have accomplished the same thing with a slash that just grazed her.

What happened to her would likely be fatal if it happened outside an emergency room in a first world country. But the actress sews her up and she's doing parkour like a day later.

It annoyed me, because having her stabbed like that was completely unnecessary to the plot and took me out of it a bit.

And it still doesn't explain why Arya was throwing money around and just chilling in broad daylight while legendary assassins who could be literally anyone are chasing her.

Yes Arya acquired some very thick plot armour.


There has to be a point for all of the faceless man training. Why would they let her just walk out like that?


There has to be a point for all of the faceless man training. Why would they let her just walk out like that?

Why would a faceless man assassin chase their target through the streets in public like a terminator?

The quality of the show has dropped significantly IMO. I think they have their established plot points and big events mapped out, they know where they have to go but they're messing up the journey.

A lot of stuff doesn't line up with the established character motivations and there are a lot of superfluous scenes that miss the mark, seemingly created solely so we don't forget about the characters (most of the Meereen stuff especially).
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The Tyrion scenes have been horribly superfluous for a while now. Still love the show, I think they get right much more than they get wrong. Very ready for a couple of "WTF" moments to finish of the season, though. It's been quite a fan-servicey kind of season... which isn't very Game of Thrones at all. If it can't "wow" me before seasons end, I'll be ready to say it's jumped the shark. I thought this season was plugging along ok until the last couple of eps. Seems to be going downhill quicker the further they get away from the source material.


Why would a faceless man assassin chase their target through the streets in public like a terminator?

The quality of the show has dropped significantly IMO. I think they have their established plot points and big events mapped out, they know where they have to go but they're messing up the journey.

A lot of stuff doesn't line up with the established character motivations and there are a lot of superfluous scenes that miss the mark, seemingly created solely so we don't forget about the characters (most of the Meereen stuff especially).

Because the Waif is clearly a very flawed faceless man, they've explicitly implied that.

Some of you are really nitpicky. Yes the season has a couple of flaws like Tyrion in Mereen, but on the whole it's still a good season.


Arya should really have developed some mad Warg skills by now.

From memory this helps her with her "blind" training by watching from the POV of a cat to incoming attacks.


Staff member
Because the Waif is clearly a very flawed faceless man, they've explicitly implied that.

Some of you are really nitpicky. Yes the season has a couple of flaws like Tyrion in Mereen, but on the whole it's still a good season.

Oh, I think on the whole it's still some of the best television being made right now.

My girlfriend and I usually look through the Wikipedia summary of each episode after we watch it in case we miss anything and to read the aggregated reviews. This episode was sitting at about 85% on Rotten Tomatoes, which was enough to make us both go 'wow, that's low' despite the fact that it's an indicator of high quality.

We're just so used to GoT episodes being 98% or above that when one drops below it nobody quite knows what to do.

Caped Crusader

Jaime tells him that he will send him his son via a trebuchet. The show kept this part in. Jaime also told him that if he does not submit, Jaime will kill every last Tully as well, and then pull the castle down stone by stone and divert the river to flow over the foundations. Obliterating all Tully's and any evidence that there home ever existed.

Why did they leave this bit out?

Jamie did say he'd kill every last Tully in the show. All they left out was the bit about destroying the castle


First Grade
Jaime tells him that he will send him his son via a trebuchet. The show kept this part in. Jaime also told him that if he does not submit, Jaime will kill every last Tully as well, and then pull the castle down stone by stone and divert the river to flow over the foundations. Obliterating all Tully's and any evidence that there home ever existed.

Why did they leave this bit out?

Because we needed more enthralling dialogue between what's her face, dickless and shadow of Tyrion...


First episode I was genuinely disappointed with

Arya going home....what was the whole point?

Varyss going back to Westeros could be a bigger deal that we expect.

No trial by combat for Cersei and Lancel either.

who said varys was heading to westeros? i think he will be heading elsewhere.

There has to be a point for all of the faceless man training. Why would they let her just walk out like that?

she gave the many faced god a death, the waifs in return for hers. she had apparently finished her training. it appears once that happens arya doesn't owe the faceless men a thing.


Looks that way. Doesn't look like Cleganebowl will happen either. Totally shit.

Kings Landing is still boring as f**k.

Its been brewing for a while now and cersei's slow demise will end in tears for someone, thats for sure.

episode 10 will be big. taking away the trail by combat has completely blindsided her and put her in a corner..


Its been brewing for a while now and cersei's slow demise will end in tears for someone, thats for sure.

episode 10 will be big. taking away the trail by combat has completely blindsided her and put her in a corner..

Yeah, I know that Bastardbowl is going to epic and mind blowing and I'm going to watch it like 12 times in a row to take in all the awesomeness...

..but I get the feeling that Episode 10 is going to be a massive mindf**k. There'll be some big twists and probably a terrible death or two.

BTW, did I read somewhere that Season 7 only has 7 episodes?


Because the Waif is clearly a very flawed faceless man, they've explicitly implied that.

Some of you are really nitpicky. Yes the season has a couple of flaws like Tyrion in Mereen, but on the whole it's still a good season.

Yeah, every now and then something makes me think this season is underwhelming, like the Meereen scenes or the fact that Riverrun and Dorne were complete dead ends.

Then I think about 'Hold the Door' and I remember just how f**king great this show is.