I think I?ve finally figured this show out, Game of Thrones is a metaphor for current events in particular Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW).
The Night?s King is the impending climate change.
Westeros are the squabbling countries too focused on their own agendas to see the impending doom.
The Lannisters are the USA, ignorant, broke, warmongers soon to be ruled by a complete bitch.
The Frey?s are ISIS, immoral, back-stabbing, morons intent on out-killing everyone and everything and who literally eat their own.
The Boltons are the sceptics and deniers who betray, stab, kill and feed anyone to their dogs who disagrees with their bat-shit crazy thinking.
The Starks are Germany trying to fix the world?s problems without realising they?ve got some big issues of their own.
The Sparrows are the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change trying to solve the issue with self-serving rhetoric.
Highgarden are whacked out hippies who think planting roses gives them magic powers to deal with their enemies.
Dorne are feminists who think twats can solve everything.
The Mother of Dragons is Rupert Murdoch, an emotionless, corrupt, inbred child of a family everyone hates who has blood on their hands from the destroyed lives of millions.
The Mormonts are Australians, little smartarses who punch way above their weight in war and telling everyone else how big a f**kwit they really are.
Anyone else a bit confused as to what Bran and Meera do now? Benjen's just dropped them off in the woods north of the wall, Bran can't walk and Meera isn't strong enough to carry him, and it doesn't seem like they have a cart to pull him. How the hell do they get through the wall?!?!
He placed him under a heart tree near the wall, possibly the same heart tree jon snow says his vowels to in season 1. Basically bran may be at the doorstep of castle black
Yeah, so if Bran crosses south of the wall so can the Whitewalkers like they were able to cross the barrier at the tree.
I find this bit confusing. The wall is supposed to have powerful magic built into its foundations that won't allow the dead to pass, yet the Night's King magic can work beyond the wall as it did when two rangers came back to life in Castle Black in season 5?
I honestly think that was a "glitch" in the program.
Best we forget.
One thing I forgot to mention was how fantastic Cersei was.
The bit how she walks out of the room saying 'Shame, shame, shame' was great.
She was giving off Disney evil stepmother vibes on that throne too.
F**k I love Cersei as a villain.
No doubt now
Cersei head of House Lanister and on the Iron Throne
Dorne ruled by Ellaria Sand and now allied with Olenna Tyrell
Yara Greyjoy in an alliance with Daenerys Targaryen
Sansa stepping up to take back Winterfell
Arya is a ninja assassin
and lets not forget Lady Morment, she's got the biggest balls than all characters on the show