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Game of Thrones VIII


the most annoyingly unanswered NK question is what the go is with all he patterns he an the white walkers like leaving everywhere.

I thought that was going to have some sort of significance but seems to just boil down to “oooohhh doesn’t it look creepy??”
Im guessing its some kind of "magical" rune or something, its the same pattern used to make the Night King

Why they leave it everywhere though is weird and doesn't seem to have much point


I don't wnat to know ANYTHING about the NEXT episode until it airs.
So, appreciate you lot using the spoiler tags :D

2 characters I want to bring up...
What happens to Edmure now? I guess as he was likely in the Lannister dungeons that he is assumed lost now.

and Bronn....surely there was a reason we got the scene last week between him and Jamie and Tyrion right....Does Bronn have a part to play?

Bronn wasn’t even meant to last this long
They kept him because of fan service (which I disagree with)

Her serves no purpose anymore so should’ve died last season. Him and Lena Headey (Cersei) don’t get along (I think they were dating) and hence why they’re never in the same scene together


Staff member
I don't wnat to know ANYTHING about the NEXT episode until it airs.
So, appreciate you lot using the spoiler tags :D

2 characters I want to bring up...
What happens to Edmure now? I guess as he was likely in the Lannister dungeons that he is assumed lost now.

and Bronn....surely there was a reason we got the scene last week between him and Jamie and Tyrion right....Does Bronn have a part to play?


Tobias Menzies - Edmure - was on a list of confirmed cast members before the season launched. So unless his scene was cut, he has to be in the next episode.


I don't wnat to know ANYTHING about the NEXT episode until it airs.
So, appreciate you lot using the spoiler tags :D

2 characters I want to bring up...
What happens to Edmure now? I guess as he was likely in the Lannister dungeons that he is assumed lost now.

and Bronn....surely there was a reason we got the scene last week between him and Jamie and Tyrion right....Does Bronn have a part to play?

Maybe the final episode will wrap up a bunch of loose ends. Maybe it will be more all out slaughter with no time for minor details like characters


Potential final episode spoiler:

There is a leak that went up on Reddit from a source that posted a leak a few weeks ago saying that Danerys would go full mad queen and burn Kings Landing, triggered by bells. It also leaked that Arya would kill the Night King in episode three. So it sounds as though this source may have a bit of insider knowledge.

Anyway, this leaker states that the Iron Throne will end up with - wait for it - Wheels Stark himself, Bran. I do not know how it could possibly get to this point, or how it is within character with anyone left alive or with Bran or The Three Eyed Raven (not that we have any real explanation on what The Three Eyed Raven is, or its powers or anything like that).

If it's true, I just don't even know. It's like they've thrown darts at a board covered in names and adjectives and gone with whatever sticks.

This is plausible if for no other reason than that person was the favourite according to sportsbet at the beginning of the season to end up on iron throne.

Their odds on such matters are rarely wrong.


Staff member
Potential final episode spoiler:

There is a leak that went up on Reddit from a source that posted a leak a few weeks ago saying that Danerys would go full mad queen and burn Kings Landing, triggered by bells. It also leaked that Arya would kill the Night King in episode three. So it sounds as though this source may have a bit of insider knowledge.

Anyway, this leaker states that the Iron Throne will end up with - wait for it - Wheels Stark himself, Bran. I do not know how it could possibly get to this point, or how it is within character with anyone left alive or with Bran or The Three Eyed Raven (not that we have any real explanation on what The Three Eyed Raven is, or its powers or anything like that).

If it's true, I just don't even know. It's like they've thrown darts at a board covered in names and adjectives and gone with whatever sticks.
Actually not the worst idea in theory. He was lord of Winterfell and practised dealing with peoples problems. Also is the best person to cast judgment on people given he knows their lives.


Just found this thread and gave it a full read.

Good on you all for actually enjoying the show. So many people on other forums are so hypercritical. I know there is criticism in here but it’s overall valid and not pedantry. Nothing is ever perfect.

Pumped for the finale. Hope it’s huge .


Nothing wrong with Dany going "mad" It makes sense not from the last few episodes, but from key events throughout her whole story. And yeah that was that vision in the house of kings landing in ruins covered in ash, and that shot of the dragons shadow

What makes it feel so "wrong" is the same thing that has made everything feel so wrong this season. Its rushed..

I don't think there has been bad writing, its just that everything has been so compressed, especially when compared to the slower paced early seasons. The night kings death made sense, it just felt weird because it was all done in 1 episode. And its the exact same with Dany going "mad"

Realistically this whole seasons should of been focused on defeating the night king and drawing that out a bit more. Then have season 9 dedicated to this whole Kings landing plot.

We could of had episodes focused on the new prince in Dorne. Show the situation in some of the other regions and castles, and who has control over those. Show Yara retake the Iron Islands. Show Sansa/Jon deal with Lord Glover for betraying them again. Have an actual battle at last hearth. Give us an episode on whats happening now in Meereen. More Bran stuff and the NKs motives/origins. Have Dany travel the kingdoms trying to win more allies, just to have them turn her down (fuelling her "madness"). Have Jon actually create a bond with Rhaegal, "stealing" him from Dany. Have the Golden company actually do something, maybe retake a castle (Storm's End from Gendry or maybe have Bron get Highgarden of Tyrion just to have it besieged by Cersei and the GC)

These are all just based of what was set up from the last season alone, but then ignored because of the condensed nature of this season...

For mine, the outcome itself is fine, it’s the way that they’ve failed to build everything properly in these last 2 seasons that is balls.
Apparently HBO wanted these final two seasons to run ten episodes each. But Benihoff and Weiss said, no, we don't need that many episodes to finish the story. These two arseholes clearly had their eye on the Star Wars gig they're moving on to and rushed this out the door. They've taken what was shaping up to be the greatest pop-culture achievement in history and turned it in to this complete nonsensical mess.

I wouldn't say they've "rushed it out the door" per se considering it has been nearly 2 years in the making. Some arcs and decisions badly plotted/set up? Yep I'll agree with you there though.

Also just because HBO wanted more episodes does not mean they would have been quality either. Case in point, the second half of season 3 of the remake of Battlestar Galactica. As it was their best rating show at the time, the execs at Sci-Fi Channel convinced Ronald D. Moore and David Eick to have more stand alone episodes which did not intertwine with the show's long story arcs. The result? Most of those episodes were considered poor by critics and fans alike, and the ratings for the show crashed.


Bronn wasn’t even meant to last this long
They kept him because of fan service (which I disagree with)

Her serves no purpose anymore so should’ve died last season. Him and Lena Headey (Cersei) don’t get along (I think they were dating) and hence why they’re never in the same scene together

I thought Lena Heasley was a lesbian?

Re Bronn, they didn’t have to kill him off, he’d already been effectively sidelined. Got his castle and his title and didn’t have to continually risk his neck to stay alive, he’s always been completely self interested so it would’ve been totally believable for him to just stay the hell out of everything.


Staff member
I thought Lena Heasley was a lesbian?

Re Bronn, they didn’t have to kill him off, he’d already been effectively sidelined. Got his castle and his title and didn’t have to continually risk his neck to stay alive, he’s always been completely self interested so it would’ve been totally believable for him to just stay the hell out of everything.
Instead we get him busting in on jaime and tyrion like Kramer on george and jerry. It was only missing the laugh track.

Just found this thread and gave it a full read.

Good on you all for actually enjoying the show. So many people on other forums are so hypercritical. I know there is criticism in here but it’s overall valid and not pedantry. Nothing is ever perfect.

Pumped for the finale. Hope it’s huge .

All my criticisms stem from feeling let down by a show I'm heavily invested in and wanting it to be as good as it could be. Ive never had so much interest in theories for a TV show before. Overall its still fantastic and I had no big issues with it until season 7 with s6 ep9 and 10 being the best ending to a season imo.

Season 7 I think got a pass because the fans finally got Daenarys on Westeros, Dany & Jon plus other long awaited character meetups and were willing to overlook some problems it had.

Its still up there but season 8 has certainly brought it back to the fold for my favourite tv shows.


i reckon the last 2 seasons could have been spread over 3 seasons and the story expanded greatly to properly tie up the loose ends and let Dragon girl transcend into her ‘mad bitch mode’ in a more believable time frame. Just seemed all to rushed for mine.


R+L=J only existed in the TV Show to create tension and conflict between Jon and Dany. I feel a little ripped off that I thought it meant more.

Jamie’s redemption was such a waste and Cersei never really got her comeuppance she instead got to stare out the window for season 8 until the Valonqar was a brick which fell on her head. Presumably the brick was the little brother of another brick.

Hopefully this is all just some alternate vision of Brans and it turns out Arya couldn’t stop the Night King. Then the final scene is the Night King hanging out in his Ice neighbourhood sinking ice mead with his wight neighbors.


What's infuriating is this plot line - Danerys loses Jorah, Missandei, Varys and co, everyone who's kept her insane tendencies in check and goes mad leading to the massacre at Kings Landing - would have worked perfectly if they had actually given it time to build and make sense.

Apparently HBO wanted these final two seasons to run ten episodes each. But Benihoff and Weiss said, no, we don't need that many episodes to finish the story. These two arseholes clearly had their eye on the Star Wars gig they're moving on to and rushed this out the door. They've taken what was shaping up to be the greatest pop-culture achievement in history and turned it in to this complete nonsensical mess.
Viewers are voting accordingly on rotten tomatoes....


Viewers are voting accordingly on rotten tomatoes....
To be fair, a part of the downvoting is coming from people who fell in love with Dany, (some even went as far as naming their children after her) and are devastated that she has turned.

This is what happens when a fringe genre gets mainstream popularity. The majority of the population isn’t ready to leave their comfort zone for anything other than a Hollywood ending.


Staff member
Jamie’s redemption was such a waste and Cersei never really got her comeuppance she instead got to stare out the window for season 8 until the Valonqar was a brick which fell on her head. Presumably the brick was the little brother of another brick.

Cersei had a good Season 7 and yeah just became a window watcher in Season 8. She wasn't the focus yet ended up being a bigger deal than the WW.


To be fair, a part of the downvoting is coming from people who fell in love with Dany, (some even went as far as naming their children after her) and are devastated that she has turned.

This is what happens when a fringe genre gets mainstream popularity. The majority of the population isn’t ready to leave their comfort zone for anything other than a Hollywood ending.

It doesn't help that the writers built her up as a saviour after seeing how popular she is. Knowing them they also likely downplayed her more questionable antics so her turn would be more shocking and unexpected, since that's what they base their drama on. In the books if I remember right she is currently surrounded by hostile Dothraki after failing to rule Meereen and struggling to command Drogon.

I disagree with the last bit. The majority of the population love cynical bullshit hence why Game of Thrones got popular in the first place. One problem is a lot of viewers once invested treat TV shows like sports matches - who the hell gets so invested they name their children after fictional characters whose stories haven't even finished?

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