Those characters do not have the position of power that Dany does.
Arya is a child.
Dany's supposed to be whiny because she's like...what...14? She's pretty much a teenager trying to make the right choices like...Robb Stark? Jon Snow?
I don't think she's anything like Joffery she's more like Robb Stark, she's made stupid choices while trying to do the right thing and is also swayed by hormones.
I do agree she's poorly written though.
lol really?
Sansa is about as submissive as you can get.
You are consistent though because you dislike Stannis as well.
I couldn't stand Robb either, on the show at least. His ridiculous decision to marry Talisa was one of the stupidest things anyone could do. I thought their love story on the show was as poorly written as Dany is.
I like Arya, Brienne, Sansa (sometimes) and Olenna (although I found she's mostly wasted on the show, with dialogue often consisting of toilet humour and gay jokes).
The thing is though male fantasy writers have trouble writing female characters altogether. I don't blame them because for me coming up with male characters is far easier, since I'm male. I really can't stand Martin's sex scenes from the women's POV, nor can I stand his attempts on describing a young girl's sexual awakening. The female characters in Wheel of Time are worse and Tolkien barely wrote any female characters at all.