So, are all the naysayers of the rape scene going to stop watching and boycott the show?
Thats what i thought, it obviously didnt hit a nerve too hard and you are just arguing for arguments sake. You'd have to ask the writers/directors of the episode as to why they decided to show a little to moderate amount of nudity in a rape scene in a show thats renowned for a realist approach to anything sex or violence.
I understand how they could have got away with leaving out the titty shot (i only saw one close up of tits) and possibly toning the scene down abit but really if your offended by that scene you probably should have picked up sooner in the series that this TV show isnt for you. Rape is highly suggestive throughout the show so people that have been raped should be smarter than to watch it, frankly.
Again i understand where everyone is coming from, art is a different point of view for everyone.
I won't, but I do know at least one person who has dropped it.
A realist approach to anything sex or violence? LOL. Yeah, righto. It was really realistic how that guy pegged that dagger at the horse and downed that champion of whereever this season. Super realistic.
I remember how realistic the dragons burning that magic dude at Qarth was, too. God... this show is so realistic with it's violence.
As Springs said before you - the sex in the show is hardly realistic at all. It's totally mechanical and fake. The only way you could possibly think that sex is represented realistically in this show is if your only experience with sexd is porn.
I think the words you must be looking for is gritty and raw, not realistic.
What place does realism have in a fantasy series, anyway? Look, on the rape thing - I had no issue with the Jamie and Cersei scene of the previous episode. It has purpose relevant to central characters. It told us a lot about the psychological state of our characters... and it told us in no uncertain terms where their relationship stands at this point. It was relevant. I also thought Crasters rapeyness was very well handled. I thought the rapeyness of the dudes that Arya got needle back from a few eps back was handled well. The near-rape of Sansa was another good way of illustrating rape without showing it. You don't need to show full blown rape on camera to show someone is a rapist and a detestable piece of shit.
The rape going on in the background by anonymous characters in the last episode was completely unnecessary - proven by the show itself in the past. They could have shown how evil these guys are in any number of ways, they could have implied it like they did with Craster himself - in fact I think I was actually more repulsed by Craster - without the need to shove rape in our face. It was put in there to be edgy - and for no other sensible reason. It advanced the story nil - it told us nothing about anyone aside from anonymous bad guys are anonymous bad guys - which we already knew and could have had communicated to us in far more tasteful ways. The rape needn't happen in front of us on camera for an entire scene whilst some hateful dick spews vitriol from his stupid headface. It was gratuitous - and pretty insensitive.
Someone - have you ever dealt with the issue of rape in the real world?
I'll keep watching because I love the show, I love the characters and I love the story... but I lost a bit of respect for the creators of the show, and I do know at least one person who probably won't watch it anymore due to being repulsed. Hell, I'm not saying the creators of the show don't have the right to do as they wish with it - I'm just calling it out for what it is - gratuitous and insensitive. Rape should be treated with a lot of care in entertainment, and I believe the shows creators failed on this one in an area in which they've had a pretty good track record to this point. It was disappointing... but if you feel that it's a good, tasteful thing to be putting out there, well, good luck with it. You're entitled to your opinion.