I studied theatre for over a decade, you dope. I wrote my thesis on representations of masculinity in Australian theatre after the feminist movement. I've been in several large, paid productions in Australia and a sitcom here in China.
But, y'know, I clearly have no idea.
Why on earth would I remember something you said about your experience in some other discussion? It clearly wasn't much, else you wouldn't go around throwing stupid, ill-informed shit around.
I remember your experience.
Thesis on representations of masculinity. Oh FFS. So what?
I studied theatre for six years. Oh wow, everyone better listen to me then.
Here's a bunch of these famous, immensely 'talented' individuals that have given their opinion on their craft. Probably because they aren't a bunch of entitled, self-obsessed pricks who only care about fame:
http://www.thatvideosite.com/v/1854/sir-ian-mckellen-explains-acting (hilarious video btw)
Jennifer Lawrence: 'To you it looks emotionally straining, but I don't get emotionally drained, because I don't invest any of my real emotions. I don't take any of my characters' pain home with me, I don't even take it to craft services. I've never been through anything that my characters have been through. And I can't go around looking for roles that are exactly like my life. So I just use my imagination. If it ever came down to the point where, to make a part better, I had to lose a little bit of my sanity, I wouldn't do it. I would just do comedies'
'I'm doing what I love, and then I get months and months of rest. I have a lot of money for a 21-year-old. I can't stand it when actors complain.'
'It's always been about the script and the director, for me. There are directors that I want to work with and that I admire. You can love a script, but if it doesn't have a good director, it won't be that. I like to adapt to a director's way of working. I love doing that. Each director is so different, and you have to adapt to this new way of doing something. That's what's amazing to me. That's why I love directors. I don't want the director to have to work around me. I think it's more fun for me to come in on their thing'
Better tell them they know nothing and are just ignorant shits. Actors don't even take themselves as seriously as some mindless fans do.
Here's another good article about how despite all the work that goes on in a movie, to most people the finished character seems entirely the work of one actor:
Keanu Reeves gave away his salary for The Matrix because he's not a self-obsessed dick and knew who really made the matrix what is was:
You're a former actor who doesn't like being told that the people on screen aren't Gods among men. You don't like someone disparaging people in a craft you have worked on for so long, so you get edgy. FFS I respect actors, I respect acting on stage very much. I don't respect how celebrities on screen get the attention and credit like they are the most important people on Earth. There isn't some small group of ultra-talented supermen out there that are the only ones who can possibly act out a scene. That's idiotic thinking.
It's a job. It's a f**king job. It's not rocket science, it's not saving lives, it's not any harder than any other skilled job. Everyone who creates movies and shows deserve credit yet it all goes to the actors. Why? Because of mass celebrity worship culture. People can't see beyond a screen. Actors can get 20 million dollars and all the credit for a couple of weeks work, when crew can work their asses off every day for years on one movie and get far less money and no recognition at all.
I have nothing but respect for performers who work 100 straight performances in great musicals but don't get the recognition or the money screen actors do. They have to do a lot more work and are often more talented but that doesn't matter when all that matters is that you're seen on a f**king screen.
Super easy. Writing is a piece of piss too. I don't know why everybody doesn't have an Oscar, an Emmy, and a Pullitzer. Springs is only holding back out of respect for the rest of us.
Yeah that's exactly what i'm saying :roll: Only thing is I've consistently championed writers as they should get more credit and money than they do.
Nah mis, acting is just like singing, easy as. Putting actual emotion into your words and making an audience feel is simple as f**k.
Yeah it's so hard that toddlers, animals and the mentally handicapped can do it.
As for singing, yeah mate, Bob Dylan and Jimi Hendrix are two of the greatest musicians ever. People nowadays say Dylan can't sing. It's not about quality of the singer. As seen on the countless talent shows on TV, there are thousands of great singers. Then there are people who can't sing like Mariah Carey but can sing what the song needs. If quality of the voice was what made a singer, f**king opera singers would be the biggest celebrities around.
Everyone thinks they can be an acting critic because they see it on screen. It means f**king nothing. What does anyone care about when it comes to awards season? Actors. Who is in the news all the time? Actors. Who gets all the credit/ Actors. Why? Because Hollywood is a business and Western society is obsessed with celebrity culture. Actors are focused on because their celebrity names sell movies and sell awards shows, not because they are the most talented people on the planet. The whole thing is a massive farce.