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Game Sequel


I think every second year is sensible too. 2005 for next release for me.
Gives me time to make the rest of the gone teams. Made a Bears jersey during the week. If I can get permission, I will post a pic.


Red v hot ur the one with the gay name . i m sure u fit into place going for st helens in australia. maybe u have a gay partner over there. or maybe it is ''tinghaexpress''. Skull is probably called that cos he has a rude noggin and he has no meat on him. who is he neway?

piss off back to ur whole in canberra u piece of sh*t
u better watch it or there will be serious trouble with the mighty dragon army u have gone over the line buddy SKULL is coming 4 u

raiderix is a WALLY
stop sucking woolfords cock u piece of dog tird

sorry, i'm not sure how u can say that u'r the ones saying something intelligent, making death threats. Canberreans could deck all of u sydney sh*ts who r as weak as p*ss !! Step up or have a cry u wankas ! Red v hot i know u r a dragons fan and ur just embarrassed to own up to it. as if anyone goes for st helens! u r just a traitor of ''ur club'' when times get tuff!!


tinghaexpress, y don't u cum out of the closet and do red v hot up the arse! give urself a double and then a triple you weak fudge pusher!

Come down to Kogragh with us n well see who'll be pushing fudge, yr own fudge after u try n cork yr leaking asshole, dont shit yr pants now...u big wolly



raiderix he is someone u dont want to know about but beware ur name has been given to the dragonarmy and we r out to get u so watch urself dirty piece of crap u insulted skul u shall ...


Parra_Eels said:
this might sound stupid but is the jim beam cup the old jersey flegg? is it u/20's or what!


Jersey Flegg is still Jersey Flegg but only 11 rounds now.

Jim Bean Cup replaces Metro Cup


one thing I would like in future versions is MUCH MORE ATTRIBUTES for players.

There are currently 10 which covers the main ones. But looking at games like pro evolution soccer which has up to 30 with special unique abilities it really makes every player in the game play like in real life and seperate them much more than other players.

One simple attribute that can increase realism heaps is dividing the simple Side step attribute (or durability) into 2 for both players feet.

this will mean a player like Fittler would have a 9 for left foot step and a 7 for right foot step. Instead of having say a 9 for both feet which he might have in this game.

So this simple change takes us one step closer to realistic gameplay.

other Unique attributes that players can possess are. One hand offloads and around the corner offloads which players like SOlomono and Lautiti can only possess. This will seperate these players even more than a normal decent 2nd rower who has good offloading skills.
Another step in getting closer to realism

Currently there is just a simply "Kicking" attribute
Unique kicking attributes could include. Torpedo bombs, banana kicks etc

THis would make players like Johns and Jones stand out from other good halfbacks who can kick good in general play.

I could think of heaps more attributes that could make this game super realistic like Pro Evolution Soccer in terms of gameplay.


Hows this for something different...

You know how u can have special referee matches in wrestling games, how about a mode where u play as the referee and can dissallow tries and sin bin people and stuff?

I think this would be an interesting addition to a rugby league sequel or to any sports game in fact.

Red V Hot

Sorry to everyone who is trying to continue the game sequel discussion, as I would like to do but having a proper conversation is all a bit to difficult for our friend raiderix here...

as if anyone goes for st helens!

If you want facts mate, MANY people do support St Helens...! :shock:

Red v hot ur the one with the gay name . i m sure u fit into place going for st helens in australia.

How is Red V Hot near a gay name?I dont get it??? :?:
I am actually a St Helens fan, and do I live in Australia now??...
INTERESTING...last time I checked I was in England... :shock:


If your from England y do all these fudgepushers like tinghaexpress and changa stand up 4 you? y do they say
Come down to Kogragh with us

Maybe ur a liar who isn't strong enuf to own up to being a st george illawarra dragons supporter because
a) ur weak
b) st. george r crap
Maybe I should come down to kogragh with ''you'' whoever all u dragons pple r and then I will see who the fudgepushers r.... you! sitting in ur gay little seats together. Changa telling me to ''sit down shut up '' is really gonna make me do so. very original too.

beware ur name has been given to the dragonarmy and we r out to get u so watch urself

tinghaexpress, I am sooooo scared about your women coming to get me. Ur actually not ''out to get me'' ur still sitting on ur fat arse next to the computer. Don't lie. Oh yeh, and I spose red v hot is out there too... oh wait, isn't he a st. helens fan? living in England? does he come out with u 2 to Kogragh with ur fudge pushers each weekend? strange that u guys (changa and tingaexpress) still stand up for him when he lives so far away?Maybe u'r all too weak to tell the truth.

When I sed that ''nobody supports st.helens'' I didn't mean that literally, of course, u'd have to be pretty stupid to believe that. They don't have as many supporters as the green machine!!!!

Red v hot is a gay name..... it follows the red v pattern !


Interestingly enough mr red v hot, I happened to stroll across one of your new topics under the heading of ''gamepad controllers''...

Maybe, interestingly enough, u actually do live in Australia. You live in or around Sydney. As shown in the quote below:

Thanks for the tip just what I need, one problem, I can't order over the net. Any shops in Sydney that stock this?

This obviously shows ur place of residence. It also confirms that u lied when u said the following

I am actually a St Helens fan, and do I live in Australia now??...
INTERESTING...last time I checked I was in England...

I have no furtha desire to argue against u because u r a liar. U might be a supporter of the dragons- in fact I think you are- but ur probably too weak 2 admit it.u obviously show a good knowledge of gaming and companies- maybe u should stop pretending ur a hardcore league gent and head back to the computer.

'''I'm not saying I wouldnt buy it its just that I KNOW the general public wouldnt rush out madly to buy it such as us. '''

As for tinghaexpress and changa, good luck in the bathroom, if u get off ur fat arses in the near future. I'm really scared. Just as scared as I was wen canberra beat the dragons by a point, with a drop goal....

Red V Hot

Raiderix you don’t give up do you?

Too bad once again you don’t know all the facts, and once again you start blaming people. If you are really that interested... I am actually a student living in England and about to move to Australia for an extended period to complete a Uni course and visit relatives and thought it might be an idea to by the adaptor there as it would be alot cheaper.! So there you go happy, any more of my life story you want raiderix?? As i said I can't order over the net because I am not sure of my exact place of residence in Sydney(where I am moving to).

u r a liar

Afraid not mate! :roll: