Except that the way some people carry on, Sydney can only "support" a handful ("4" is sometimes mentioned as the magical number, so having 5 currently in the top 8 is relevant) of competitive teams and are ruining the competition with too many teams.
In reality, Sydney teams have always provided about half the finalists, the teams that are at the top and the bottom for Sydney teams rotate around, and losing all those "hopeless" Sydney teams will just drive fans away, decrease TV ratings, make the competition more expensive to run, and not all the talent from Sydney teams will spread to Perth, or PNQ, or far eastern Timbuktoo or wherever.
So yes, this rant and BMs were a little OT, but forgive us Sydney fans for feeling a little defensive and pointing out whenever Sydney teams do "averagely" well, since every 2nd week someone starts a new thread under a different guise of how we can cut some Sydney teams.
In reality, Sydney is no stronger or weaker than ever, this year's current (and likely final) top 8 shows a good representation of Sydney teams, some of whom have been good in recent seasons and some haven't, and Sydney teams continue to show they are relevant and can provide plenty of first grade talent. Business as usual, carry on.