"How was work today, Dear?"
"I am absolutely rooted. The new client keeps screwing me around. I can't keep this up. If I get the arse I just know I'm going to be in the shit. I can't be f**ked working anywhere else."
"How was work today, Dear?"
"I am absolutely rooted. The new client keeps screwing me around. I can't keep this up. If I get the arse I just know I'm going to be in the shit. I can't be f**ked working anywhere else."
Maria Sharapova is very easy on the eyes.
<insert grunting sex joke>
What a "blow it out your arse" over reaction to the goings on on Australia day.
Tony Abbott - pull your f**king political head in, you clown.
Abbots right. They do need to move on.
Telling your wife she's fat and needs to lose weight might also be true but probably not the right move for most husbands.
The tent embassy thing could be handled far better than that.
thats right he's not a thief he's an embezzlerI just loved how Paul came out holding up the shoe saying "we are not thieves" this is the same bloke who got fired from two places for stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars -
What a "blow it out your arse" over reaction to the goings on on Australia day.
Tony Abbott - pull your f**king political head in, you clown.
Telling your wife she's fat and needs to lose weight might also be true but probably not the right move for most husbands.
The tent embassy thing could be handled far better than that.
Did you read the whole quote of what Abbott said? Or just the edited version to make it sound good.
You can analyse his use of language all you like, but my point is that once again he either said the wrong thing OR what he said was vague or ambiguous and the question should have been handled far better than it was.“Look, I can understand why the tent embassy was established all those years ago. I think a lot has changed for the better since then. We had the historic apology just a few years ago, one of the genuine achievements of Kevin Rudd as prime minister. We had the proposal which is currently for national consideration to recognise indigenous people in the Constitution. I think the indigenous people of Australia can be very proud of the respect in which they are held by every Australian and, yes, I think a lot has changed since then and I think it probably is time to move on from that.”