From what I've read we're past the point of lowering temperatures now. It's more about preventing rises.
From what I've heard, you are a sucker and a right royal moron. Just the way the gov and trans nationals like it.
These idiots will do and pay any price if we sell it right and scare the bejesus out of them.
They can't remember anything longer then a few minutes ago let alone our other bazillion lies. They deserve what we give them, do to them and what they get.
A big fat nothing except a bullet in the head.
Oh it's coming. always has when you have a stupid population and and unchecked gov.
Oh and I suppose we should all be ecstatic & grateful that the State Gov is today running up the flag poll the possible sale of 5 of OUR train stations?
If we can package that right the dumb f**ks will be begging us to sell and then charge them more for "Better" run and kept stations.
Hey they are to stupid to know that we could have fixed this mess a thousand times over, but we will never do so, so as we can sell them down the river to our mates who really keep us in power and give us jobs when we leave public office. And even if they see it and kind of get it, they still live in denial either because it is just to hard for them to except or believe it or so as that they don't have to do anything about it.
And the best part of all this is that if if anyone should really make a point of it and try to expose us and our devious treachery, the boofheads are self regulating and will denounce the one who can see us. How brilliant is that?
Isn't this just f**king fantastic. Morons to the right of us morons to the left of us, and all we in gov have to do is wear our expensive suits, speak with authority and keep smiling and then we just walk on through and do what the hell we like. Who's going to stop us...Not these f**king fools!!!