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Get a load of this sh*t!


skeepe said:
Good on the Telegraph. It's about time the nature of the scum that is the Newcastle Knights was exposed once and for all.
f*ck off, idiot. your sh*t posts and constant dribble on this forum make me want to gouge my eyes out. every time i see your nickname i vomit a little in my mouth, and the sad thing is i enjoy it because it takes my mind off your inane bullsh*t.


skeepe said:
Good on the Telegraph. It's about time the nature of the scum that is the Newcastle Knights was exposed once and for all.

Only a moron would believe anything the telesh*t has to say. I mean really the chances of a 9 year old writing this is about the same as a raiders supporter actually having anything intelligent to say.


"She will normally just blow up and then calm down. This time she felt strongly enough and hoped that by doing this she might be able to stop them losing."

Maybe she should meet the cowboys halfback in prep for this weekend:whistle


Staff member
I'm so in on that.

And if anybody has a way to deliver syphilis in a fine spray, I'd be in on that too...


Misanthrope said:
I'm so in on that.

And if anybody has a way to deliver syphilis in a fine spray, I'd be in on that too...
get skeepe to spoof in a jar - i'm sure we can sort it out from there.

boom tish.


Just wait til about 4 rounds into 2008 and the Knights are 4-0 and setting the world on fire. Buderus and Gidley are in awesome form and the team is reaping the rewards of their young players getting blooded in the previous season.

I can see the headline and lead paragraphs now on the back of the telegraph in April next year:

"In Smith we trust"

In a stunning reversal of public opinion, Newcastle coach Brian Smith is being heralded as a super coach by the people of Newcastle after the team's unbeaten first month of the 2008 premiership. Rising above the disharmony that threatened his job at the end of 2007, Smith has taken the criticisms of the people to heart, retooled the team and now has the side playing football the old Newcastle way.

In an exclusive for the Daily Telegraph, the young girl who penned the Knights a letter in texta late last season voicing her displeasure at the way the team was being handled by Smith, Sarah Matterson (now in Year Four) has sent Brian Smith an email message from her Blackberry telling him that "I was caught up in the moment last year and apologise."

The Telegraph can also print the rest of the email to Smith in full to verify that this is indeed Sarah's own work.
"I think you do a great job and now we're winning the nice guy at the Telegraph said I should write something positive this time because it will help him sell papers. I find that kind of strange because he told me if I wrote something negative and had a go at you last time it would sell papers too... In fact he also told me to use a texta and paper last time to really go for the sympathy vote, which I guess was smart because I had offered to use my old mobile phone because I knew how to text then pretty well. It might also explain why my spelling was so bad - because my texta doesn't have predictive text unfortunately! Plus he gave me a couple of lobsters to use the texta and copy his notes that said you didn't know what you were doing and stuff. Besides who am I to turn down a deal like that! Hope you understand and go the Dragons!, Love Sarah xoxoxoxo."

* please note that all the above is pure fiction... hopefully.

Bring it home Knights

First Grade
perverse said:
that is the lowest "journalism" i think i've ever read. pushing your agenda through a sick 9 year old is just plain pathetic. i too think it's time we at least showed the club that there are knights fans that see the light at the end of the tunnel.

is there an email address we can send this stuff to?

Rebecca wilson used her 2 young kids to attack Fatty after she lasted one week on the footyshow. It makes you wonder if it is the journalists that are pr!cks or if the newspaper is responsible for them carrying on in the manor they are.

Gene Krupa

I quote Jeremy Fox from the Junction:
"The Reynoldson thing is a shock - I thought Newcastle people look after Newcastle people."

Well dipsh!t, he's a Queenslander out of Melbourne. I think you're drawing a pretty long bow on the Novocastrian line there!


gutter journalism at its best

maybe we can organise a mass boycott of the telegraph and news limited products


Bring it home Knights said:
Rebecca wilson used her 2 young kids to attack Fatty after she lasted one week on the footyshow. It makes you wonder if it is the journalists that are pr!cks or if the newspaper is responsible for them carrying on in the manor they are.
good point, and good to see you're still around BIHK :D

Gene Krupa

Parki said:
gutter journalism at its best

maybe we can organise a mass boycott of the telegraph and news limited products

Well News just got their last dollar out of me.

Gene Krupa

Why isn't Penrith getting hammered for their clean out, Priddis has been a stallward for years. The same question should be asked about St George too. Didn't Easts cut Jamie Soward, even though he had a valid contract with them? Why is a second rate hack being supported to the hilt by News Limited when clubs clean out an almost entire roster of players any other year?

This is a rethorical question btw but if anyone want to have a stab at answering, go right ahead.


Anyone see the woman interviewed on channel ten news..... Saying that she is a season pass holder and is thinking about not renewing it for next year! All I can say is good riddance.. just shows how some Newcastle fans out there are only with them when they are winning. We are better off without fans like the one interviewed...

This whole situation is really Pi**ing me off!! I feel like doing something about it along with all of you guys...


Tomorrow night im seriously thinking of bringing a banner..... "In Smith We Trust"

Its times like these where the REAL Newcastle Knights fans come together and fight for our club. I agree with RABK when he said something needs to be done...