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Get Lolohea Off


When he played centre, many commented that the club had inadvertently found our best centre. And then, you know, story of the blokes career, Cappy moves him week in week out. After RTS went down, his first few games at the back were quite good. Remember Cappy emphatatically said prior to RTS going down that it was time and he would be five eighth for the rest of the year. He got 20 minutes. I get with RTS going down that he was the successor at fullback. Cappy then said Tui would be the fullback for the rest of the year. And then, well,he gets injured and Cappy shows no faith in him moving him around religiously.

He looks to be lacking a lot of confidence. He's playing poorly. Some of his errors are so basic it's not funny. But it smacks of a guy who has no confidence and no idea what's going to happen to him week to week.

Cappy's done well in a lot of his selections. His policy around Tui though really seems confused.


Staff member
Yeah hey I hear you, his positioning was crap and he's played a lot of games there. Do you think it would be better than it is if he'd not been given that stupid spell on the bench then brought back to the same spot while the coaches assured us 'he's gone away and improved and shown us the ability to claim his spot back' whilst playing minuscule time off the bench then on the wing? I think it would be better. But I could be wrong.

You could absolutely be right that he's overhyped and doesn't deserve a spot (if that's what you're saying). What I'm saying is we haven't had the right chance to find out. I think a decent coach would've afforded him that, and then if he hadn't taken his chances we'd all be able to say oh well, you need to get better pal. At the moment I can't bring myself to criticise him.

Now that SJ is becoming the structured, controlling half (I know he wasn't last night but his forward pack was monstered), maybe Tui/SJ will work. f**k me, if that's what is decided and all our management have said so, then bloody well give him until the first bye in 2017 at least to work it out. Not 4-5 weeks then baby out with the bath water crap.

And risk another crap season?


We need a six, all the other spots are full.

If Lolohea can't do that, it's bench impact or nothing imo.


Staff member
Tui got his opportunity at 6 through Robson not delivering. Then RTS was injured and he was sidetracked to fullback cover. Needs must.
Fus proved himself the better fullback, and that should have been the end of it.
Tui on the bench, given limited minutes, couldn't do too much damage and could be damaging against tiring opposition. (Though this didn't happen.)
But Tui didn't like this and requested a meeting with Cappy, forcing his hand.
So Cappy decided that if Tui moved to fullback he could get Fus into center and put Atshford on the bench..
Really Tui wasn't playing well enough to be in the squad, and certainly Ayshford deserved better than the bench.
Looking at it dispassionately Fus should be in 1. Ayshford at center. Maumalo or Tui at wing. Given Tui's difficulty at catching bombs and Maumalo's ability to hit the ball up, an unusual requirement for a back, I would think Maumalo would have the edge there.
Young players don't have a right to a place in the team, they have to earn it.
So far Tui has not earned his place, whatever that is.


I beg to differ. When he played centre, Tui more than justified his position.

As a running centre perhaps, but he doesn't defend as well as Kata and Ayshford. You're right he wasn't bad there, not outstanding but not bad


He simply can't be put at centre at this time of the year (for the record I wanted him there at the start)

Our best centres are Ayshford and Kata, our best fullback is Fusitua

Part of all that is that Lolohea has been shitted on by McFuddle but nonetheless that's where we are at - probably means the coach will pick Fus as bench impact, Lolohea as centre, Matulino on the wing for go forward, and Maumalo at fullback and drop Ayshford because the media won't mind that


First Grade
according to this website he hasnt played centre in nrl this year. is that accurate?


i know he did play a few pre season games at centre and wasnt too flash. i think the team as a whole played poorly in the Nelson game when he was exposed
Yeah I was going to say till I saw your post with proof, I don't remember Tui at centre this year.

Like everyone has said and based on his defence that I've seen so far, he will get targeted especially when opposition are 5 metres out and they'll just do the big man on little man/drive over/try.

Fufu Andronez

First Grade
I have serious doubts about Tui next year. I hope all our eggs are not in the Tui is a #6 basket. He had a handful of games in the halves when Johnson was out last year and didn't show anything that indicated he would make it in the halves.

And IF Tui is actually a bad defensive centre, then god help him defending at #6.


First Grade
I have serious doubts about Tui next year. I hope all our eggs are not in the Tui is a #6 basket. He had a handful of games in the halves when Johnson was out last year and didn't show anything that indicated he would make it in the halves.

And IF Tui is actually a bad defensive centre, then god help him defending at #6.
Centres are usually more solid defenders than halves (e.g. Matai, Kata etc..). Thurston the greatest half in the game has yet to do a hit. Some halfs float out to the wing during defence. Im not saying its ok to be a mediocre defender if youre in the halves, Im just saying centres are usually stronger in the physical stuff.

Hitmen halves like Leiluai and Johns arent normal. In their case, big man on little man, little man wins.

Im all for Tui playing at 6 next year when Thomas leaves.


If so, the coach (I hope it's a new one) needs to have him there all pre-season and stick with him.

I don't think he's up to it to be honest, and some good judges have big wraps on Hingano.

But either way, someone needs to be settled there - nothing worse for confidence that to be chopped and changed and on edge constantly... really hard to get a line on Lolohea, it does seem you're a McFadden favourite (Kata is the obvious one, Gubb another) or not (Lolohea, Hurrell et al).

What's staggering is that McFadden can be so consistent with Kata, and he's developed, yet with others he takes the exact opposite approach... and funnily enough they struggle


Man you guys can't be made happy. Cappy appears damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.

Everyone gave him a lot of crap for not playing Tui a few weeks ago. Tui fails this weekend for literally the same reasons Cappy dropped him in the first place, and everyone is still mad, this time its a new excuse... "he gets chopped and changed too much" Tui has played, what, the last 15 games at either Winger or Fullback with one game in the 6 jersey - that's hardly chopping and changing going from Wing to Fullback. Fusitua has chopped and changed between Centre, Wing and Fullback in the same amount of games and has performed strongly in practically every game (I think he's only average at fullback though).

The facts are these:

  • Our #1 fullback is injured, rest of season. This means the role is going to be filled by someone who doesn't usually play there. This has been Fuistua and Lolohea, both of which don't suit the position properly.

  • Leuluai owns the 6 jersey which means Lolohea isn't going to play his preferred position.

  • Despite his weaknesses Tui is still quite talented and skilled. A guy like that is always going to make the team somewhere. His weaknesses are not from a lack of confidence, most of the time they bonehead mistakes like stepping out of bounds or being pushed back into in goal on kick return. Lack of confidence mistakes are things like dropped balls or low work rate.

  • The coach goes to training, he see's things we don't get to see. HE KNOWS BEST, and any out of the ordinary position selections are likely backed up. Case and point - Lolohea on the bench where McFadden was practically pressured by the public to play him again only for him to fail for the exact reasons he was benched.


Yeah, sorry, that was just weird... the problem is McFadden does and doesn't... he's chopped and changed willy nilly


First Grade
I thought I'd jump in here to reiterate that my standpoint on Tui, hasn't changed since the start of the year.

Lot of posters didn't like my thoughts on Tui not being a fullback that I BOLDLY made when Tui was playing well there early in the year.

I somehow came across a Tui hater but that was never the case. I never hated or disliked Tui and I still don't. I ain't jumped ship for a player I've had plenty of disputes on this forum about, disputes that's gone as far as moderators getting involved.

Tangalife I've not abandoned him as a fan. I just believe he's a 6 like I said that at the start of the year when he was playing well at fullback, a time where if you questioned Tui at fullback back then, boy would you get it on here.

He can play fullback, centre and wing all to an extent. He is a raised half. Will he be selected this week should be the focus..
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First Grade
McFiddles certainly helped your BOLD statement
Bottom line is, we are now seeing what I saying before isnt it?..

If you know league then you know league and you share it on here REGARDLESS of who you annoy. Also those who disagreed with me back then, have proven to be quite intelligent, so I needed to be bold to make such statements at that time.

Tui at 6 when Thomas goes. Im willing to be wrong on that one. All those that read my posts with hate lol can crucify me then but PLEASE Cappy, if its available, play Tui at 6!!


You copped grief because you claimed Tui@6 was the prime reason were winning when he was actually at fullback. Against the Dogs from memory. Nobody called you a Tui hater, some of us even agreed he's better at six.

But whatever.


First Grade
You copped grief because you claimed Tui@6 was the prime reason were winning when he was actually at fullback. Against the Dogs from memory. Nobody called you a Tui hater, some of us even agreed he's better at six.

But whatever.
No I also mentioned he wasnt a fullback. There is undeniable proof of this. Dont try to say it was something else. I said he was playing good at 6 and then he was put to fullback where despite playing good, I didnt see him as a fullback.

I mentioned his frailties then and now its fruition. Go back and check and then you will see undoubtedly.

You tend to read my post with more hate than rationale, something Im happy I dont do and Ive shown this and thats why Ive liked some of your posts even after or during some of our disputes. You cant bring yourself to like any of my posts, including ones that you agree with or agrees with you. Read my posts with a level head.
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