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El Duque

Bob The Builder?? :p

I'd like to know how the Mayans knew of all the planets and how many days were in a year and all the rest. They were clever buggers.


Assistant Moderator
Rasputin: "A serious question, Who built the Sphinx in Egypt?"
A serious question? Thats a nice change. ;)

Conventional logic suggests that the Sphinx was built by Egyptians.. :D

But dumb answers aside, the Sphinx is much older than people once thought and may have been under water at one time.

This is backed up water erosion on the structure and geological evidence which shows that the area was flooded about 7-10,000 years ago. This may also explain why little is known about the ancient kingdom which existed at the time.

But this thing is old...really old... and was quite possibly built before the any recorded Egyptian Dynasty. Its been estimated that the Sphinx was built about 10,000 years ago - the predates the Pyramids by several thousand years.
Some jokers are saying it was built on Mars. This may sound outlandish but it illustrates just how much of a mystery the Sphinx really is.

Interestingly, the bones around the Sphinx suggest that the workers were not slaves but were paid tradesman... quite different to the Pyramids and evidence that the Old Kingdom had a different society to their decendants who used slaves as the basis of their economy.

Anyway... an answer of sorts:
The 'Pharoah' Khephreis generally regarded as the bloke who 'built the Sphinx' while he presided over the old Kingdom of Egypt.
Some disagree but right or wrong, he has receivedthe credit.



Assistant Moderator
Looks like I spelt the bloke's name wrong. This is from a website I just found using Bronco's search engine:

The face of the Sphinx seems to represent pharaoh Khafre (or Chephren), ruler of Egypt from 2520-2494 BC.

Mark Lehner, professor of oriental languages at the University of Chicago, published an article in National Geographic (in 91) which proved that the face of the Sphinx was indeed the face of Khafre. Therefor he used computers to reconstruct the face of the Sphinx. The problem is that he first used Khafre's face as a model, so it's obvious that he came to the conclusion that the face of the Sphinx and the Khafre's face were the same. If he had used Elvis Presley's face as a model, he would have concluded that the Sphinx was a representation of the dead singer.
During thousands of years, the body of the Sphinx has been covered by sand while its head was still watching the sun. Anyone could carve the face because it stood nearly at ground level.

The Sphinx was built a long time before the 4th dynasty (Khafre). When you have a look at the head of the Sphinx, it's obvious that the head is too small in comparison with the rest of the body. The original head was much bigger and the actual "Egyptian" face has been carved later on. In 1993, Frank Domingo began to analyse the face of the Sphinx. Frank Domingo is a specialist in facial analysis for the police of New York. His conclusions were that the Sphinx and Khafre were two different persons. His conclusions were totally opposed to Lehner's theory. Who was right ? The Sphinx is really a riddle because it can't be dated by C14 techniques and there are no inscriptions which proves it has been built during the 4th dynasty. We can say the Sphinx is completely anonymous !

There is one syllable ('Khaf') carved between the front legs of the Sphinx. This syllable proves it has been built under the reign of Khafre.

'Khaf' doesn't mean anything because the names of the pharaohs were always written in closed cartouches. And even if that syllable had been carved by Khafre, it doesn't mean he built the Sphinx. It could simply mean that Khafre repaired the Sphinx and gave his face to it. Another carved rock from that period has been found and it shows that Cheops had already seen the Sphinx. Cheops was born before Khafre which means that Khafre couldn't have built the Sphinx.

Some other facts about the Sphynx:
- the erosion.
Now it's time for geology to date the Sphinx. John Anthony West, an independent American researcher, pretends that the Sphinx is much older than what we think. It has been built 12000 years ago. How did he conclude this ? He has had a look at the body of the Sphinx and he spotted trace of water erosion. Water in the desert ? Yes, water. The climate in Egypt hasn't been humid for 12000 years. The erosion is not the result of a flooding because the erosion shows clearly that the water came from the sky. If flooding had caused the erosion, the lower part of the Sphinx should also show signs of erosion which is not the case. According to West, it rained on the Sphinx.
- the hidden chamber:
Since the 70s, radar and other sophisticated machines have probed the ground around the Sphinx. Each time, experts discovered "holes" in the ground below the Sphinx and the causeway between the Sphinx and the pyramids. "hole" means there is possibly a room hidden under the Sphinx. Egyptian authorities have always been reluctant up to now, they've always refused to dig the ground to see if those "holes" where built by men or simply natural. It seems that the situation is changing now, the pyramids will be closed for six months this year. It's the first time in six years it happens. It means that the Egyptian authorities will, perhaps, dig the ground to discover if there is really something hidden under the Sphinx.
So there you go... the mystery continues. Maybe it was the Martians afterall.

Perhaps some things are better off remaining as a mystery but if they dig under the Sphinx (which I guess they will one day), one would think that the mystery will be solved.
Bob The Builder??
Wasn't he the fullback for the Isrealites?

I'd like to know how the Mayans knew of all the planets and how many days were in a year and all the rest. They were clever buggers.
It's not too hard El, the druids knew as much2 thousand years earlier, the Egyptians some 10,000 years earlierand the Romans actually developed the Julian calendar which was the best of all of them, only6 hrsper year different to what we use today,well before the Mayans. Put 4 sticks in the ground at equal distance apart andthe shadows will only line up once every year. Count how many times the sun sets in between and you have the number of days in a year.

A serious question? Thats a nice change
I'm feel insulted.

Conventional logic suggests that the Sphinx was built by Egyptians
Only on the premise that the place where it was built was actuallycalled Egypt when the it it wasbuilt. :p

The face of the Sphinx seems to represent pharaoh Khafre (or Chephren), ruler of Egypt from 2520-2494 BC.
Yes that was the hypothesis when it was dated at 4,500 years old. Pushing the date back a further 10,000 years kinda kills that theory but now that the latest radiation testing shows it could bearound 40,000 years I think any claims Khafre had on it are long gone. :(



Assistant Moderator
40,000 years !!?
Bloody oath...Roll over Khafre.
I think with the area flooding and water erosion studies has him pretty well out of the picture. But I would have though there are still plenty arguing his a case.
Question Rasp - How old do u think Adam was then? As they definitely had intercourse to produce Cain and Abel. Eve may have been 'zero', but then you would have to say that 'Adam' was zero as well.

but then you would have to say that 'Adam' was zero as well
No, from what I recallof your good book Moff it states that Adam was enjoying himself in the garden of Eden for quite sometime before he got lonely. It was only then thatGod used one of Adams ribsto create Eve. Just how long is not stated but he was definately much older than Eve who was created as a woman, not a child.Nor is it specified how long Adam & Eve romped around before they actually partook of the dirty deed leading to the conception ofAble. I say dirty because there had to be a few incestuous relationships somewhere amongst all this begetting and begatting otherwiseCain would not have been able to find his wife!!

Willow, I raised the issue of the Sphinx because I am intrigued by the type of culture and knowledge that existed at the timeif it is indeed 40,000 years old.It is quite a feat of engineering in itself andwas, as you have already pointed out,at one time in the middle of a large sophisticated and carefully cultivated gardencomplete withfull blown irrigation systems. It is my understanding that the ancient Egyptians had no more an idea of who actually built it than we do today.
Quite some time - But no time period is specified from memory. Its all a matter of guesswork ;)If i were debating this with you, id probably take issue with the point that you said he was a lot older

Anyways, its only a small point

But he was a lot older Moff. While no time itself is stated it is made very clear that God first created all the various animals and birds, not concurrently but sequentially,in an attempt to keep Adamcompany. It was only after Adam professed that this was not sufficient that God finally created Eve as his playmate, displaying quite amahoginistnatureI may add. ;)

<span>But then againthere are those that insistthat God is actually a woman which would necessitate that Eve be created first to fulfil the requirement of being created in her image,nothing a subtle rewrite can't fix eh!


Assistant Moderator
I'm intrigue as well. It opens up the prospect of there being other developed societies that have simply gone to dust. There's no doubt that we have a few lost civilsations.

The people that lived before the ancient Egyptians must havehad an impressive set-up to say the least. But it seems they just disappeared and we wouldnt even know of the mystery if it wasn't for the Sphinx.
We can only guess what happened to them but a natural disaster of some sort usually does the trick and would be the most likely explanation.
Why not El? All matter is under constant bombardment ofradiation. As the amount of radiation is finite over timeit seems quite plausible that measuring how mucha given objecthas been subjected to will givea fair indication of how long it has existed in its present state. Many datings have been proven correct by correlating the findings toactual recorded history and known climatic events.

Anyways, pure atomic radiation dating has surpassed carbon dating as the preferred technique.

El Duque

Ras: As the amount of radiation is finite over timeit seems quite plausible that measuring how mucha given objecthas been subjected to will givea fair indication of how long it has existed in its present state.

Yes, providing they have been finite, but have they?

Climactic changes and the constant changing of the ozone layer along with periods of nuclear winters can make things far from finite.
It opens up the prospect of there being other developed societies that have simply gone to dust. There's no doubt that we have a few lost civilsations.
Yes, makes onerealise how little we know of what actually went before us and how much knowledge we have lost. Easter Island is another great mystery.

We can only guess what happened to them but a natural disaster of some sort usually does the trick and would be the most likely explanation.
You are most likely correct there Willow as some monumental climatic changes occur every 10,000 years as the Earth moves onto a different axis. Probably just simple things like long term changes inweather patterns caused whole civilisations to just pack up and go elsewhere. The Razor principle at work, the simplest solution is always more likely to be the correct solution to the most complex problem.

Yes, providing they have been finite, but have they?
No, not always El, but for the last 5 billion years they have been, at least in our Solar system anyways. ;)

Climactic changes and the constant changing of the ozone layer along with periods of nuclear winters can make things far from finite.
But none of those affect the amount of noise, radiation, we are bombarded with from the galactice core,this is not the type of radiation generated by the Sun but exists throughoutthe Universe itself, the left overplasma clouds,Photon radiation if you prefer,from the big bang itself.


El Duque

But doesn't the ocean play a big part in this?

How do they factor it into the equation when there have supposedly been a lot of changes in it?
But doesn't the ocean play a big part in this?
What does the oceans have to do with radiation from the galactic core?

How do they factor it into the equation when there have supposedly been a lot of changes in it?
Hehe, try this one then. Light bends through water, that is it's angle changes,but light can only travel in a direct line. For light to reach the bottom of a tank2 metres deep it must approach the water at a very specific angle. Given that lightfrom the nearest Star, other than our own Sun of course, takes 7 years to actually reach the tankhow does it calculate the trajectory it must use on depature to achieve the correct angle on arrival if the tanks does not even exist when it leaves or the water level chages during travel? Of course it doesn't, it relies onglobal saturation and cosmic dispersion to bombard it from all possible angles at a very constant rate. Therefore there is no need for equations orfactoring in changes in anything, simple constant mass bombardment from all possible angles.

Keeping the carbon levels, level.
Sorry El, I'm not sure I understand what point your making. Carbon is a base element of matter, it can be transformed,but it can neither be created or destroyed.That being the case what do the oceans have to do with how much carbon exists in any object or how much photon radiation it has been subjected to?



Assistant Moderator
I'm no expert here but sea water is a good insulator of radiation. But once removed the carbon in any substance remains.

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