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Excellent questions.
Assasination v Murder.
Its all a question of orthodoxy and usage. We have to remember that English is a living language new words being invented and old words disappearing all the time.
I remember when assassination was only applicable to polititicians or church leaders but in 1980 the New York Times ran a front page story with the headline "John Lennon Assassinated" - afterwards I noticed that assassinations were applied to the murder of famous people as well.
Its a gruesome example but its this shows us the beauty of the language.
Just like homicide is a general term for the killing of humans, murder is also fairly generic. For example, someone who has been murdered could have been the victim of infanticide - the killing of a child. Interestingly, a few hundred years ago, infanticide was not considered murder in England. So you see how the language changes.
So basically, assassination is just a 'lingo' sub group of murder. The premeditated killing of a publicfigure as opposed to the premeditated killing of Joe Bloggs. The fascinating thing is that 20 years from now, it may have different meaning again.
Assasination v Murder.
Its all a question of orthodoxy and usage. We have to remember that English is a living language new words being invented and old words disappearing all the time.
I remember when assassination was only applicable to polititicians or church leaders but in 1980 the New York Times ran a front page story with the headline "John Lennon Assassinated" - afterwards I noticed that assassinations were applied to the murder of famous people as well.
Its a gruesome example but its this shows us the beauty of the language.
Just like homicide is a general term for the killing of humans, murder is also fairly generic. For example, someone who has been murdered could have been the victim of infanticide - the killing of a child. Interestingly, a few hundred years ago, infanticide was not considered murder in England. So you see how the language changes.
So basically, assassination is just a 'lingo' sub group of murder. The premeditated killing of a publicfigure as opposed to the premeditated killing of Joe Bloggs. The fascinating thing is that 20 years from now, it may have different meaning again.