OK, im going to change the tact of the conversation a bit and go formore of a 'philosophical' question.....No intelligence required here, just thoughts
Its an Easter related question, one to perhaps ponder especiallyon this weekend
Why do nice people finish last?? I know, its an overused catchphrase, but damn there is a lot of validity to it. The most impoverished living on the street without aspoon intheir hand are quite often amongst the nicest people in the world. While i dont exactly live in the slums,living ina 'down trodden' areai havebeen privileged to see a lot. Privileged may sound like a weird expression, but it gives a totally different perspective on things. You do meet some amazing people, and its quite often that the amazingly'evil nature' of some is matched by the amazingly generous and kind hearted nature of others. Thereare some imagesthat you don't forget, the faith of some people up against adversity is amazing. But the point is, quite often the 'nicest' of people are the ones most hard up against the wall, struggling to make ends meet. In 2002, society generallyconsiders those without great financial support to be at the 'back of the train', or finishing last if you will.
My thought is that a world has been created where there is just no place for honest and caring people. Seeing and reading things in the business world alone has given me the impression that to get anywhere of 'importance', you need to at least have one hand in the til and a 'screw everyone else attitude'. Success and morals have almost become a contradiction, especially in the business world...
So thats my question, where has the room for the 'nice guy' gone and why has the world inhabited a race of mainly selfish and arrogant people. Is Capitalism to blame?? Is Self-Interest to blame? Or is it simpler, have people just stopped giving a shit about anything that doesnt affect them in a positive way.....
I know, heavy on the philosophy, but i thought it was worth asking....