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Sorry I'm coming late to the Uncle Tom question. It's pretty much been covered, but I may add a bit. Tom was a hero in the original novel written in pre-Civil War slavery days, but the name came to be an insult referring to a subservient black man in the US in the 60's. You don't hear it so much now.
To bring the Ali-Frazier question into it, here is a quote from Ali's 1975 autobiography The Greatest. It's a part of a conversation between Ali and Joe before their first fight, when Ali was still banned from boxing.
"Ali: I was glad you whipped [Jimmy} Ellis I helped Ellis get everything he got, and he ain't mentioned my name nowhere.
Frazier: Well, that's the kinda guy we called a Tom. Lets everyone talk for him.....I was special glad I whipped 3 guys. Ellis was one. Buster Mathis was another one.
Ali: Buster?
Frazier: He was a singing 'Yes ma'am' type Uncle Tom. Everything he hear the white boss say, you know, he try to repeat it..."
The interesting thing in this is Ali and Joe seemed to be in agreement what an "Uncle Tom" was, and that neither of them were. Later when Ali was publicizing the first fight with Frazier, he tried to paint himself as the black people's champ and Frazier by implication as the white people's fighter. This led to the implication that Frazier was an Uncle Tom, which was very unfair. Ali painted Foreman the same way before their fight, and was even worse to Frazier before their 3rd fight in Manila. This last topic has been dicussed at length on some of the boxing threads. I think Ali did these things as pre-fight hype and got carried away in his characterizations of opponents. Others take a harsher view of Ali's behaviour in this regard, including Frazier himself


"What was the best thing before sliced bread came along?"

The Wheel?


El Duque

And I think now there have been things that have surpassed sliced bread but they never get a mention.Surely the computer is better than sliced bread?

Also,what was bigger before Ben Hur was released?


In most cases, why are there rear wipers on hatchback, vans and 4WD's and not standard four door mid to large size vehicles?

The angle and slant on the rear window of those three types of vehicles I mentioned, are far greater than those of standard sedans. So thereby there is more of an opportunity for the rain to trickle down the glass on those vehicles, not hinderring the rear view as much, in comparison to sedans where the rain drops will 'sit' and are more likely to hider the view of the driver. Did I explain it right?

Nervermind. I'm just stimulating my mind after a heavy drinking session last night. Damn! Is it 4.30pm allready?



Don't even mention alcohol mate. I barely made the 3-feet journey from the lounge to the computer upon waking not too long ago. Trying to evencrawl when you're still pissed is no easy fete.

...than again, 'tis Saturday night shortly

Has anyone tried walking with a dead leg?? I tried it on the weekend and neally broke my leg
(And I only had 1 - (give or take a couple bourbons) in the blood stream

Do not try it!!



The comment on the thread about the Queen Mum's passing leads me to ask: What is the state of the monarchy in Aus and NZ? I know Australia had a vote on the issue a few years ago, and I read that it was not really a pro-monarchy vote even though the republic idea was defeated. Do I have that right?
In Canada we still have the monarchy as well, and most people don't pay attention to it except during Royal visits. But there is not much strong feeling for getting rid of the monarchy, either. Where does it stand in Aus and NZ


Assistant Moderator
In Australia, we tried to make the place a Republic in 1999 but the vote went in favour of the monarchsists by about 54%. There was a lot of politics but the basic problem was with the republican model itself.Especially the appointment of the President which was not by popular vote. People didnt like the proposed process and the referendum returned a 'no' vote.
The Republicans are still a force but the feeling is that they had their chance and blew it. Will take a few years to get back to the stage where wewant our own head of state.
Currently, the biggest block to Australia becoming a republic is the current Prime Minister, John Howard who is a staunch monarchist.
His probable successor, treasurer Peter ('whats a few billion between mates') Costellois a Republican.
The Labor opposition is full of Republicans.
So I guess its still just a matter of time.

Personally, I dont see why we still have a monarchy and a 'Queen of Australia' who lives on the other side the world. It all seems pretty irrational to me.



Warlock: In relation to your question in message number 134 (sorry I've only just seen it), Javaman is currently in Melbourne on work and has been for a week or so. He'll rejoin us later this week upon his return. He hasn't had access to a computer to be able to post anything whilst he's been away.

Cheers all -Atilla
I got an e-mail once that said that a duck's quack does not echo but nobody knows why.
Perhaps one of my learned friends of the LWOS community can provide the answer.


Willow: Why not just model your new Republic on the constitution of the good old USA? :)


Since I fell for an April Fools joke on another thread. It has lead me to ask this Q...

When did 'April Fools' first came about?
This may help Marcus:
One theory is that April Fools began when Charles IX, following the Gregorian Calendar, decreed January 1, 1562 as the official New Year instead of the the end of March/April 1 Solstices. Individuals who continued to honor or forgot and celebrated April 1st were teased, ridiculed and played pranks upon.
This must have been too much fun, it spread from France to England and then to the US. Now we have a day of havoc for us all to tread and enjoy. Now this story, the dates are all in dispute, proving Time maybe the best trickster of all.



Assistant Moderator
According to The Simpsons (and they should know), it was the Pagans who continued to celebrate April 1st because it was significant to their beliefs. Christian leaders had it in for Paganism and encouraged the population to ridicule them as 'April Fools'

The Australian political system is actually based on the Westminster system but borrows heavily from the US or Washington system. It has been sometimes been referred to as the 'Washminster' system.
It has House of Representatives where the laws are made and a Senate which acts as the house of review. The way this is set up makes it one of the best political systems in the world. The only problem being that it attracts politicians.

Why is a group within another group called a faction? Why not just call it...WellI don't know..a group? But I guess than we wouldn't know if we're taking about the first group or the group that started from the first group, the second group,from the original group? Right?

Enough bookreview for one night. Good night all.


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