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Does anyone know what has happened to the login page. Previously it was very simple, when you wanted to reply or post and you weren't logged in you went straight to a page where you could sign in. It had spaces for your user name and password. Now if I'm not signed in it takes me to the msn groups home page http://groups.msn.com/home

on this page it has a big button that says SIGN IN but whenI click it it just refreshes the same page. Same thing happens when I click the sign in button at the top of the page. I've been having to sign in through hotmail because that seems to be the only place that has a space to enter details like user name and pass word. Is anyone else having this problem?
What exactly does this mean?:
This bulletin board is real time and non-moderated.
I'm a member of another forum and just noticed this on their main page. What exactly is "real time" and how is it that a forum cannot be moderated?
Dont quote me here butI thnk it means something along the lines of :

real time: Meaning when you post a message it appears straight away.

non-moderated: Meaning that there's no-one sitting around looking for naughty words etc in each post, in other words you read at your own risk & if someone uses a heap of profanity then dont go whinging to them.
non-moderated: Meaning that there's no-one sitting around looking for naughty words etc in each post, in other words you read at your own risk & if someone uses a heap of profanity then dont go whinging to them.
You mean like WORL is nowadays? lol-lol



Fanballer: Why is the place where baseball's relief pitchers get ready called a Bullpen?

I've always believed the Bull Durham theory, andI found this explainationfloating in cyber-space :
The origin of the term "bullpen" has long been debated in baseball. One popular notion is that the term came from Bull Durham tobacco. At one time most ballparks had ads on the outfield fences and Bull Durham was always near the spot where the relief pitchers warmed up. In those days all games were day games and the signs provided much needed shade. In 1910 the Bull Durham name was so closely associated with theballpark, that signs where in almost every park in the country. These signs stood 40 feet long by 25 feet high. The company offered a $50 reward to any hitter who could hit a ball off one. In addition, any player hitting a home run in a park with a bull on the fence got a carton of tobacco. In 1909 there were 50 signs in place and 14 players won. The next year with nearly 150 Bull Durham signs being hit 85 times, $4,520 in cash and more than 10,000 pounds of tobacco was given out. While this seems to be the most convincing theory of the terms origin, it should be noted that the term "bullpen" had long been used in the United States to denote either a log enclosure for holding cattle or a holding area for prisoners. This concept of it being an enclosure, along with some help from the Bull Durham promotion, may have strongly influenced the terms use. Another theory likens the relief pitchers to the reserve bulls in bullfighting, who are pinned nearby the arena should the starting bull be deemed unable to fight. Reference- The New Dickson Baseball Dictionary, Paul Dickson


My home page is set to Yahoo dot com. I also have a Yahoo Instant Messenger user name for chatting with friends overseas and here. On my home page it asks me to sign in and put in my password. Yet down below that it has this: Remember my ID & Password with a little squared box before the word "remember" ,which I gather I tick if don't want to sign in every time I log on to the net. Fine.
Why is it then,that even though I have ticked this box a zillion times, I have to put in my user name and password every single time I start my computer?
Is it in my settings somewhere? Am I doing something wrong? I use a similar format to log into this forum (thru Hotmail) and have never had a problem. Is the problem with Yahoo? My computer? Or me?
I've also formated my homepage with different colours, so it shites me when I have the same boring Yahoo standard colours come up.
If you can assist, I would be appreciative.
It's in your Tools setting Ryback.
Give this a try mate.
  1. In Internet Explorer, open the "Tools" menu and select "Internet Options."
  2. On the "General" tab, click the "Settings" button in the "Temporary Internet Files" section.
  3. Under "Check for newer versions of stored pages," click the button for "Every visit to the page."
  4. Click "OK" to save your changes.
  5. Click "OK" to close the menu.


Why do people paste copied articles onhere without identifying their source (URL)?
Isn't that illegal? Can't someone take legal action of some sorts for it?
Just asking....as one or two heredo it very often.
Well...one actually :)


Assistant Moderator
Well I try to mention the source but sometimes Iforget.

The copyright laws in publishing are put in place to stop people using original material without permission so as to make a profit.
We dont make a profit so I dont think the clanger is about to come down.

I think its polite to put the source in with the article but I wouldnt lose any sleep over it if you forget.
Can anyone give me a decent definition of off-balance sheet accounting?? I know its accounts which are kept off the official statements and put into the notes, but can anyone...ummm...expand on that??

Thanks all :)



Thankyou for your assistance Reservoir Dog, but it didn't do the trick.

I'll just bite my tongue I guess.

Cheers there mate.


on the subject of copy and paste (and yes i admit i do it, a lot),, i have permission from quite a few of the kiwi sites (i know a few journos),i type with 1 finger,i dont have to wurry about my spelling and it gives a ,usually, very factual account of what i,m trying to say.
if i was doing the copy and pasteing in order to make a few quid, i would expect trouble, but its mainly for my own benefit.

the game of rugby league gets shit coverage in new zealand, its page 2 news to union.if i can convey kiwi league in a positive light, i see no harm.
usually,the forums or websites have a disclaimer stating the opinions expressed are those of the member and not the website.
bit of arsecovering,but a good idea.
any half witted barrister will tell you internet copyright isnt worth a fanny full of warm beer !!
i usually change a few words here and there.

nz often has nrl news out before aussie, so its good to beat you lot at something ;)


Assistant Moderator
Actually, I do recall getting an invoice last year, sent to me by Sydney Morning Herald photographer, Robert Peet. He managed to find two of his pictures deep in the archives of Saints On TV.. in a new clippings section. He wanted something like $1000 from me for having them on my site.

I was confused because the pics clearly gave credit to the photographer and the $1000 he wanted represented the entire budget of SOTV for about the next ten years.

After I spoke to him on the phone, he agreed that I wasn't in it for the money and let me 'off the hook' as long as I removed the photos from the site... which I did.
I never liked the pics anyway. ;)


lol, we got a tape of the very first warriors game (its coming spacey,its coming), and we are putting it onto cd rom. actually, we thought we would put quite a few on cd-rom and flog then off on a nz auction site.
asked the site webmaster about the legal side of it and he said that,technically,the pictures remained the property of the channel that broadcast them.
that was 7 years ago...

i think the bottom line is if you are in it for $$ or just for your own bennefit.


I have got a annoying footy relatedquestion that has been nagging me for months.

Does everyone remember the ARLcampaign from the "Simply the best" era that had a heap of rookie players talking about their first games. One player said somethingsimmilar to: "Big Blocker Roach picked me up and slammed me down like a rag doll and said 'Welcome to first grade son' ".

Can anyone tell me who that player was?

when did george bush jnr get the gig as us president? As i watching 60mins tonight, and an ex-mistress said that she hadn't spoken saddam for '2yrs'. But later on, she went on to say how corruptsaddam thought it was when junior got the job. Is that making sense, or am i way out and junior has had the job for over 2yrs?


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