Good quote. How do you explain ghosts ? Look I have not seen anything but plenty have. Surely not everyone is lying or their minds played tricks on them ?
To be honest, I don't know.
And the only thing I
100% believe, is that no-one really knows.
Maybe ghosts exist, maybe they don't - maybe it is indeed mind tricks.
I read an interesting theory about how the human brain has developed over the last couple of thousand years. I read this some time ago, so my memory is not exacting on it.
What I recall, is that as the human race has aged, a dividing "gristle" (for want of a better term) has formed between the hemispheres (left and right) of the brain.
The theory examines, that without this barrier - the brain and mind had no division between its rational and creative portion, whereby this processes intermixed without barriers, which made some human fears and emotions manifest as "visions".
It also expanded upon how in groups, visions could become replicated amongst its inhabitants, through the power of suggestion - much like how "mob mentality" works as we know it.
Physiologically, we now have this division, and hence can distinguish imagination from reality.
Today, as with any genetic variance among people, this division is not always fully developed in every individual; whereby those that are more prone to see ghosts and experience supernatural occurrences, are speculated to fall within this category.
Now this was all interesting reading, and while I entertain that there is a possibility that this is correct,
I also entertain the possibility that it isn't.
no-one really knows the mysteries of life for certain - and anyone who says they do are misinformed, however innocently it may be.
The above statement is the only thing I am certain of.
Every human being on this earth is going to die someday, so we will all find out regardless.
We will find one of two things:
- either the immediate and irrevocable loss of consciousness
- or the unravelling of "the great mystery" that was/is life