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Good or bad news, don't know yet

Ron Jeremy

I'm going to be a father it looks like


No Alpacas this time....but actually a human female.

My girlfriend has fallen pregant.....it's unfortunate because we took all the precautions to ensure this didn't happen.

I'm in a big dilema, and so is she!

She's already been offered a spot at Nida ( acting school, spelling) when she turns 21....she's very talented not only in pure English but her acting has caught the eye of many in the industry, she's been eagily encouraged to produce a film for the Sydney short film festival....unfortunately by falling pregant she may jepodise her career, and not only that...i start Uni shortly.

So basically there is two options, i'm split down the middle as morally it's wrong to have an abortion, yet at the same time she may have to sacrifice her career.

There is know guarentee we will be together in the future....and you have to look at things through a childs perspective.

I'd be a great father....and yes Ratt will be played fo sho.

I'm not in a good way, haven't felt this bad since the time i cracked a boner at the local nursing home.


Super Moderator
Staff member
get married Ron. Its your duty to be a parent for the child and to be there for her considering you've shattered her dreams with your massive dong.

Dogs Of War

My wife and I had to make the same decision not long ago, saving for a house at the moment, and we decided to get rid of it, as we are so close to having enough for a deposit and if a baby was to be put in the plans, we could wave bye bye to that.

But at the end of the day, your the one who needs to sit down and discuss this with her. What you want in the future, how you can make this work, how you will finance the baby, it'll all come up pretty clear once you look at the cold hard facts.

Good luck, whatever your decision is.


First Grade
I have no advice for you.

Just my very best wishes and faith that no matter which direction you turn - everything will end up ok.


Staff member
You are not jeapedising your Uni degree or her acting career, you will only delay it for 12 months.

You can register then defer, not sure how Nida works but I assume it would be similar.

As most have said its your (you and your partner) decision Ron, but you need to make an informed desision, check with the tertiary education institutes before you make your decision, because it sounds to me that it will have an effect on your decision.

What ever happens Ron, Good luck. :thumn

The Colonel

Twizzle said:
You are not jeapedising your Uni degree or her acting career, you will only delay it for 12 months.

You can register then defer, not sure how Nida works but I assume it would be similar.

As most have said its your (you and your partner) decision Ron, but you need to make an informed desision, check with the tertiary education institutes before you make your decision, because it sounds to me that it will have an effect on your decision.

What ever happens Ron, Good luck. :thumn

I'm with Twiz. My little fellow was born almost two years ago and was the result of an unplanned event - termination was discussed but we didn't make that decision. You may decide differently but it is something the both of you need to discuss.

My wife is back studying at University - we just had to make some small sacrfices to acheive what we wanted to do. Really putting plans on hold for twelve months isn't to big a deal and you can pick them up again easily enough.....

Again with what ever you decide Ron , good luck.

les norton

First Grade
I was 19 when I had my son in the feb before I was due to start uni. Like twizzle said it only resulted in a 12 month delay. It is possible. At least this seems to be in agreement. :D

My partner also went back to school when my son was 2. It was difficult financially but honestly I wouldnt change a thing. How many dads get to spend that much time with their son? It worked out great for us. (thank god its over!! ;-) )

The fact is the decision your making has a hell of alot more to it than just careers as all that is possible. Good luck with it.

Stagger eel

Staff member
yeah! as Twiz said, you'll only be delaying it, but at the end of the day you need to listen to ya ticker and see what it says,

Bestof luck to you and your partner anyway. ;-)

Ron Jeremy

madunit said:
get married Ron. Its your duty to be a parent for the child and to be there for her considering you've shattered her dreams with your massive dong.

Hey c'mon guy :lol:

but if i get married then i'll be closer to her inlaws :roll: ....and i'll need God fathers & mothers.

Ron Jeremy

Dogs Of War said:
My wife and I had to make the same decision not long ago, saving for a house at the moment, and we decided to get rid of it, as we are so close to having enough for a deposit and if a baby was to be put in the plans, we could wave bye bye to that.

But at the end of the day, your the one who needs to sit down and discuss this with her. What you want in the future, how you can make this work, how you will finance the baby, it'll all come up pretty clear once you look at the cold hard facts.

Good luck, whatever your decision is.

Do you regret it now though??, do you think Karma would bite me on the arse ?

Ron Jeremy

Thanks alot people for being supportive and the kind thoughts, i'm still split down the middle and so is she.

I'd be a great father....i know i would.

:( :(


Post Whore
im sure you both would be great with kids but you really have to weigh up the options and make the best decision for yourselves. Im sure what ever you guys decide it will be the right choice for you and i hope all goes well.


Staff member
Ron Jeremy said:
Dogs Of War said:
My wife and I had to make the same decision not long ago, saving for a house at the moment, and we decided to get rid of it, as we are so close to having enough for a deposit and if a baby was to be put in the plans, we could wave bye bye to that.

But at the end of the day, your the one who needs to sit down and discuss this with her. What you want in the future, how you can make this work, how you will finance the baby, it'll all come up pretty clear once you look at the cold hard facts.

Good luck, whatever your decision is.

Do you regret it now though??, do you think Karma would bite me on the arse ?

Is Karma one of your Alpaccas :D


Super Moderator
Staff member
Ron Jeremy said:
madunit said:
get married Ron. Its your duty to be a parent for the child and to be there for her considering you've shattered her dreams with your massive dong.

Hey c'mon guy :lol:

but if i get married then i'll be closer to her inlaws :roll: ....and i'll need God fathers & mothers.
You only need Godparents if you really believe in a religion.

I denounced mine. hahahaha

Dogs Of War

Ron Jeremy said:
Dogs Of War said:
My wife and I had to make the same decision not long ago, saving for a house at the moment, and we decided to get rid of it, as we are so close to having enough for a deposit and if a baby was to be put in the plans, we could wave bye bye to that.

But at the end of the day, your the one who needs to sit down and discuss this with her. What you want in the future, how you can make this work, how you will finance the baby, it'll all come up pretty clear once you look at the cold hard facts.

Good luck, whatever your decision is.

Do you regret it now though??, do you think Karma would bite me on the arse ?

No, but I thinks thats due to both of desciding that it was the right desicion for us. We both want to have a house so much, and our plans were to go down this road in another year anyhow. But the main thing is sitting down and discussing all your options, and how you will go about it. Good luck whatever you descide

Ron Jeremy

madunit said:
Ron Jeremy said:
madunit said:
get married Ron. Its your duty to be a parent for the child and to be there for her considering you've shattered her dreams with your massive dong.

Hey c'mon guy :lol:

but if i get married then i'll be closer to her inlaws :roll: ....and i'll need God fathers & mothers.
You only need Godparents if you really believe in a religion.

I denounced mine. hahahaha

You wouldn't want to be uncle Unit :lol:

Become a Rabbi Unit....he'll need to be circumsised later :lol:


Super Moderator
Staff member
I'm already an uncle. I forgot I was until you reminded me.

I actually had to write my neice's name down cos I never remember it.

Name the boy something plain and boring.

Like Steve :lol:

Ron Jeremy

madunit said:
I'm already an uncle. I forgot I was until you reminded me.

I actually had to write my neice's name down cos I never remember it.

Name the boy something plain and boring.

Like Steve :lol:

Hey whats wrong wth my name, it's the shizzle of names.

I was thinking of callng the child something boring and old like harold or dot :lol:

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