No, that tells a person they are a citizen of the Commonwealth of Australia. They give those out to 100s if not 1000s of immigrants every year but that does not mean their heritage changes because of it. An Afghani who becomes an Australian citizen is still Afghani
Technically, being a NSWelshman or a Qlder has nothing to do with being Australian. Officially, its simply not recognised either way. There is no official document that states that I am a NSWelshman anywhere in existence. The closest you will get is the place of birth on my birth certificate and we all know that has no baring on SOO eligibility.
This is where it starts to get muddied and that is exactly why it should be where you are born or what citizenship's you hold or have held.
Heritage is where we start to get problems, cut the heritage options and make it the citizenship you hold or where you were born is who you play for. Black and white, few players with a choice and simple. Any other way and their is loophole after loophole and grey area after grey area.
As for SOO, it should be you must hold a Australian citizenship and have lived the majority of your life in either NSW or Queensland. Simple, black and white and easy.
Why does it have to stop? Let blokes like Uate play SOO and for Fiji and you'll see them stick with that country for life. Force them to choose between SOO and their heritage for a minor RL nation and you see the mess we have now.
Even if their was no SOO they would still be those who choose to play for Australia because on average it pays more and on average we play more games a year then their minor nation does, so their will always be those who take a gamble and go for the money.
So from the f##king start it is not a choice between their heritage and SOO, it is a choice between the chance at a large amount of money or a chance at a smaller amount money but also representing your ancestors and heritage.
This is why I suggest that we make the rule which citizenship you own or have owned, and make the players who do have a choice choose at a young age, on the spot and at random. Don't let them talk to their manager, parents or anybody while they make their decision, don't give them any information on how much money they could earn playing for which country, just sit them at a desk in a empty room for 15 or so minutes with a piece of paper that has the names of all the countries they could represent and don't let them out until they have ticked one.
Simple, easy and black and white.
What bullshit. The media will print what fans want to read about and that is SOO. Its up to the fans to demand more coverage of Int'l RL, not the media to reduce SOO coverage. You have it completely backwards.
You would be in the small minority in the RL states if you dont want much media coverage of SOO.
The answer is not to drag SOO down but rather its up to Int'l league to bring itself up to SOOs level.
Firstly pretty much everybody I known who is not from NSW or Queensland and follows RL (myself included) gets very tired of SOO very quickly, normally before the second game, simply because of the ridiculous amount of coverage SOO get's in the media.
This is very detrimental to many aspects of the game but mostly to selling the game as a national game and the international game. At the moment anybody with an interest in RL in WA, VIC, SA, NT, TAS and even the ACT has to be willing to listen to and read all this stuff about about two teams that they have absolutely nothing to do with and in some cases have no interest in. On top of that the people from NZ, Victoria and the ACT have to be willing to cripple their teams on occasion for the cause of one of these state teams that they have absolutely no reason to want to help.
There are a couple of reasons why the AFL got rid of their SOO but the main one was that they were having trouble selling the game to the states and territories that where not yet ready to be part of it. The media (which is simply advertizing for their game) was inadvertently giving off the impression that their game was only for the people from the states represented. This lead them to take the easy road and simply get rid of SOO.
I don't want the ARLC to "take the easy road" and get rid of SOO, I want them to go down one of the harder roads and attempt to marginalize it just a little bit for while, while at the same time promoting the international game more. This does not mean destroying the pedestal that SOO is on and using the rubble to build up the international game, rather it means stop adding all the excess supplies to the SOO pedestal for a while and use those resources to build more onto the international game.
Most people would not even notice the reduction of coverage for SOO and increase of coverage for the international game from year to year, but by the end of this process (which admittedly could take a longtime) both the international game and SOO would be held in high regard. We should be aiming for a time when you can regularly read about what is happening in the game in other countries, much like the soccer section or the RU section where you can read about the local comps and comps over seas. This does not mean that we must stop all coverage of SOO rather that we must reduce it just a little to make more room for coverage of the international game.