I am very humbled to win the POTM... as just to make the bags gf side in such illustrious and imaginative company from a white-hot squad was enough for me.
The kind comments about my piece are well recieved.
I dedicate my award to my subject and his effect on me as a person.
I certainly wouldnt have made it without the constructive criticisms of Willow and Drew-sta ( threw me the passes) while Rexxy, gorilla, Black Kitty and EA have inspired me over the season as have those who didnt make the gf squad.
But its all about the Titans tonight and their sheer word power. They rose to the occasion and over-awed us right at the finish. Courageous and interesting, like all good F7 teams it will take weeks to dissect and deconstruct their fine essays.
What I like most about F7 is that has at its essence a great unravelling of thought, the exposure to which, is uplifting.
I would also like to thank the colonel for his kind words and for refereeing.
I think he nailed it. All the refs have been people I look up to and respect.
Congratulations Titans, you are definately the cats whiskers, your effort is now the benchmark and one that is very high indeed.
Go bags!